Bamboo horse husband and green plum wife

Chapter 232: One Arrow and Two Eagles

Chapter 232 Two birds with one stone

He made up his mind that even if he tried his best this time, he would rescue her, even at the cost of his own life.

"Benson, isn't that what you want most of the funds owned by the K organization and the Will family?" Gritting his teeth, Dang Zimo had a strong belief in his heart, which was why he finally managed to stand up despite the pain. .

"In exchange? You want to take this for her life?" After hearing this, Benson half-drag Xue Yingying's footsteps and finally stopped.

It had to be said that he was extremely interested in this deal.

"Let me get on the plane together, and I'll tell you where these funds are hidden, and you won't suffer." Dang Zimo's deep eyes were fixed on his movements, and he didn't mind missing any of his little tricks. blindfold.

"it is good!"

Benson had his own considerations, and finally agreed to his request.

The effect of the medicine in Xue Yingying's body has not faded, and she completely lost the ability to walk freely, so she was forced to attach herself to Benson.She has no right to choose, especially this disgusting man.

She felt disgusted thinking about it.

How could Dang Zimo not know what was going on in her heart? He continued to hold back the great pain coming from his body, took a step forward resolutely, walked into her side, wrapped one hand around her waist, and squeezed her tightly. She is completely in her arms.

This is the only thing he can do to help her right now.

"I see that you have worked hard, but she still leaves it to me." His answer was neither humble nor overbearing, and would not change in any way because of the current situation.

Benson didn't speak any more. The two of them didn't have the ability to escape at all, so he was very relieved.

"Ah Mo, why are you so stupid?"

"Shh, don't talk, someone is coming."

Having stayed under KEN all year round, Dang Zimo has been trained to have good hearing.In the dark cabin, you can't see your fingers, and your eyes can't do anything at all.

In this way, he could still hear some signs, and carefully covered her mouth with his hands to prevent her from making any noise, so as not to alarm others.


Hearing this name, it turned out that he and Benson were on the same road.

However, the next voice that came out was Benson's questioning voice.

"Aren't you Neo? Say, who the hell are you?"

Accompanied by this sound, the inside of the kung fu cabin was lit up in a blink of an eye, and Xue Yingying was able to carefully see everything in the cabin inside.

With the outdated furnishings, he should be lucky to be able to rent this plane.

Xue Yingying was studying the surrounding layout, while Dang Zimo quickly found a skydiving suit.

"Ying'er, try to move your hands and feet now, count the time, the effect of the medicine should have passed." When Benson confronted the man, Dang Zimo covered her ears, deliberately lowering his voice speak.

Whether the opponent is an enemy or a friend, he still doesn't know.

And the only thing he can do is to try his best to protect Tan Junzhan's safety before he shows up. This is the only thing he can do now.

At present, he is considered to be alone and has nothing to worry about.As long as she is sure that she is safe, even if he dies with Benson, he will not hesitate.

His family, his adoptive father, including his adoptive mother who he hadn't met a few times, which one didn't die because of Benson?

As long as he thought of this stake, Dang Zimo's resentment towards him could not be subdued, he gritted his teeth secretly, hating deeply in his heart, and his complexion gradually turned ferocious.

But Xue Yingying who was at the side didn't notice his abnormality, and obeyed his words, she shook her hands and feet a few times.

It's true, the medicine has gradually lost its effect.Even if there is still a little numbness, there is no problem with moving freely.

Finally regaining her original mobility, Xue Yingying finally raised her head and smiled at him as a way of expressing her gratitude!
But before she even opened her mouth, she realized that something was tricky.

The smile on her face stopped abruptly, and her voice also gradually became cold: "Skydiving suit? What's the matter? You'd better give me a satisfactory answer."

She clasped her fists with both hands, without showing any expression on her face.

After getting along for so many years, Dang Zimo knows best that this is a sign before she gets angry.

But what else could he do?
He answered with a wry smile, but he couldn’t afford to waste the time in front of him, so he had to hurry up and urge: “Ying’er, you can be regarded as a professional. You have been exposed to skydiving a few times before, but I didn’t. It’s zero foundation. This thing was given to me It’s also useless. There are many plane crashes, and the reason why the flight attendants didn’t give the passengers skydiving suits is because jumping without professional training can only lead to death.”

"You want to die with Benson?"

Xue Yingying is not stupid at all, if she thinks about it, she can quickly think of this level.

Because of her roar, Benson's attention has been distracted.

That's it!
Benson understood the purpose of the man in front of him who refused to reveal his identity.

Isn't he just for Xue Yingying?

Benson no longer hesitated, and went straight to Xue Yingying's direction.

Less than two or three steps away from her, he stood there but stopped moving forward.

Let her go?How could he be so kind!
Dang Zimo endured the severe pain at the back of his neck, stretched out his hand to block her, and tightly protected her behind him: "Benson, if you have anything to do, come to me!"

"That's good! Where is the fund you said?"

He is obsessed with lust, and Xue Yingying's beauty is nothing but money.Apart from these two, there seemed to be nothing else in his heart.

"come here!"

Dang Zimo's waist was so straight that people who didn't know would think that he had joined the army and served in the army.

But Xue Yingying knew better than anyone else that all his changes were due to her.

But as for her, there was nothing she could do for him.Thinking of this layer, she felt sad.

"it is good!"

Benson approached him uncharacteristically.

Xue Yingying was full of puzzled thoughts, what was he thinking?
Ah Mo has always been protecting her, now it's her turn to stand up!

Xue Yingying bravely took a step forward, but Benson seized this precious opportunity, grabbed Xue Yingying's wrist, and then restrained her around the neck.

"Hahahaha! I want to see you two, what else can I do to save her?"

Benson's maniacal laughter undoubtedly angered someone. In his rage, he no longer cared about the so-called disguise, and tore off the human skin mask covering his face: "Benson, let her go! My Your life is worth more than your life, you should know that."

"Of course I know this! But, to me, she is the most valuable. With her, I have already blackmailed you two, a deal that kills two birds with one stone. Do you think I will let go?"

(End of this chapter)

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