Bamboo horse husband and green plum wife

Chapter 227 Family Made Children

Chapter 227

The beautiful eyes of his daughter-in-law are looking at him, Han Shaoting can't be careless, now is the most critical period.

He breathed a sigh of relief, and finally started the most important part of the day.

"Baby, these magnetic cards and passbooks, all my savings over the years and my monthly salary in the future are all here. This is the household registration book and ID card. If you are willing to nod now, we will go now Get the certificate. I can't wait for a minute!"

When it should be normal, Han Shaoting's state can't last long.

"All your wealth to propose marriage? This idea is really fresh, you have to learn a little bit, prince." Xue Yingying raised her head and smiled slightly, and took the initiative to stick her body to him who was hot on the surface.

"you want?"

As long as she wanted something, even if it was impossible, he would agree to it, except for letting her go.Of course, at this stage, Xue Yingying would never say such things at all.

Well, it depends on the current state.

Who can stand up and down emotions?She couldn't stand the first one either.

"I know that the sperm is on the brain all day long!" She rolled her eyes and didn't bother to pay attention to him.

At the critical moment, Xue Yingying was gearing up for this last step, and it seemed that it was time for her to make a move.

She put aside the men who were sticky around her, and walked towards the woman who was still worrying all the time.

"Hey, sisters! Remember our agreement? No matter which one gets married first, the other must be the bridesmaid, even if the other is already married."

"I remember, but I..." Xia Xuanfu is a person who keeps her promise, but she hasn't made up her mind yet, so what do you guys mean?

She moved her lips and wanted to speak, but Xue Yingying blocked her with one hand, taking the priority to speak.

Facing today's situation, not only Han Shaoting, but Xue Yingying also made up their minds, they must solve the life-long affairs of the two of them, otherwise she would have trouble sleeping and eating every night.

Taking light steps, Xue Yingying soon came to her side.

At this time, Ding Keke's figure appeared out of nowhere, and she deliberately reduced her sense of existence, not wanting Xue Yingying to discover her presence.

In front of him talking about Jun Zhan, she deliberately lowered her voice, and said, "Boss, he has appeared, sister-in-law..."

Ding Keke looked over there nervously, a certain girl was smiling happily at the moment!
"I have my own solution to this matter! You guys stay in the dark and protect her. Go down first!"

Raising his left hand, he waved his hand indifferently, and Ding Keke had no choice but to step back first.

The boss said so, so she had no choice but to follow orders.

But the little guy became fussy, and her naughty hands tightly wrapped around his strong calf.

Tan Junzhan lowered his head and looked over, he calmed down and asked in a low voice, "Yi Yi, what's wrong?"

"Father, is someone going to hurt Mom?" Tan Yi usually sees that his IQ is not as good as Benny's, but at critical moments, he is better than anyone else.

This realization gave Tan Jun Zhan a headache, and she had never seen such a good comprehension ability.

For the later development of the matter, he smiled lowly, hugged the little guy in his arms, and gently scratched the bridge of her nose with his fingers: "With your father here, protecting you and mother is nothing to worry about! You don't have to worry about it!" It's enough for me to cause trouble!"

"Father, I don't want you to be separated from mom, neither of you! Do you hear that?" Tan Yi is young, so I don't know where he learned this trick.

The little guy's roaring skills should not be underestimated. She mustered all her strength and threw it all at the place where he pulled his ear skin.

The father and daughter were getting serious here, but before he could speak a lesson, he was interrupted by a burst of warm applause from around.

What happened?
Children are the ones who like to join in the fun, seeing this situation, they beat him hard and shouted loudly: "Daddy, Daddy, I want to go down!"

Unable to resist her request, he let go of his hand a little bit, and she slid down nimbly.

Looking at the past with sharp eyes like black panthers, the two sisters were already crying, and people around them kept coming forward and saying congratulatory words to Han Shaoting.

If this plan is considered a success, then it is time for them to retire.

Thinking of this level, Tan Junzhan raised his eyebrows, and then took action.

Approaching her, he casually picked her up, and her soft body fell into his hands.He would never feel greasy about that smooth touch in his life.

"Should we go?"

"Where are you going?" Nizi turned around, her words seemed a little sullen.

He just sighed, not just for the sake of her safety.He had to guard against that person, but he couldn't let her know of his existence.

"Go home and make babies!"

"Talk about Jun Zhan, can't you be serious?"

Raising the corners of his lips, the crown prince doesn't take this seriously.

Isn't flirting the way a couple should be?As an old couple, they need to use this as a condiment, and they will not get bored in their lives.

The surroundings were lively and exciting, but the two of them were unusual among this group of people, they just immersed themselves in their own small world without being disturbed by outsiders.

"Seriously, how do you make a child? Do you like Han Huaihuai?"

"Who wouldn't like a clean kid? Benny and Yiyi, I like it too, there's no comparison."

He knew that she was envious, being proposed by the man he liked, he had always been clear about it.He had promised her that he would give her a grand wedding, but now not even a ghost appeared.

No wonder her eyes follow the happy sisters around!

It's him who can't stand her!

Tan Junzhan clenched his palms secretly, and once again gave himself a death order from the bottom of his heart.

The first big thing right now is to get rid of Benson, strictly control the time, and make up for her a decent wedding as soon as possible.



"Yingzi, move quickly! Come change clothes with me." On the other end, Xia Xuanfu was so full of happiness that she was waving to Xue Yingying.

As for Nizi, she agreed.

The bullshit logic of "seeing sex and forgetting righteousness" doesn't seem to work in her place, she is a guy who values ​​friends and forgets husbands.

The prince's face darkened, he looked like an aggrieved child.

Xue Yingying saw it was funny, she didn't know whether to laugh or cry, she raised her hand and groped on his cheek: "Okay! At worst, I'll make it up to you later! Sisters' wedding is important, I'll make preparations first, let's do this first!"

In just a blink of an eye, the cheerful figures of the two of them disappeared.

Those who didn't know thought she was the one who got married!

Thinking about it this way, Tan Junzhan felt a lot more guilty towards her.

He stayed where he was thinking, but a call from his mobile phone made him nervous.

"The prince's daughter-in-law, I don't know what it will taste like?"

(End of this chapter)

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