Chapter 222
The next morning, Xue Yingying opened her eyes in a daze under someone's movement.

Before her sleepy eyes were fully opened, she said in a sleepy voice: "What time is it now? It's time for you to go thorn!"

By the way, she nudged him with her hands, and her purpose of driving him away was quite strong!

"Baby, tell me, what is your purpose? Anyway, I will know in the end, so don't pretend to be confused!"

Tan Junzhan's sinister voice was different from the expression on his face.

With an indifferent smile on her face, and being domineering and stubborn, she has the ability to say let him know and try at the end!

Xue Yingying suddenly woke up, she shook her head, and finally remembered what she had agreed with her sisters a few days ago.If her man finds out about this matter, is it possible to carry it out later?

Obviously it is a negative answer!

Therefore, she had no choice but to put on a smile, and said with a sweet smile: "What purpose does he have? You know how to slander my innocence! Hurry up and go to the thorn, and I will give you a big gift later."

"Great gift?" The man looked puzzled, and the end of his pleasant male voice turned up, as if he was waiting for her next words.

In fact, Xue Yingying was talking nonsense, how could she know what kind of gift she wanted to give?

With a brainstorm, she quickly lied for herself: "The secret must not be revealed! If you really force me, the benefits tonight will be gone!"

She smiled happily, her heart would be overjoyed, she wished that this would become an established fact!

Compared with the average man, his man's mouth is indeed like honey, but he is really not vague enough when asking for her, every time she wants to kick him, he knows how to restrain himself.

Early the next morning, when she woke up, her delicate body moved slightly, and all kinds of pain felt on her upper body.She lowered her head and looked down. There were traces of bruises all over her body. She wished she could drive him to the bedroom for a night as a lesson.
However, she never got what she wanted.

Henceforth, she knows best that offering herself as a gift to her door is probably the best gift!
"I'll just believe you this time! Girl, don't climb up the pole, so as not to frustrate me!" The moment Tan Junzhan spoke harshly, his hungry wolf claws also Unceremoniously, he directly grabbed her tactile buttocks, and in his hands, changed all kinds of strange shapes.

"Get lost! This old lady is not the reincarnation of Daji, why don't you hurry up and put this name on me!" Xue Yingying got a little angry when she thought of a bad idea, and wanted to push him away.

However, he controlled her little face with both hands domineeringly, and slapped her down heavily: "Ninny, you are you, not anyone's substitute. In this life, you are the only woman I have, and you are the only one who can make me stand up." Reaction. Touch it if you don’t believe me!”

The seductive tone really looks like a wolf grandmother!
One more shot before departure?Ah bah, thank goodness he figured it out!
Xue Yingying stared blankly, and scorned him unceremoniously in front of him: "Tan Junzhan, I have this kind of personality. Is my lawlessness just spoiled by you? In the early morning, don't let me be in heat. Wait until the night is dark. , I will do whatever you want! Prince, you can get out now!"

Her tone was really suffocating, and she almost flew straight to his ass with a kick.

"Nizi, that's what you said. When the time comes, don't pretend to be forgetful for me!" Before leaving, he still touched her cheek with his hand.

Not to mention, her age also starts with three characters, this greasy touch is almost the same as when she was eighteen!

The caress of the salty pig's hand may eventually cause the possibility of turning into a wolf!

Therefore, Xue Yingying stared fiercely.Just as she was about to reprimand, she suddenly thought of a serious problem.If she continued to be fierce, would he finally pull away from her and leave?

This issue must be taken seriously!
Xue Yingying immediately changed her expression: "Dear husband, my child and I are waiting for you to come back at home! It's time for you to go, otherwise others will have to laugh behind your back that you are a wife slave."

"Originally, I am not afraid of being said!"

Who knew, he would throw a sentence, the words were not shocking, and the gods would reply endlessly.

Xue Yingying was so startled that she couldn't predict it. She raised her head and looked into the distance, not wanting to pay attention to him.

Seeing her like this, Tan Junzhan couldn't help laughing loudly, and continued to mess around with her with his hands.After making a fuss for quite a while, just when Nizi was about to explode, he finally stopped.

Before leaving, he kissed her lightly on the lips, then picked up his coat, and left in a hurry.

And Xue Yingying was leaning against the French window, watching him leave.

As soon as he left the field of vision, Xue Yingying immediately dialed the numbers of the sisters and said with great interest: "Sisters, the enemy army has already left, and our army should also start to move!"

"Decree!" This was the reply that Bi Duan received.

