Chapter 229 Weird Woman
The man in front of him was obviously not as tall and straight as him. Tan Junzhan only needed to cast a cold look at him, and the man seemed to come down.

"What's the matter?" Right now is the critical moment, and he can't waste it.

The other party knew that he was impatient at the moment, so he didn't dare to stop him, so he withdrew his hand, moved away respectfully and said, "Boss, I'll take you to the scene, there may be an ambush by him."

"I don't have the ability to protect myself, can I be your boss? Get out!"

The thought of Xue Yingying's whereabouts was all over his head, and his heart was restless and he couldn't find peace.

No one dared to continue to stop him, because he knew the importance of Xue Yingying in his heart.

At this time, whoever dares to stop him at the front will have only one end, and he will be instantly killed by him when he encounters the Buddha and kills the Buddha.

The fitting room was only three to four minutes away from the lobby, and it was such a short distance, yet he was able to snatch someone away right under his nose.

Really capable!

Thinking about it this way, the anger in Tan Junzhan's heart undoubtedly increased, and he directly threw his fist at the hard wall next to him.

"Instead of venting here, why not go in with me to find clues."

Suddenly, a female voice landed around him.

Not long after the calm and indifferent woman finished speaking, she immediately stole his limelight and walked straight in without even looking at him.

This woman is unstoppable!

Living to his age, few women would ignore his existence, which is really novel.

"Prince, human life is at stake. Now is not a good time to be in a daze." Her ending sound turned up, which was obviously a mockery.

How long has Tan Junzhan ever been treated like this?
He was about to vomit blood with anger, just thinking back, his daughter was waiting for his rescue.In the end, he planned to let her go first, and when he rescued her daughter, he would never let her go lightly, and we will clean up together.

Tan Junzhan took a big step and walked in.

As soon as he approached, he noticed the signs, and couldn't help frowning and asked: "Are you a criminal policeman or a forensic doctor?"

Since the woman was wearing plain clothes and didn't have any professional characteristics on the surface, he was a little suspicious, so he asked this question.

However, the woman turned a blind eye to him.

Smiled at him: "Guess what? The prince!"


Tan Junzhan was so depressed that he didn't say anything.

The woman also entered the state carefully, and saw that she took out a pair of clean gloves from her backpack, and then put them on herself.

Therefore, Tan Junzhan has the above questions.

Don't worry about her anymore, she's just an insignificant stranger anyway.

The prince was walking around, just to find a little bit of clues.Before the other party calls, this is probably the best way.

As for the police, he wasn't too worried.The Han family definitely notified Xue Yinuo, the head of the capital criminal police, immediately.As long as he takes action, there is almost no case that cannot be solved.

Tan Junzhan only took two or three steps, and was immediately attracted by a small phenomenon.

In his field of vision, there was a dense ant nest.

Is there something tricky there?
This strong idea suddenly broke into his cerebral cortex, he didn't even give himself a chance to think, and immediately removed the heavy object.

Sure enough, it is true!
What a trick to divert the tiger away from the mountain!

Tan Junzhan dialed Lei Ting's phone number, and ordered in a cold voice: "Go and investigate all the surveillance cameras, which side has been damaged?"

"As expected of the prince, you found some clues so quickly!" After hearing his voice, the woman immediately paused.

She never wastes her precious time with useless work.

The corners of her mouth were raised slightly, but her tone was really unpleasant.

I don't know if she is praising or sarcastic?

Tan Junzhan himself doesn't like strangers to be close to him, isn't the one in front of him right?
Therefore, his attitude was as expected, ignoring her completely.

There was an answer from Lei Ting's side very quickly, and the phone had just rang when the prince answered reflexively: "Where is it?"

It was only two or three minutes since his previous phone call, which shows how fast the thorns acted.

"I contacted the traffic bureau, and it was indeed Benson who took my sister-in-law away, and she is currently on the rooftop of Junhao."

Lei Ting, who said this fact, had a slightly fluctuating voice.

On Junhao rooftop, that's no joke.

With the development of the capital up to now, the entire city is row upon row of buildings, with tall buildings rising from the ground.Among them, only the Junhao stood upright, because it was the only tallest building in the capital.If the sister-in-law is not careful, or if Benson deliberately framed her, the sister-in-law's life may be lost.

Everyone understands this possibility, and they can better understand the mood of the boss at the moment.

In the face of danger, this is the only way to see the preciousness of life.

On the other end, Tan Junzhan remained silent for a long time, and his heavy breathing could highlight his nervousness and depression.

How could he not?That was the daughter-in-law he cared about the most!
"Boss, boss..."

Hearing no echo from Tan Junzhan, Lei Ting couldn't restrain the excitement in his heart and shouted.

"I'm listening! Hang up first."

Although he couldn't hear the slightest emotion from his suppressed voice, the woman on the side gave him a serious look at his clenched palms.

"It turns out that the rumors outside are indeed true. The crown prince is a sullen man." The woman's laughing voice kept echoing in his ears.

In the current situation, does she still have the ability to laugh?
Tan Junzhan made a sharp move and threw it without warning, and the woman quickly paused.

She moved her upper and lower lips, but before she could speak, she was snatched by his mobile phone.

"Talk about Junzhan, I'm Dang Zimo."

The unfamiliar number on the other end reported his home straight to the point.

The two people who were not related at all, except for Xue Yingying, did not have any intersection in their daily lives.

So, did he call today because he also learned about her accident?

There is a saying that is true - the enemy of an enemy is a friend.

Facing the same problem, the two of them had the same goal - to rescue Xue Yingying.

Therefore, Tan Junzhan put aside his hostility towards him temporarily, and said in a calm tone: "Say something quickly."

"I know where they are, and Benson took the initiative to contact me. These days, I have a strong anticipation. I am afraid that today's battle will be more or less ominous. I will freeze all the funds after the K organization has been laundered. In a few days A lawyer will come here. This is the last wish of the adoptive father before he left, as compensation for her. In addition, all the businesses on the Will family side are taken care of by acquaintances. When Benny grows up, I hope you can let him Go back to your hometown and inherit the family business."

(End of this chapter)

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