Chapter 235
"I've reset the route, don't worry too much."

There was a faint smile on the corner of his mouth, which made Xue Yingying very upset.

The little hand poked forward, his body temperature was no different from hers, what's the matter?

"Being blinded by dirty things just now, is your brain abnormal?"

On weekdays, he wouldn't be so easy to talk to, it's almost the same as having a brain convulsion.

He always stared affectionately into her eyeballs, never saying a word.He just looked at her like this, as if he really wanted to imprint her in his heart.

"Tan Junzhan, what's wrong with you, tell me the truth!"

Anyway, there were only the two of them on the huge plane, so it would be fine if he didn't take care of his face.

However, what he did next surprised her.

With a backhand, he directly strangled her wrist, taking advantage of the opportunity to pull her into his arms.

"Ah Zhan, you are like this, I am very worried." She leaned her head against his chest, and next to her ears was the sound of his steady heartbeat, thumping, full of rhythm.

"Why is something wrong with me? Stop thinking about it! You still want to be here..." After saying this, he stopped talking, and a dull laugh came out of his mouth.

this person...

Xue Yingying wanted to keep his mouth shut, but when she thought about all the dangerous things before, her heart was still pounding and she couldn't calm down.

"Ah Zhan, promise me, never leave me again."

At this time, she doesn't like to be sloppy.He is also not allowed to use this move.

So, she struggled to sit up straight, her eyes firmly fell on his face, and her eyes swept across his facial expressions, inch by inch, fearing that she would miss any tiny detail by mistake.

"You, you, you will think wildly. After we land, I will be satisfied immediately, how about it?" The brows raised slightly, he talked to her, and there was almost no serious moment.

After all, in front of him is his little daughter-in-law, so if he wants to be serious about this matter, where should he fight?

"Hmph! You will be poor-mouthed and ignore you."

As a woman, if you say one thing and do another, the standard is that you don't mean what you say.

Her sixth sense has always been strong, and she always has a vague feeling that he has something to hide.But since he refused to tell, it was inconvenient for her to ask, the only thing she could do was to stay by his side.

Talking about Jun Zhan's title of King of Special Forces was not covered, they were flirting and flirting along the way, and the plane landed safely at the Beijing Airport soon.

Han Shaoting and his group seem to know the whereabouts of the two of them.

The two appeared holding hands sweetly, and they immediately rushed forward, with no expression on their faces, which seemed to be expected.

The two of them are clasping fingers at the moment, the standard is the movement that sweet couples will have.

As for the two of them, they have been married for several years, and they are just an old couple.

However, Xue Yingying let go of her hand immediately after being stared at by a group of people around her, her face showing shyness.

The lack of gentle touch in the palm, the feeling of emptiness, Tan Junzhan is very uncomfortable.

His eyes followed quickly, and Xue Yingying said in a low voice: "Well... Ah Zhan, you ask Han Shaoting to go to the hospital for an examination together. He should have something to report, so I won't bother you. I'll wait for you when I get home! "

As soon as she finished speaking, she ran away with a squeak, and disappeared without a trace.

Is this still the way a couple should get along?
Han Shaoting couldn't help laughing, since his sister-in-law left anyway, he laughed out loud without any scruples, and felt that it wasn't enough for him to put his hands on his stomach.

However, Tan Junzhan turned his eyes coldly: "Still laughing? Go to the hospital with me."

"Boss, are you injured?"

Combined with his sister-in-law's instructions before leaving, Han Shaoting finally suppressed his smile, and looked him up and down seriously.

After Xue Yingying left, Tan Junzhan returned to his previous cold and cold appearance, "Stop talking nonsense, let's go!"

Along the way, Xue Yingying covered her face with her hands and rushed out of the airport.

Marry him and become the focus of everyone, this is known from the beginning.But for some reason, she couldn't get used to it.

After running for a while, she finally reached the airport exit.

At this time, she was supporting the wall with one hand, panting heavily, and secretly rejoicing in her heart that no one noticed.

However, from behind her came the cheerful and joking voices of the sisters: "Yingzi, are you afraid that the man in your family will chase you after you to have a baby?"

"Screw you!"

Hearing this teasing sound, it is likely that she is fine since she was in a coma last time.

Xue Yingying didn't hesitate anymore, and got into the sisters' car without saying a word.

Xia Xuanfu saw this, a slight smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and then he was ready to drive to the destination.

"Yingzi, you were in such a hurry just now, what are you doing?" Xia Xuanfu didn't think that the crown prince would talk to her about having a baby in public, how could he look like someone!

Thinking of that guy, the corners of her mouth turned up slightly, she looked in a good mood, and her mental state was full of youthfulness.

Xue Yingying stared at her for several seconds, her current state was exactly what she expected.It's just that if Ah Mo is still here now, how wonderful it would be!
Thinking of this completely impossible fact, Xue Yingying secretly felt sad, turned her head to the other side, and said nothing again.

She kept staring out of the window, as if admiring the beautiful scenery outside the window along the way.

Of course, Xia Xuanfu is not an ordinary person, they have been getting along for many years.

Sisters, she is in a bad mood, how can she not see through?
In order to find a quiet place, Xia Xuanfu simply stopped by the side of the road.

Xue Yingying knew what the sisters were doing, and finally straightened her head.

But then, she lowered her head suddenly, played with her fingertips, and said in a dull voice: "Xuanzi, Ah Mo is gone."

Some words don't need too straightforward words, so that's enough.

Xia Xuanfu's mouth was half open, unable to close it on his own initiative.

How can this happen?

She touched her upper and lower lips, and finally retracted the words when she reached her lips.

"Sisters, I know you are very sad about the departure of Dang Zimo. But you have to be clear, who is your current husband, who is the man you love the most? Don't ruin the relationship between the two of you just because of a deceased person. between emotions.”

Xia Xuanfu spoke in the tone of someone who has come here.

Did she really push her nose on her face?
Xue Yingying looked at her with a smile on her face: "Don't talk about me, let's talk about you and Han Shaoting! Marriage certificate, should I get it?"

She just chuckled, the smile was full of happiness, especially her shaking left hand, the bright and dazzling trace was the best way to prove it.

"This diamond ring... a pigeon egg, how many carats is it? I am so happy! Xia Xuanfu, listen carefully, if he dares to divorce you, I will kill him and turn him into a eunuch in a second. Do you believe it?" Do not believe?"

(End of this chapter)

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