But she never expected that the bedroom door was pushed open a crack by someone with a heart, and all the little brains looked in, just in time to eavesdrop on her words.

enemy?Our army?
What is mom doing.Do it like an undercover agent?

Tan Yi's mind is very good, and he quickly thought of this level.Her beautiful eyeballs burst into beautiful eyes all at once.

It turned out to be like this, she had to report to her father!
Mom will stay by her side only if she belongs to Dad.

So happy to decide!
One by one, while Xue Yingying was still busy in the room, her dexterous body quickly disappeared.

Where did she go?

Apart from secretly reporting to someone, what else could there be?

Tan Yi's crisp cry came from the other end of the phone.

After Tan Junzhan heard this, his whole body was extremely refreshed.Staying alone in the office, the corners of his mouth raised unconsciously, completely out of his control.

"Little girl, speak up when you have something to say, don't hesitate to talk to me like a bitch!"

It's rare that she took the initiative to make a phone call. He still has to give him this face, and stop the work at hand first!
"Huh, smelly Baba, no wonder mom treats you as an enemy! Yiyi is a little girl, okay?" Without saying a word accurately, the little guy became fussy.

This nonchalant and angry character is completely inherited from her bloodline!
But it's okay, girls occasionally play with their temper, so that they are more like a girl doll, which is better than an excessively strong personality!

Tan Junzhan comforted herself so much, but what was the "enemy army" she just said?

"Tan Yi, tell me clearly!"

At her age, how could she master this word?He couldn't figure it out.

"Hmph! It must be you who made mom unhappy! Otherwise, how could she abandon me?" Thinking of the stakes, Tan Yi unconsciously burst into tears.

After choking his voice, the little guy continued crying: "Smelly old man, mom was on the phone just now, saying 'sisters, the enemy army has left, our army should also start action', what does this mean? what?"

The little guy has a strong thirst for knowledge, and he can figure out this connection in minutes.

Hearing the latest sentence that came out of her mouth, Tan Junzhan wanted to laugh wildly.

His cute little baby, how could she abandon their father and daughter?If his estimation is correct, only a certain man was the one who was tricked this time.

Well, it's under his command——Han Shaoting!

"Yiyi, don't want your mother to leave?" Tan Junzhan said as if to seduce her.

Tan Yi, as the crystallization of the love between the two of them, has collected all the advantages and disadvantages of the two of them from her, even including——

"Father, you fucking like to talk nonsense?" Who knew that the little guy would say something rude.

Tan Junzhan was stunned when he heard it. Is this clearly his favorite catchphrase?
It seems that in front of the children, I have to pay attention to my image, not to imitate the good ones, but to imitate the bad ones!If my daughter really found out, she wanted to kill him every minute!
"Tan Yi, you are a girl, I take back that foul language! Let me hear it next time, and I will punish you for confinement!"

Controlling violence with violence is the only way he can think of!
But he did not expect that the little guy at this age began to have rebellious elements in his bones!

"Isn't it you who taught me? What's the meaning of confinement, I don't care! I want my mother, and I don't want my mother to leave me! Big bastard, I don't want to talk to you anymore!"

When Tan Yi got excited, she cut off the phone directly and lost the signal.

It's exciting to talk about Jun Zhan's mood, I don't know if it will affect my daughter's plan?

Pacing back and forth, he finally couldn't hold back, and dialed the phone to inquire.

Chinese house.

After Tan Yi hung up the phone, she switched her phone to silent mode and stuffed it under the cushion, not wanting her dear mother to find out.

A snitch, even she doesn't like to see her!

Even Xue Yingying, who was busy on the second floor, was frightened by the little guy's yell just now.

She went downstairs in a hurry, and soon found where Tan Yi was.

The pair of eyeballs are rosy and moist, which makes me feel distressed!

"One by one? Mother's little baby, don't cry! Which little bastard bullied you? Hurry up and tell mother!"

Tan Yi was crying vigorously, she didn't seem to be pretending as usual, her shoulders trembled slightly, Xue Yingying looked at her with all kinds of discomfort in her heart.She quickly came to the little guy, without saying a word, just knelt in front of her, looking for the location of her injury with caring eyes.


He exhaled heavily from the chest, because Xue Yingying didn't find any trauma on her body, so she finally felt relieved!

"Mom, are you going to elope with a wild man?"

Asking this sentence in a childish voice, Xue Yingying was frightened and stunned.

The little guy's sadness came from this idea?
"Yiyi, did you eavesdrop on your mother's phone call just now?" Xue Yingying could only think of this relationship.

(End of this chapter)

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