Chapter 221

With the same sense of joy, Han Shaoting also appeared.

Right now, it's almost as if I'm keeping the clouds open to see the moon, waiting for Nizi to figure it out!

Han Mu was not stunned by the smoke bombs from her husband's arrival. Judging from their reactions just now, Benson is definitely not a good bird.

Did I really make a mistake back then?
She couldn't bear the excessive suspicion, so she anxiously asked, "Who the hell is Benson?"

"Here, I should be the one who has the most right to speak. No one is allowed to interrupt!" Tan Junzhan's overly cold voice sounded immediately.

After hearing this, Xue Yingying just curled her lips and didn't express any opinions.In terms of age, he is not the oldest.But in terms of position, he doesn't seem to be low.

"Benson, he was originally the No. [-] important member of the K organization. Later, he was expelled from the organization by the leader because he made some mistakes. The K organization is the biggest enemy of our army, and it has disappeared in recent years."

"Then?" Mother Han was more impatient, wanting to know the rest of the story, staring at him with both eyes.

Xue Yingying snorted unconsciously, raised her eyebrows indifferently, and said, "I don't know if you still remember the party members 13 years ago?"

"Dang family? How could there be no one? The party family at that time, even if they talk about it now, they can be regarded as the number one person. It's a pity that it just fell like this in one night!" Mother Han sighed for a while. Now, a reflex arc soon appeared in her mind: "This has something to do with him?"

"To be exact, he used a series of tricks back then. From the very beginning, his goal was not Xia Xuanfu and Han Shaoting, but the relationship between me and Ah Zhan. I will use you to break up my sister. For our pair, this is just the first step. By the way, Ah Zhan, do you still remember the diary Lian Yinyun kept before he passed away?"

She had only finished speaking halfway, and she even ran to chat with the crown prince!

How could there be such a person in the world?
Mother Han's eyes widened in disbelief.

Xia Xuanfu looked amused, the sisters are so awesome, they are indirectly venting their anger for themselves!
"I have a little impression. Have you found other things in it these few days?" Tan Junzhan took a breath and asked in bewilderment.

It wasn't long before the memory was restored, and a lot of work at hand began to return to normal.There was a pile of mess waiting for him to clean up, so naturally, he left it behind, thanks to her caring!

After nodding her head a few times, she continued to speak, after all, it's not a good thing to make people appetite.

"Lian Yinyun's proposal to you at the beginning, and the tricks she used later, don't you find it strange? Also, when did she and Benson get entangled? Have you thought about these issues carefully?"

At the critical moment, her high IQ was immediately highlighted, which made perfect sense.

"Divorce Xia Xuanfu, this is to pave the way for the relationship between me and you in the future. As for the party's family, in fact, the main thing is to get the family property of the party's family, and to fulfill the promise with Guan Hong. As for Lian Yinyun, let's say It makes sense. Her purpose is simpler and clearer, and she doesn't want you. And I am a victim, because I have a face that resembles my aunt, so all the spearheads are pointed at me. "

All the thoughts were straightened out, and as a result, she was depressed all by herself.

"Benson, I have to catch it with my hands. Girl, don't you believe in my ability?" He wrapped his warm palm around her slapped face, and he just looked at her affectionately.

"I believe!"

The three simple words were spoken forcefully by her.

"You two adults, are you ashamed to say such things? Anyway, I don't care. I'm hungry and I want to go out to eat delicious food. You two can decide what to do?"

Tan Yi jumped and jumped outside, without any regard for his own safety.

As parents, how could you be at ease?Especially in this sensitive period, in case Bensen is lurking outside...

As a result, they really can't have a just in case.

"Yiyi, wait a minute, mom is coming soon!"

Xue Yingying stopped the cheerful Tan Yi, then got up and walked towards the sisters. She held each other's hands tightly, and a warm current gradually rushed to her body: "Xuanzi, I am not you, and I can't influence your thoughts. I only have a word of advice, Please cherish everything you have now! Because we missed it, we cherish it very much. Don’t stop at the same place because of small conflicts. When you lose it in the end, it’s useless for you to regret it. Let’s do it today, and we will do it another day Let's meet again sometime!"

Tan Junzhan was also not idle, his words were obviously very simple: "Han Shaoting, a man will take her down this year. Otherwise, don't do it under me!"

"Yes, Han Shaoting issued a military order here. If I don't remarry Xia Xuan before the end of the year, I will retire!"

Han Shaoting's voice was clean and clear. As soon as these words came out, Xia Xuanfu immediately threw curses at him: "You are out of your mind! Retired, have you thought about your future?"

