Gag 224
Standing at the entrance of the magnificent hotel, Xia Xuanfu's footsteps stopped and he stopped walking forward.

Seeing this, Xue Yingying became impatient.

At this point, it is only a short shot to succeed, how could she let it fall short?

"Are you afraid?"

"Yingzi, I will have a negative impact on him like this. Forget it, just let Huaihua live with me. I shouldn't be involved in his world."

As long as you push forward with both hands, the closed door can be opened.

It is absolutely impossible for Xue Yingying's personality to make her a coward.

The happiness of the sisters is her most important pursuit at present!
"Forget it, I don't want to force you... ah!"

Xue Yingying seemed to have nothing to do with her, but when the two of them were about to leave, the door creaked open.Among the crowds inside, the big ones looked over, and seemed to be curious about the two of them.

"Yingzi, what's going on?" Xia Xuanfu asked foolishly. Wasn't the door closed?

As for her, she deliberately pretended to be completely ignorant, and touched the back of her head innocently: "I don't know, or when I turned around just now, I accidentally bumped into it?"

The corners of Xia Xuanfu's eyes visibly twitched!
Isn't this obvious?How could this door be opened if someone hadn't unscrewed it?

The sisters clearly made the decision for her!
She understood Xue Yingying's concern about her, so she didn't blame her too much.Things have developed to the present, and there seems to be no other way but to drive ducks to the shelves—go inside.

Due to his strong character, Xia Xuanfu couldn't run away like a turtle.

"Sisters, take Yi Yi, let's go in."

Xia Xuanfu became ruthless and directly cut off his escape route.

Tan Yi, the little guy, smiled very happily. Xue Yingying was afraid that her sisters would find something strange, so she had to put on her soft buttocks, and her eyes hinted that she should be quiet!

Since her return, Xue Yingying has rarely appeared in public, and there are only a few people in the entire capital who can identify her carefully.

On the other hand, Xia Xuanfu, it is well known that she lived with few singles and gave birth to a boy.

No, as soon as she appeared on the stage, the whole scene immediately boiled up.

With a casual glance, Xia Xuanfu finally found the target person.

However, as soon as she saw the smiling woman standing beside her, her eyes suddenly widened.

how could be?

"Sister Xia, welcome to Brother Han's wedding."

The gentle female voice, if it was Han Shaoting who hadn't met her again five years ago, that woman might be his favorite dish.But once the times have changed, it's hard to tell.

However, she is wearing a white wedding dress, and she is smiling happily at the moment. If this is not a bride's airs, then what is it?
Now everyone is watching her jokes, even if Xia Xuanfu doesn't think about himself, he should save some face for Xiao Huai.

She said in a flat tone, "I'm sorry! I came here temporarily, and the gift money is not ready, so I will pay it with this."

What the hell?

Xue Yingying was also curious, she looked around.

When the bright light shone, a dazzling light almost blinded their eyes.

Can emit this kind of light, besides that thing, is there anything else?

Everyone remained still, but the man on the stage jumped down.

After a few steps, he was already close to her.

Changing his breath suddenly, he forcibly grabbed her arm, threatening coldly: "Are you sure you want to take this thing off?"

"I'm sure and sure! The shoes that have been worn for a long time are indeed no longer worn, but their surface has become dirty. I don't want it, and this thing is the same!"

Xia Xuanfu took advantage of the situation and pushed him back, finally pushing him away from her side.

Her breath stagnated, and she finally calmed down her excitement: "I like the new and dislike the old! Han Shaoting, you heard me clearly! It's the old lady who doesn't want you and wants to break up with you! If you spoil him, I can continue to let him crown you The Han family name, but he is mine!"

"Sisters, let's go!"

After Xia Xuanfu put down his harsh words, he planned to escape.

With her little thoughts, would Xue Yingying not understand?
The reason why two people can develop into good girlfriends for many years is precisely because they have some similarities in personality.

On the surface, you must be strong, and you must not let men have the opportunity to hurt themselves.But when they turned around, they would always hide in a corner, secretly licking their wounds.

The behavior of the sisters is probably nine out of ten.

Xue Yingying stepped forward quietly, pointed at Han Shaoting with a hint of eyes, but said insignificant words: "Han Shaoting, you are so serious, you didn't tell me such a big news? Make up for that gap!"

"Sister-in-law, you don't need to spend money."

Han Shaoting vetoed it straight away, but his eyes were always fixed on the back of that stubborn woman.

Damn it, can't she learn to relax properly?
Xue Yingying wanted to say something, but at this moment a big hand hugged her tightly.

When a strange man approaches, will the little guy stay still?

Just as she was curious, that familiar voice floated into her cochlea: "Trust him, he will give Xia Xuanfu a perfect answer!"

"What if it fails?" Xue Yingying had no confidence in the man at all, she curled her lips and asked.

"Then I will make him unable to stay in the military! He also calls himself 'women murderer'!"

Is he jealous?
Xue Yingying laughed muffledly by herself, while on the other side, Xia Xuanfu didn't hear any noise from the sisters, so she turned around to check.

As expected of Han Shaoting who has been in the army for many years, his quick eyesight and quick hands are quite good.

As soon as she turned around, he immediately knelt down on one knee.

And what surprised her the most was, where did the bright bouquet of roses in his hand come from?I remember just at that moment, his hands were very clean——

"Xia Xuanfu, at this holy moment, I don't want to continue making jokes and dawdling around. With the witness of all my relatives and friends, I have to say something."

"I do not want to hear."

Xia Xuanfu turned around quickly, she knew everything about what he wanted to say next, but she wasn't ready yet.

There is no other way but to run away.

She is so stupid, but this is thanks to him.

However, there was a smiling order from the sisters from behind her: "Come here, block all the entrances and exits tightly, and not even a fly can fly out."

"Yingzi, you design me too?"

As far as the current situation is concerned, besides facing it, what else can she do?However, this question must be asked clearly.

(End of this chapter)

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