Chapter 223
Tan Yi is a child well educated by them, eavesdropping is not a good thing.

So, she began to admit her mistake: "Mom, I'm sorry, Yi Yi didn't eavesdrop on purpose! But, can you not want Yi Yi?"

Tan Yi raised his head abruptly, his eyes filled with tears, his heart itched and his heart felt all sorts of uncomfortable.

Because of her childhood experience, she became extremely sensitive in her heart, fearing that she would be left behind every minute.

To put it bluntly, it's all about them as parents.

Xue Yingying couldn't blame her, so she could only use her fingers to wipe away the tears from the corners of her eyes one by one.

"Aunt Xia and Uncle Han, you know each other, right?"

The little guy nodded abruptly, and after a pause, she continued, "Aren't they the parents of the slug?"

Hearing that address, Xue Yingying's eyes darkened.

Even if you feel sorry for the growing environment of the little guy, education and caring are two different things.

"Tan Yi, you are not allowed to call other children nicknames in the future, do you hear me?"

"Mom, I know my mistakes one by one, and I won't do this again in the future." Tan Yi is quite quick to correct her mistakes once she knows her mistakes!

If you know a mistake, you can correct it. There is nothing good about it.

Xue Yingying will not make a big fuss about this matter.

She went on to say: "Do you always miss your parents, and you and Brother Benny, the family will always be together?"

Xue Yingying was afraid that she would not be able to understand the too profound truth, so she had to use herself as a metaphor.

"That's a must!"

Rolling up her sleeves one by one and wiping her face, she forcefully expressed her opinion: "We are all one family, right? Mom, the whole family must be together, you can't be separated from Dad. Although I I know that my father has a lot of bad and bad habits, such as that prickly beard is very annoying. He also knows how to scold others, and likes to put me in confinement when he has nothing to do, which is annoying! But there is no way, no matter how annoying he is, He is still my father. Mom, you can't abandon him just because of his bad fart habits, no, I won't allow it!"

Tan Junzhan had just approached the living room, who knew that he just heard his image in Tan Yi's mind.


As bad as him?

Do you train people at every turn?

Close the confinement if you have nothing to do?

Well, he had to admit that the last two were bad habits brought out in the military camp.However, he really refused to admit the first two.

Fart?That's his grand prince, his innate instinct, okay?So the little doll couldn't figure out the situation.

As for the prickly beard, her mother didn't even have an opinion, but this little guy dared to slander him behind his back.

However, her last sentence was quite pleasing to his ears, as expected of him!
Tan Junzhan was ready and was about to go in when he heard Xue Yingying's mysterious voice.

"Yiyi, you all think this way, don't you think so badly?"

Tan Junzhan, who was outside the door, couldn't see Tan Yi's expression, only heard Xue Yingying's voice sounded again not long after the words were finished: "BINGBO, you got the answer right! One by one, mom is helping Aunt Xia and Uncle Han today, Some lovers will eventually get married. How about it, do you want to hang out with your mother?"

This girl, after all, she still can't worry about this matter!
Even though Tan Junzhan hasn't figured out her overall plan, he still has to help her.

He resolutely pulled away, and after driving away from the mansion, he found a quiet place and called Han Shaoting: "How are you and Xia Xuanfu thinking?"

"Boss, you are so bored!" Han Shaoting seemed to be framing his speech.

When a certain person heard this, he wanted to hang up the phone directly, or give the other party a severe punishment.

However, my ruthless image in my precious daughter has been deeply ingrained, so should I start to learn to change it?

Tan Junzhan thought about it, and his words quickly changed: "I don't need to intervene? Well, if you have the ability, don't join hands with your daughter to help! Chasing your wife is your own problem, you have the ability Come alone."

"Boss, I was wrong, I shouldn't have said that!"

Han Shaoting's voice suddenly became quite old. From the first time he met her in the third year of high school, he wished he could marry her back home.

Fifteen years have passed, and her son was born, but who knows that she stubbornly refuses to get a certificate from him.A stubborn woman, all the failures of his life fell on her.

"Okay! You just listen to your sister-in-law's arrangements, she has always had a lot of tricks. She will not be able to calm down until the matter between you and Xia Xuanfu is over. I still owe her a century wedding."

Tan Junzhan never dared to forget this promise.Because he wasn't fully prepared, he didn't dare to reveal himself in front of her easily.

"Boss, if the matter between me and her is really settled, you and sister-in-law will be our matchmakers. At that time, brothers will help you to make suggestions!"

We have known each other for many years, Han Shaoting followed him as always, there is still a reason after all!

"Success, you go and prepare first! Only success is allowed, no failure is allowed!"

No more gossip, Tan Junzhan cut off the phone resolutely, he didn't want Nizi to come back with a sad face, and finally disturb the two of them.

Speaking of the other side, Xue Yingying was very relieved of Benny, and Tan Jianguo attached great importance to this little grandson.So, before Xue Yingying left, she sent Benny to Tan's house, and hurried to the agreed place.

When she and Tan Yi arrived, there were several empty coffee cups on Xia Xuanfu's clean table.

"Okay, sisters! Drink so much in one go? I went picking grass last night, why don't you have energy?" As soon as Xue Yingying appeared, she also stimulated her verbally.

Unexpectedly, this time, Xia Xuanfu did not refute her sharply, but lowered his head silently: "Sisters! He is getting married!"

"Him? Who? Your other lover?" Xue Yingying opened her eyes wide and was good at telling nonsense.

Knowing that the two of them belong to the category of stubborn eyes, how can there be room for another person in their eyes?
"He, Han Shaoting. He promised that he would wait for me, but I didn't expect that what he said was just a set of words." Xia Xuanfu said angrily, then raised his head and took another sip of the bitter in-situ coffee.

That's not the way to abuse yourself!
Xue Yingying snatched it immediately: "Sisters, this is not like your demeanor! Even if we can't get it, other women can't even think of it! Bad and bad are not by your side? My family will help you today. Don't take Han Shaoting He turned the world upside down, how can you be worthy of yourself?"

"Xuanzi, do you need to be so ruthless?"

Xia Xuanfu was depressed, these sisters were indeed more ruthless than her.

"Think about how bad your family is, am I cruel enough?"

"Success, I will listen to you this time!"

(End of this chapter)

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