Chapter 228 Ether Appears
that voice...

How long has it been since he showed up again!
But no matter what, Tan Junzhan still recognized it immediately.

His stern eyes narrowed slightly, and words like icy scum popped out of his mouth: "Benson? You fucking... court death!"

"Prince... Are you scared? I didn't expect it, how many years have passed, and she is your deathbed." Benson on the other end laughed, quite satisfied with this discovery.

As the groom-to-be, Han Shaoting is enjoying himself at the moment.

However, the long-term military life has given him a keen sense that ordinary people do not have.

After looking around the entire scene, he finally locked his uncomfortable feeling on the boss.So, he lifted his foot and rushed over.

As soon as he approached, his lips moved up and down. Before he could speak, the crown prince threw a few words out of his mouth: "Where are they?"

Who is it?

After being dazed for a few seconds, he finally responded, "They went to the changing room..."

"Boss, it's not good, my sister-in-law was kidnapped."

Ding Keke's voice hit the door, but no one was seen.

"Benson, don't think I will let you go this time!" Tan Junzhan was so angry that no one could make him suppress his anger.

"Then wait and see!"

As the No.1 who is not afraid of death, Benson is indeed worthy of death, but he survived by chance again and again, and this time?

He, Tan Junzhan will fulfill his promise, so he must be killed by himself.

As soon as the phone call ended, it was Han Shaoting who took the initiative to wrap around Ding Keke, wrapped her arms tightly, and stared at her: "Then where is Xia Xuanfu?"

Every time he said a word, he would unconsciously and secretly exert strength on his hands, taking into account the old feelings of his colleagues at all.

Now it is clear that he is worried about his sister-in-law's safety, this person is really——

Ding Keke's anger broke out completely, and she quickly prepared to withdraw her hand: "Xia Xuanfu is just in a coma, let go!"

"Really?" Upon hearing the good news, Han Shaoting's face was full of indescribable excitement.

However, at the next moment, he finally discovered the abnormalities around him.

He was very happy there, but the boss was in dire straits.

He is simply not human!

Han Shaoting wished he could give himself two slaps.

Both parties are men, each has a beloved woman, the prince can understand.

With a simple wave, Tan Junzhan signaled him to back down: "You take her to the hospital first, you don't need to worry about things here."

"Boss, I..." Han Shaoting tried his best to open his mouth to speak.

Tan Junzhan completely stopped him from talking: "Are you still a man, so much nonsense?"

There was already a hint of coldness in his eyes, if the person in front of him really talked nonsense like this, he might kick him off, and it would be over!

The boss is magnanimous to this extent, if he continues to be stubborn, he will be a fool.

Han Shaoting accepted it as soon as he saw it, bid farewell for a while, and left in a hurry.

"Ding Keke, what's the situation?"

After he left, Tan Junzhan continued to ask aggressively.

He doesn't care about it?

How is it possible!

It was rare that Tan Yi, a girl who was sensible for a while, stood by the side without saying a word, staring at Ding Keke with bright eyes and big eyes.

One big and one small, the scorching eyes fell on her, and she instantly felt Alexander.

But there is no way, what should be said still has to be said.

After clearing her throat, she finally told the truth about what she had discovered: "A few colleagues and I secretly protected my sister-in-law. Because it was a fitting room, I didn't go in. I waited and waited for more than ten minutes. There was no sound at all. We realized something was wrong, and after we tried our best to open the door, we found Xia Xuanfu lying on the ground, unconscious."

"Continue talking!" Tan Junzhan's handsome face was slightly distorted, and he forced himself to restrain the excitement in his heart.

"The moment I rushed into the fitting room, the room was filled with a pungent smell. If my guess is correct, it should be ether." Ding Keke tried hard to recall, not wanting to miss some important details.


Tan Junzhan already had a general idea in his mind, but he still had to go to the scene to observe it himself, maybe he could find some clues.


Had it not been for Tan Yi's call, Tan Junzhan would have almost forgotten her existence.


Turning to look at her, the little guy's eyes were full of anxiety.

No wonder it's her!
"Yiyi, you go home with Auntie Ding first. When I find your mother, come back together." Tan Junzhan was extraordinarily calm and arranged her whereabouts.

However, the little guy did relentlessly catch up a few steps forward.

It was the first time that the unusually complicated gaze appeared on her body, how could he accept it as a father?
After a long time, she moved her mouth and continued, "Father, you and Mom won't abandon Brother Benny and me?"

This question has always been a knot in her heart, which cannot be solved.

After all, it's his own little baby, how could he bear to watch her like this without moving?

Stepping forward with a stride, Tan Junzhan squatted down to help her get in shape.

The two looked at each other, but when they looked at each other, crystal clear teardrops welled up in the little guy's eyes.Why is this situation similar to her mother?
Tan Junzhan was a little overwhelmed.

"Don't believe in your father's ability?"

"No...not." The little guy's voice was almost choked up, and he replied with a sob.

"That's right! Who is your father? Don't worry and wait at home, I will rescue your mother, and then our family of four will live together and never be separated again."

Her worry was actually the worry in his heart.But it is impossible for him to reveal this thought to the little one.

Tan Yi didn't know what to do, so he had no choice but to vote a little bit, and he agreed.

And Tan Junzhan finally stood up and faced his proud subordinates.

There was nothing he could do about the current situation, and there were only a few people he could trust.

"Ding Keke..."

As soon as he opened his mouth, the other party immediately had the most direct reaction, "Yes! Boss, I will definitely take good care of the crystallization of love between you and sister-in-law, and I will definitely fulfill my mission."

"Well, go, pay attention to safety on the road."

Before leaving, Tan Junzhan did not forget to give instructions.

Now that they are parting, he has no idea in his heart, and he cannot guarantee that the two of them will both die, but he cannot personally tell his child about these cruel possibilities.

Tan Yi's little hand was held by Ding Keke, and he took a step and turned around until finally, the little figure was completely out of sight.

In the end, Tan Junzhan still withdrew his gaze.

But he didn't want to, he was about to rush to the fitting room, but a tall figure stopped him halfway, blocking his way forward.

(End of this chapter)

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