"Yes, as long as you marry me, isn't it over?" Encouraged by the boss, Han Shaoting no longer hugged her fearlessly.


Perhaps Xue Yingying's previous persuasion had an effect, Xia Xuanfu's tone quickly calmed down.

Seeing that nothing had happened here, Xue Yingying and her family of three left here together, leaving the rest of the matter to be resolved by themselves.

The current situation is already clear, but some people are still delusional about doing that dying struggle.

When Mother Han heard the tone of her husband and son, how could she hold back her breath, she shouted loudly: "Marry her? I won't allow it, you two don't even think about it!"

"You don't agree with their marriage? That's fine, let's get divorced first! Otherwise, I'll have to listen to this matter." Compared with stubbornness, this couple has already hit it off, and no one is going to give in. .

"Have you had enough trouble? You just went back and cried all night. You need enough sleep. If you want to quarrel, go home and quarrel. Don't stay here to be an eyesore."

Xia Xuanfu lost her eyes and only showed her head from the back. She didn't want to pay attention to the chattering two people.Combined, the two ages are almost a century old, and they are still so childish!

As soon as the car arrived at the Huazhai, it just stopped, Tan Yi quickly opened the door and slipped down by herself.

Xue Yingying looked at it with no idea: "One by one, be careful, don't fall!"

"Mom, do you think I'm as expensive as you? Well, it smells so good. Brother Benny must have cooked dinner! I'm so hungry, Mom, you can serve as Dad's dinner first!"

Before Tan Yi left, he actually made a face for her.

But, where did she learn what she said just now?Xue Yingying didn't understand.

"Since the little baby has said so, you are a big baby, shouldn't you give me some sweets?"

Xue Yingying raised her head, and saw him smiling lasciviously, with the scarlet color that is often seen in his eyes, as if a "Manchu Banquet" had appeared in front of him, and he was eagerly waiting to eat it now!

In this public place, does he still want to lose face?

Xia Xuanfu had a thin skin and walked in with rosy cheeks.

If I really let him succeed, where should I find my face?Especially in front of the two children, it is obvious that they are at the top of the list of bad role models.

"Hoohoo...Tan Junzhan, don't you hurry up and let me go, believe it or not, my fist can beat you fat in minutes, even your parents won't recognize you!"

Mierna was lightly carried on his shoulders like this, and despite her vicious warning, he still refused to listen.She had no choice but to use brute force to show resistance.

"It's okay! I don't need their identification, as long as you don't find the wrong husband, then it's fine!" He just looked cheerful and didn't care at all.

She waved her hands and was about to start.But I was afraid that if I didn't pay attention and didn't control my strength well, I would hurt him.So, she could only withdraw this idea and continue to take advantage of it.

Do it?It's no wonder she would be willing, and in addition, the difference between men and women has long destined her to be unable to resist his tyranny.

Tan Junzhan didn't believe her nonsense, if he really wanted to do it, his body would have already been covered with scars, and he could wait now!
A light slap lightly patted her round buttocks, not to mention, this touch really made him yearn for, especially that——

Tan Junzhan laughed muffledly, at first he just wanted to cheer up his husband, but at this moment, his hands unconsciously rubbed on it, groping around: "Ninny, your place is so flexible, I can't put it down! Speaking of the sweetness you want to reward me, I am looking forward to it!"

It's hard to be hung upside down by a golden hook!

The blood all over her body rushed straight to her forehead, and she still couldn't say a word, not even a negative word!

In this way, she was resisted by him into the living room.

"Benny, save me!"

Xue Yingying took a casual look, and happened to see Benny serving the dishes.

Benny was about to come over to carry out the rescue, but was interrupted by the little bastard Tan Yi.

I only heard her chuckle happily: "Brother Benny, you have to be careful! If you dare to interrupt the good work of the old man, you will be punished with braised bamboo shoots in oil! Also, according to my opinion , This is the expression of father's love for mother."

"Father, come on, remember I want a little brother, don't make me a little sister!"

Xue Yingying nearly vomited blood when she heard the latter sentence.

God damn it, which unwritten guy instilled such bad thoughts in Yiyi's mind?

Before Benny gave the final result, Tan Junzhan took big strides without shaking his head, overcame all obstacles, and finally entered the bedroom of the two of them.

He slammed the door shut with his toes, making a loud bang, bang!

As soon as he returned to the inner room of the room, he finally released her, but he pressed her whole body against the door panel.

(End of this chapter)

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