Bamboo horse husband and green plum wife

Chapter 230 The Only 1 Requirement

Chapter 230 The only request

"What do you mean by that?"

Tan Junzhan's breathing was suddenly suppressed, and he couldn't breathe freely.

Listening to these words, every minute feels like last words.

Did he really plan to do this?
When Tan Junzhan couldn't figure it out, Dang Zimo finally replied with a slight smile: "Don't be so nervous! My departure will happen sooner or later. If it weren't for the help of my adoptive father, I wouldn't be able to I have survived until now. Tan Junzhan, don't worry, even if I do everything today, I will keep Yinger safe. Maybe it's the last time I call her that, so don't take it to heart. I want to leave with peace of mind, There is only one worry, I hope you can agree to my request."

"Sacrifice? Hmph, don't even think about it! I don't allow it, and neither does my daughter, so there's no way!"

His tone sounded resolute, but the hand holding the fuselage was unconsciously clenched inch by inch.

The man on the other end of the phone is clearly his most hated rival in love for a long time, why did he feel so uncomfortable when he heard that he might pass away?

Tan Junzhan couldn't figure it out, maybe he cared too much about his daughter's feelings!
Yes, that must be it.

Tan Junzhan decisively found a reason, and waited for the other party's next words.

"Tan Junzhan, don't be like this! It's not like you don't understand Benson's character. Unless he gets Yinger today, or completely destroys her, so that none of us can get it, otherwise he won't let it go."

Dang Zimo's voice sounded extremely tired, and after he breathed a sigh of relief, he continued: "The only thing I can't let go of is Yinger! When I first entered elementary school, she was engraved on my heart. Until now, Knowing that she does not belong to me, I foolishly choose to protect her in secret. Maybe my existence exists to protect her. Rather than saying that I like her, it is better to say that I am so in love with her that I cannot extricate myself. If my sacrifice , in exchange for your eternal happiness and peace, I am willing to sacrifice. I only have one request, treat her well, never cheat or cheat on her. She is very fragile and cannot withstand any blow. Promise me, I will be just like this Requested!"

For a moment, Tan Junzhan was stunned.

Dangzi Mo Heng is among the two, but it has actually been around for a long time.And it was the first time that she completely softened her posture and begged him like today.

Compared with him, Tan Junzhan seems to feel that he doesn't love thoroughly enough.Can he do this for her?

He doesn't know.

After a moment of silence, the crown prince did not agree, but——

"Your request is rejected! No one can have an accident today, and Benson is the only one who will have an accident." Tan Junzhan said firmly, not allowing others to refute.

"Talk..." Dang Zimo wanted to say something else.

"The relationship between me and my daughter is not solid. You can worry about it. I said that Jun Zhan loves her Xue Yingying very much, and it will not change in this life. Cheating and coming out of the closet will never appear in our world. As for cheating, it will only occasionally be kind. cheat."

He was able to guarantee one step, and Dang Zimo was already satisfied.

"With your guarantee today, that's enough! I'll go up and hold Benson first, and you hurry over here."

"Don't you fucking talk nonsense?"

Tan Junzhan cursed, then hung up the phone.

However, a warm gaze was always occupying him, and he refused to take it back for a long time.

Tan Junzhan was extremely annoyed by being stared at: "Aren't you going to have eyeballs?"

His hand, the next moment, was already touching the gun on his waist.

The other party finally realized his anger, and still had a smiling face: "Prince, don't be so angry? Believe it or not, one day you will ask me for something!"

"Crazy!" The prince summed it up as follows.

He raised his slender legs, ignored her behind him, and left the room abruptly.

The woman in the room paused in place, stared for a long time, and then made a call: "Dang Zimo notified him, and he is going to your place now. Promise me, you won't go back on your word, will you? "

The unconscious Xue Yingying woke up from the cold.

I don't know what kind of ghostly place this is, it seems that the surroundings are not protected from the wind, gusts of cold currents are rushing in, blowing on her body, and she can't stop shivering.

In this harsh environment, Xue Yingying woke up in a daze.

The long curled eyelashes fluttered and blinked a few times, she sat up slowly while supporting her swollen temples.

Constantly rubbing Fragment's head with her hands, she tried hard to recall all the events that happened before she fell into a coma.

By the way, today is the day when the sisters get married.Then, she went to the fitting room with her sisters, took each other's dresses, and planned to change into dresses in the cubicle.

However, before she could go inside, she heard the sound of something heavy falling to the ground.

She has always been sensitive, but soon found something abnormal.Turned around, only to find that the sisters were lying on the ground straight, motionless.

What happened?
Before she could see the other person's appearance clearly, only a pair of bumpy feet walked towards her quickly.The cry for help was already stuck in her throat and eyes, but a small square handkerchief was stretched out behind her, covering her mouth and nose accurately.

Her hand tightly grasped the opponent's wrist, trying to struggle away.

But she didn't want to, the other party was stronger than her.Gradually, she finally lost the battle, and she ended up just like her sisters.

After she woke up, she ended up in this ghostly place.

and many more……

bumpy feet...

She quickly activated the search button in her mind. If her deduction is correct, the person must be Benson.

Really good skill!
"Wake up so soon?"

The familiar male voice has confirmed her guess.

His voice came from above her head, and Xue Yingying subconsciously wanted to dodge.Except for Tan Jun Zhan's closeness, once other men approached, she would retreat unconsciously.

However, something unexpected happened.

With her wrists behind her back, she tried her best to slowly move away, but all the strength in her body seemed to be pulled away in an instant, and she couldn't exert any strength.

what happened?

Xue Yingying was so anxious that she was sweating profusely, and her breathing rate accelerated several times.

Benson's patience is quite good. Instead of continuing to approach unexpectedly, he found a good position around and prepared to watch a good show.

Isn't it fun to see a soft-legged shrimp trying to turn over and escape?
"Benson, do you dare to drug me?" Xue Yingying gritted her teeth and said this.

Apart from this possibility, she couldn't think of a better reason to convince herself.

Benson finally stood up from his chair, the show was on, and it was time for him to play.

However, an external sound interrupted his continued approach.

(End of this chapter)

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