Bamboo horse husband and green plum wife

Chapter 237 The Woman in His Arms

Chapter 237 The Woman in His Arms
If it wasn't him, why would the sisters stop him?Seeing is believing is the most direct means.

"Xuanzi, let me say it one last time, get out of the way!"

Xue Yingying's voice gradually became colder. If it was him, she would never forgive him lightly, especially at the current stage when Dangzimo's body was still alive.

"You and Xia Xuanfu go back first, I will explain to you after I get home, let's go!"


In the same place, but an hour ago, a different story unfolded.

Han Shaoting, who came out of the attending doctor's office, had a serious expression on his face, and he was still clenched with something in his hands, which became even tighter.

"The result is out."

Tan Junzhan's voice sounded extraordinarily calm, and even this sentence seemed to be a declarative sentence.

Did he already guess it?

Han Shaoting couldn't help shaking the hand that was clenching the report, and he unconsciously hid behind his back.

The boss is such a proud person, if he really knows, what should he do?
"Where's the stuff? Bring it to me!" The prince lost all patience and roared angrily. The veins on his temples were bulging, and he looked quite hideous.

Han Shaoting moved subconsciously and continued to hide behind his back.

Even if the boss blamed him, he didn't want to tell the other party the cruel news.

"I repeat for the last time—bring it!"

There was silence for less than a minute, and neither of the two people staying at the scene made a sound.

In the end, Tan Junzhan suddenly swung his fist, hitting hard on the hard wall in front of him.

"I know my condition best, and you don't have to hide it. But your sister-in-law, you must not disclose it!"

Up to now, my sister-in-law is still the only one I am worried about.

Han Shaoting couldn't hold back any longer, and interjected in a hurry: "Boss, you can't hide this matter. It's better to get treatment as soon as possible, maybe there is still a chance! Ah, bah bah bah... Boss, your eyesight will definitely return to normal. Once upon a time, shooting was sure to hit the target."

"To shut up!"

Tan Junzhan couldn't listen to every single word, so he stopped it with an angry roar.

Turning around, his entire back was leaning against the hard wall, his jaw raised slightly.But in those eyes, it seemed extremely empty, without focus.

If it wasn't for that energetic young man, how could he have embarked on this path?
After all, the paper can't contain the fire, even if the sister-in-law is temporarily hidden from it, after that, the treatment will take a while!

Han Shaoting continued to fall into a long silence.

"It'll be fine, don't worry too much!"

Tan Junzhan's consolation was not pleasant to Han Shaoting's ears.

Shouldn't you be comforting yourself?How come it's the other way around!
Han Shaoting opened his mouth, just about to continue talking.

However, a burst of mobile phone ringing from his pocket was particularly eye-catching.

Quickly took out his mobile phone, and after flipping through it casually, he immediately became nervous: "Boss, it's not good, sister-in-law is coming to the hospital."

"Huh?" The ending sound was upturned, and the prince was waiting for his next words.

Speaking of this reason, Han Shaoting showed embarrassment and scratched the back of his head: "It's my baby! I married her with great difficulty, and she still has a little resistance to my previous gossip."

"Then, I took the initiative to link the two people's locations together, so we can see where each other has been."

Talking with the boss, chatting about some love affairs between husband and wife, Han Shaoting gradually showed a happy look on his face.

"Go to the hospital with Xia Xuanfu? Was she injured again?"

Tan Junzhan didn't care about his injury at all, he was only worried about her.

Thinking of this possibility, he couldn't bear it anymore, so he was going to go out, intending to stop her at the door.

As soon as his strong legs moved away, before he could walk away, a young woman stopped in front of him.

Who is this person?
Han Shaoting resolutely stopped in front of her, blocking her from approaching.

Look at that doggy laugh, it's almost the same as Pu Xinyu who has passed away.

"Who are you, get out early!" Thinking that my sister-in-law would show up later, her usual good temper suddenly changed, and she yelled at her angrily.

It's just that the woman didn't pay attention to him at all, she kept shaking her head and said softly: "The person I'm looking for is him!"

The slender fingers pointed directly at Tan Junzhan behind him, the majestic prince!
The boss still has an affair with her?
How could it be!
As the man with the best best friend with his sister-in-law, Han Shaoting can't give the boss a chance to let his sister-in-law down, never allow it!
"You think I'm stupid! Don't talk nonsense, go back where you came from, get out of here—" After all, he is still a soldier trained by Tan Jun Zhan, and he is good at driving people away with a black face.

However, someone does not seem to have this attitude.

"come over!"

Tan Junzhan gave an order on the contrary, and the young woman approached nervously under Han Shaoting's dumbfounded eyes.

When did these two get together?It's really unpredictable.

When Han Shaoting was puzzled, he seemed to vaguely hear the pretty voice of his little daughter-in-law who had only been in possession for a few days, dare to daydream?

He raised his head suddenly and looked around for the target person.

But who knew, an unexpected figure had already galloped towards them.

Look at that aura, after all, he is still an upright master, with a menacing aura!
Look at this side again, it doesn't show weakness.The boss was attacking head-on, but she didn't know how to dodge, and continued to nest in the boss's arms.


When did she nestle in the arms of the boss!

Han Shaoting had 1000 million disagreements, and he was about to stretch out his hand to pull it.

At this juncture, Xue Yingying was already approaching the city.

But her hurt eyes made even Han Shaoting feel distressed, let alone the prince who always loved his wife like his life!
"You and Xia Xuanfu go back first, I'll explain to you after I get home, let's go!"

The voice was extremely cold, causing every pore on Xue Yingying's body to open. She couldn't bear her wild thoughts, and she didn't want to go home alone and wait.

In her world, she used to think that the position next to him would always be her own, including his arms.But the naked scene in front of her was undoubtedly sprinting and hitting her eyeballs.

He, Tan Junzhan, no longer belongs to himself alone!

Just as the two of them walked into her side, Xue Yingying suddenly stretched out her hand and grabbed his tightly, never wanting to let go.

"Ah Zhan, tell me, who is she?" Even if she was sentenced to death, she still had to die to understand.

A steady stream of tears kept gushing out, how hard it took her to hold back.

(End of this chapter)

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