Chapter 236
This curse...

What else could Xia Xuanfu say? He kept agreeing, but it seemed to be perfunctory: "Auntie, I believe everything you say! By the way, when will your wedding with the prince be settled? One by one Even if you have to go to elementary school, why won’t he give you a decent wedding and proposal?”

As soon as the words were finished, Xia Xuanfu stared closely at the expressions on her face, fearing that she might miss one and ignore the girls' disguise.

As long as it is a woman, how can anyone not care about this?Also as a female compatriot, Xia Xuanfu knows best, but didn't he walk this road in the past?

However, Xue Yingying's next behavior surprised her.

"The wedding and the proposal are just a formality. I love Ah Zhan, ever since he saved me." Xue Yingying's eyes were firm, staring straight in front of her eyes.

Xia Xuanfu looked dumbfounded, she never knew how deep the love between sisters is.

Sensing the stunned gaze from the side, Xue Yingying turned her head, chuckled and continued, "I'm a childhood sweetheart with him, don't look at his cold appearance, but if he didn't give me a chance to hint, I would How could he have persisted for so many years? As for the thing that hurt me, it was his youth and ignorance, who rarely made mistakes? I can forgive him."

"Yingzi, I'm not as generous as you, that's why I've missed him for so many years, the most pitiful thing is still suffering, hey!" Xia Xuanfu vomited bitterness to her from the bottom of his heart.

As for women, especially the two married women, the common topic for both of them is their children besides their own family.

As soon as Han Huaihuai was mentioned, Xue Yingying smiled immediately, and she said in a voice of secret joy: "Xuanzi, do you believe in the theory of reincarnation?"

Why did you bring up this topic all of a sudden?

Xia Xuanfu couldn't figure it out, but quickly expressed his feelings: "I don't really believe it..."

"Could it be—"

She carefully observed the words and deeds of the sisters, every frown and smile, and gently stroked the lower abdomen with her left hand.

"Yingzi, tell me the truth, you won't have another one, will you?"

This is great news, especially after Dang Zimo and Guan Hong passed away.

Nodding her head with a shy smile, Xue Yingying said in a soft voice, "I haven't been to the hospital for an examination yet, but it's pretty close. I tested it with a pregnancy test stick, and the pharmacy shouldn't be buying Sanwu products." .”

"When did you know?"

Xia Xuanfu tilted her head and thought carefully, not long after she got off the plane, she was kidnapped by Benson before, she didn't have any money with her, how could she have the time and financial resources to do the test?

In this way, her two bars are likely to be before this.

She didn't know what was going on, but she just felt a chill hit her back and spine.

Xia Xuanfu couldn't bear it any longer, so he buried his head and directly threw her a pair of hygienic eyes, deliberately pretending to be fierce and frightening to scare her: "You are so unreliable as a mother! This little life is still making such big moves on the plane. The prince doesn't know yet, does he?"

Based on the prince's character, if he had done it beforehand, would he have allowed her to act like that?
Just don't think about it!
Always feel that something is not right?

Xue Yingying had a flash of inspiration, and finally understood, she squinted her eyes slightly, looking lazy, without any danger.It was her like this that made a certain girl tremble in her heart.

"Don't worry! During the time you and the prince were in the cockpit, no one knew what you were doing in there!"

After Xia Xuanfu finished saying this, he simply shut up and never spoke again, lest he reveal too many things he shouldn't say and cause conflicts.

As for Xue Yingying, maybe she didn't have a good rest some time ago, she squinted her eyes for a while, and fell into a deep sleep.

When the sisters woke her up, she was already in the hospital.

"Xuanzi, thank you! If I'm really pregnant, I'll recognize you as a godmother when I'm born. You're more excited than me." Xue Yingying said jokingly, rubbing her sleepy eyes.

"Aren't I Yiyi's godmother?" Xia Xuanfu was very upset. What does it mean to "recognize you as a godmother", she is already, okay?
It's not bad to have an occasional bickering when you're free!
The eyeballs continued to roll, and the spirit finally returned.

Xue Yingying opened the car door, walked out, and then planned to register for an inspection.

Sisters are worthy of being sisters, and they even think about the matter of registration, and when they reach out, it is a registration ticket.

"Don't think I'm like you, I'm already ready! Calculate the time, it should be your time soon. Don't pass the number, it's a waste! Let's go up together!"

Nodding and smiling, Xue Yingying agreed, and followed in the footsteps of her sisters to take the elevator together.

"Yingzi, do you really want to surprise your prince?"

There were only the two of them in the elevator, and Xue Yingying's hand was always covering her lower abdomen. It seemed that it was caused by the brilliance of motherhood, and she couldn't retract her hand.

She smiled lightly, and all the dizzy brows and eyes were full of happiness.

Someone once said that whether a marriage is happy or not can be seen from the state of a woman after marriage.

With her in this state, Xia Xuanfu is 100% sure that her marriage will be absolutely happy, how could she dare not be happy?The prince doesn't allow it either!

Of course...

"Yingzi, I seem to have misremembered. The obstetrics and gynecology department is not on this floor, it seems to be upstairs. Let's take the stairs!"

As soon as her feet stepped out of the elevator door, Xia Xuanfu quickly dragged her towards the stairs.

Compared with the previous lively chat between the two, this is not normal!
Xue Yingying was not stupid, she quickly grasped the handrail of the stairs, and did not follow her movements to go upstairs.And Xia Xuanfu didn't expect her to come like this at all, and the two of them staggered a part of the gap one after the other.

However, it is this moment.

Xue Yingying raised her head and was about to ask her sisters a question when an overly familiar figure appeared in front of her.As for that person, even if he turned into ashes, she wouldn't be able to admit his mistake.

Could it really be him?
She couldn't believe it. Instead of wasting time here and making random suspicions, it would be more practical to go forward and ask for clarification.

Moreover, she has full confidence that her man will not do such a messy thing.

Caught cheating?Such a cheating thing, will it really happen to him?
"Sisters, what are you looking at? That man? What kind of eyes do you have, and which angle do you look like?" Xia Xuanfu quickly chased after her, directly blocking her way forward.

The more she obstructed, the more restless Xue Yingying felt.

(End of this chapter)

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