Chapter 233 Ah Mo is gone
"Who said you can kill two birds with one stone? Do you think they care about me? Thanks to your age, don't you know that there are tricks in this world?"

Xue Yingying has always been a coward. At this critical moment, she still did not forget to ridicule the other party, as if she didn't take her little life seriously.

Those two men were also worried about her in their hearts. They were deeply afraid that Benson, who was uncertain about the weather, would throw her away once he was provoked. The loss outweighed the gain.

"Benson, if you have money, are you still afraid that there will be no women around you?" Dang Zimo's deep eyes followed his movements nervously, unable to calm down for a long time.

Compared with those two, Xue Yingying's attitude was much calmer.

Tan Junzhan was indeed silent, but that didn't mean he wasn't in a hurry.

His feelings have been restrained since he was a child, and it is difficult to see through it from the outside.

"If you want to kill or cut, it's up to you!" Xue Yingying was a little sleepy, and she couldn't help yawning.

Thanks to these two people, Benson's cloudy eyeballs kept rolling for a long time, and then he threw out two words from his mouth: "Come here!"

However, something unexpected happened in the end.

Dang Zimo complied with his words and approached Qi Qiran.

However, Xue Yingying was standing right next to the hatch.

The sneer on the corner of Benson's mouth is really penetrating, as if there is some kind of conspiracy.

Dang Zimo was indeed fully prepared in advance, but just one step away from him, Benson pushed open the hatch in front of him.

Before Xue Yingying could stand firm, most of her body was already floating outside.

The whistling cold wind was like a sharp knife cutting across her tender skin, causing bursts of raw pain.

As long as it is a person, it will feel pain, and Xue Yingying subconsciously clutches the hatch door to prevent herself from falling.

She didn't even dare to open her eyes and look down, how high is the height now!
If she didn't pay attention, she might fall to pieces, she hasn't lived enough yet!

It's a pity that he died without knowing why, especially when his life was still lost in his hands.


Dang Zimo was the closest to the two of them, and he couldn't restrain the worry in his heart.

He rushed forward with a stride, tightly grasped her wrist with his left hand, and then threw her inward.

However, what he did next was beyond everyone's expectations.

Dang Zimo clenched Benson's collar with both hands, and the two looked at each other. He gritted his teeth and said angrily, "Benson, today I want to make you pay with blood!"

What does this mean?
Xue Yingying was thrown on the floor of the cabin, her head was knocked dizzy.

When she woke up a little bit, she found that Dang Zimo and Benson both jumped out.

During the period, Tan Junzhan was the quickest to react and rushed to the door in the cabin.He was so skillful that he grabbed Dang Zimo's arm and refused to let go.

It's a pity that Dangzimo's misty voice came like this: "Tan Junzhan, let go! I have a time bomb strapped to me, and it will be detonated soon. Remember your promise to me, take good care of Ying Er , may you be happy!"

"no, I can not!"

Xue Yingying still couldn't believe in Dang Zimo's final decision.

He just left, completely disappearing from her world.


As he said, the time bomb was detonated.


The scene of life and death was staged in front of her again, and Xue Yingying couldn't accept it.Pushing her shoulders up, she escaped from Tan Junzhan's grasp smoothly, and ran straight to the cabin door.

But at this ten-thousand-foot altitude, besides the white clouds surrounding it, what else could there be?
Unable to bear the uncomfortable feeling in her heart, she immediately collapsed at the cabin door.

That was her Ah Mo. When she was young, she had indeed had a throbbing feeling for him.But along with living day after day, the initial impulse in my heart was completely replaced by other things.But this can't obliterate his position in her heart.

In her heart, Dang Zimo's status is no different from Xia Xuanfu's.


Xue Yingying glanced out the window with blank eyes, and she will never see Ah Mo again.

At this juncture, the fuselage suddenly changed drastically, and the wings tilted about [-] degrees at the same time.


Since she had been immersed in Dang Zimo's death, she didn't notice this change.The hatch was open, and she was just slumped there.Out of survival instinct, she naturally called out.

Tan Junzhan's eyes were quick and his hands were quick, he dashed over and strangled her hand that was holding on to the cabin door.

If she hadn't grabbed the door panel in time, maybe it would be hard to say anything now.

Most of her body was completely thrown out, and she kept this position for a long time in mid-air, it was no joke.

Tan Jun Zhan has been in the army for many years, and he still has this experience.

No matter, he intends to give it a go!
"Ninny, remember the word I'm saying now. Hold your breath, as soon as I pull, you will come in as hard as you can. Now—"

The timing didn't wait for anyone, as the fuselage fell a little bit in the opposite direction again, Tan Junzhan just got it right.The big palm controlled her wrist, and then yanked it towards him.

With her cooperation, she was finally out of danger.

Affected by inertia, the two fell into it together.

Suddenly, a big warm hand tightly protected the back of her head, and then put it on her chest.

Xue Yingying was deeply moved, and before she could speak, the two bumped into a certain corner.

But he was talking here, his firm chin knocked on the top of her soft hair, and he said calmly: "Daughter, don't be afraid, I still have to protect you now."

"Azhan, I..."

How could Xue Yingying not understand the meaning between the lines in his words, Dang Zimo and Benson chose to die together, and there was not even a whole body left at this moment.If he really thought of jealousy at this moment, it's really unreasonable.But on the other hand, as a man, how could he tolerate his wife thinking about other men all the time?
She understands his embarrassment, but she is more moved by his words now.

However, what he said next interrupted her.

His words were irrelevant: "Have you strengthened your training in recent years?"

She frowned, not understanding his intentions.

Tan Junzhan didn't say anything, as if he was guarding against someone's behavior, his eyes fell directly on the cab.

Xue Yingying was not an idiot, so she understood right away.At the same time, the plane was flying erratically.

Come here to talk, how can she not know?

"If we want to save our lives, we have to rely on ourselves now."

(End of this chapter)

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