Bamboo horse husband and green plum wife

Chapter 231 Can't be Human

Chapter 231 Can't be Human

The man who had just appeared had no color in his eyes, he managed to squeeze out such a cold sentence from between his teeth.

But Benson stagnated, his original movements seemed to be frozen, and he didn't continue to invade.

However, what surprised the man was Xue Yingying's reaction.

He took a closer look, and saw that beads of bean-like sweat were falling down her forehead, and she didn't even take advantage of the gap to escape.

There must be a lot of articles here!
Because of this thought, the alarm bell sounded in his heart, and he hurriedly ran to the location close to the two of them, intending to find out.

There must be something strange about it!

"Yinger, you..."

"Dang Zimo, I warn you, don't come over, or we will break off our relationship!"

Even though her body was weak, Xue Yingying yelled at him at the top of her voice, intending to prevent him from approaching any further.

Xue Yingying was so anxious and anxious, but she couldn't get away and couldn't step forward to help him.

She did complain about her incompetence, but someone was more to blame.Therefore, her gaze immediately turned into a sky full of flames, flying straight over.

She is very clear about Benson's purpose, because the location here is extraordinary.

Putting aside the curiosity at the beginning, due to her weakness, the only thing she could move freely was a pair of eyeballs, and she could only keep looking at the surrounding environment.

But when she saw this, she was taken aback.

Surrounding high-rise buildings, none of them can surpass this place.

Then, the building they are in must be Sovereign.

And there are no obstructions around, judging by the region, I'm afraid this is Sovereign's rooftop.And this place happened to be in the downtown area of ​​the capital, if he acted maliciously, he would definitely hurt many innocent people.

At that time, what should we do?

With this association, her mood became even worse.

Benson stuns her and brings her here again.These were not enough, now that Dang Zimo was summoned, how could she not see through his evil intentions?
Just abominable!
Xue Yingying held a breath of stale air in her chest, and couldn't get out of it, feeling quite uncomfortable.

How did she fall into his trick again?

This made Ah Mo have to take the risk again to come to rescue her, so what is her Ah Zhan doing now, is he also trying to come to rescue her?
All the experiences of so many years came to mind at once, and she became more and more uncomfortable.

She is a troublemaker, and everyone will get hurt because of her in the end.And the worst result, in order to save her life, finally separated from her Yin and Yang.

Ah Mo will not go on this road of no return today, will he?
No, she will never allow it!
Xue Yingying secretly made up her mind that she would not let Guan Hong's behavior repeat itself.

"Tell me, the purpose of your looking for me today is—"

Dang Zimo's eyes finally passed over her face.He restrained all his distressed energy, as if he didn't care about anything.

"After all, we are uncle and nephew! I know you have been fond of the little girl for a long time, and now I reward her to you!"

Reward him?
The hands were clenched continuously, until finally there was no gap between the fists and the palms.

Dang Zimo didn't want to tear up his face with him at this time, it would not do any good to each other.

Therefore, he finally let go of his clenched fist, pretending to be relaxed and said: "That's my business, don't worry about it if you don't."

"That's not what you said! Today, right here, either you fucked her, or I fucked her. You can figure it out yourself!"

From the beginning to the end, there was a slight smile on the corner of Benson's mouth, and no one could guess the reason behind it.His flat tone was as simple as discussing where to have dinner tonight, and he didn't take her personally at all.

As long as she is a woman, she will feel fear at this juncture, and Xue Yingying is true, she quietly plans to retreat.

He would be so kind, Xiao thought that he would give up the prey that was so easy to get for so many years to others so easily?

Dang Zimo expressed his disbelief, and a mocking smile appeared on his lips: "Your purpose is not to retaliate against the crown prince. But you are inhumane now, so you plan to entrust this beautiful job to me?"

Xu was hit by what he said, and Benson blushed all of a sudden, and roared angrily: "Why are there so many nonsense? Waste of time! If you don't want to, then I will play in person."

He did what he said, and then he suddenly jumped right in front of her like a hungry wolf rushing at a sheep.

As soon as his fingertips touched Xue Yingying's shoulder, Dang Zimo couldn't stand it anymore, and immediately stopped him: "Wait, what did you do to her?"

She has always been his Achilles' heel, and no one can touch him, including the damned man in front of him.

Dang Zimo rushed forward without any warning, stretched out his hand and grabbed Benson's collar, and gave him a beautiful over-the-shoulder throw the next moment.

Before Benson even had time to get up, he had already kicked the opponent's chest fiercely with the sole of his foot, regardless of the past relationship at all.

Leaning his upper body forward, Dang Zimo asked coldly, but the expression on his face looked a bit hideous: "Tell me, what did you do to her?"

"Ahem... I just took a little drug... She's sluggish. If you don't believe me, you can ask her."


Dang Zimo didn't quite believe his words, so he just turned around and was going to ask Xue Yingying for verification.

Xue Yingying was indeed frightened by Benson's actions just now, but every sentence of Dang Zimo's confrontation with him broke into her ears, especially Benson's last sentence.

A smart person can tell that there is something tricky when he hears it.

If you care about it, you will be in chaos. Dang Zimo was negligent for a while, so he forgot to guard against his petty behavior.

As soon as Xue Yingying raised her head, she unconsciously opened her mouth wide when she saw everything in front of her eyes, and shouted sharply: "Ah Mo, be careful behind you..."

However, when Dang Zimo reacted, it was still a step too late.

Even if an arm and a leg were crippled, Benson's original ability was not blocked, and it would not be difficult to knock the opponent unconscious with a palm.

The estimated position was off, but Dang Zimo didn't faint because of it.The analgesic on the back of the neck came in bursts, so he couldn't get up to save her, and could only watch Xue Yingying being taken away by Benson.

The roof of the Sovereign Building occupies a large area, just enough for private jets to park there.

In a busy area, such a helicopter suddenly appeared, which immediately attracted a lot of onlookers.This phenomenon, if the time is not enough, the plan will definitely not be implemented smoothly.

Dang Zimo knew what he was thinking, just as Xue Yingying called "Ah Mo" tearfully.

(End of this chapter)

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