Chapter 243 The Shy Woman

Even if the relationship between the boss and sister-in-law breaks up, even if the two are really divorced!As long as the boss eyes are cured, there is still a chance to chase her back in the end!

But if he is really united with this woman, the two of them will have no chance of getting back together in the future.

No, he can't let the boss continue to be stupid.

So, facing the still man, he shouted, "Boss, you can't..."

"Okay, I promise you! We will meet at the hospital in a week."

"Ah Zhan, you know... I want your child, why go to the hospital?"

Her shy voice was next to her ear, so this woman knows how to be shy?
What an amazing creature!
"Accept your request, this is my final bottom line."

Not giving the other party any more chances, Tan Junzhan cut it off decisively, his stern profile was no different from usual no matter how you look at it.

However, now is not the time to commit nympho.

There was something that Han Shaoting didn't understand yet, and Han Shaoting was aggrieved and uncomfortable in his heart, so he couldn't hold back and asked, "Boss, are you really planning to have a baby with this woman? Then sister-in-law..."

"There's something you need to help me with..."

Han Shaoting listened to the past.

As soon as Tan Junzhan finished talking, he returned to the original place, and he couldn't help giving a thumbs up, praising: "Boss, this move is so wonderful!"

"Why don't you hurry up and get ready?" The crown prince almost kicked him away.


With a happy mood, Han Shaoting quickly left the room, ready to carry out the task he ordered.

Talk about home the next morning.

Jiang Yinshi really hated him and annoyed him, but from the moment he went downstairs, he sat upright at the dining table, all the complaints from her lips disappeared, and there were only countless lingering distresses left: "Ah Zhan, you have to think clearly! If you go today, you will really cut off all ties with your daughter in the future!"

"Mom, you don't need to worry about my affairs with her. I'll go out first when I'm full. "

Maybe he couldn't stand Jiang Yinshi's constant nagging from Xue Yingying.

Before he could take a bite, he immediately took a tissue, wiped the dirt from the corner of his mouth, patted his butt and left!
As soon as Tan Junzhan left, Tan Jianguo quickly put down the bowl and chopsticks.

Impatient, he got into a quarrel with his wife: "Look at you, Jun Zhan is still mad at you! Is Jun Zhan your own, or is it her?"

No need to name names, Jiang Yinshi knows very well who her name is.

"All of you are heartless white-eyed wolves! My poor daughter, she also helped us talk about the family. If it weren't for this, how could the baby in her belly be aborted?"

Thinking of this, Jiang Yinshi, who is also a woman, burst into tears instantly. How could she give birth to such a heartless son? What a pain for my daughter!

Perhaps because of Xue Yingying's upbringing experience and tragic life experience, Jiang Yinshi has always loved her very much, and in the later stages she is no different from her own child.

But according to the current development of the situation, is it possible for the two of them to be as close as a mother and daughter?

She didn't have any confidence at all, so she could only vent her anger with tears.

Seeing her crying so sadly, Tan Jianguo still couldn't be ruthless and indifferent.

There was no other way, he had no choice but to free up one arm, hold her tightly, and hold her in his arms.As time goes by, it gets closer and closer.

At the same time, the Xue family was also very lively.

Xue Liankai lay on the bed and rested for a month. Although his body and bones could not recover to the strength of his youth, he could at least take care of himself.

The precious daughter I haven't seen for many years looks so good now, how can he continue to lie on the bed instead of getting up?
Tan Yi and Benny are two little guys, they have to live with their mother when they are dead and alive.

Based on this, Tan Jia didn't do much to stop him, and finally agreed.But they only have one request. If they miss their children, they hope they can pick them up and play for a few days.

For this simple request, Xue Yingying has no reason to refuse.

Three generations of grandparents and grandchildren live together under one roof. The scene is so lively!

However, during this period of time, Benny carefully touched Xue Yingying's elbow, finally attracting her attention.

With bright eyes, he kept staring at her all the time.

How could Xue Yingying fail to interpret such a small gesture after getting along with each other for several years?
"Mom, Dad, and one more, eat first, I have something to say to Benny." Facing the people at the dinner table, she smiled generously, then took Benny's little hand, and turned to a certain corner , start a conversation.

"Well, hurry up! My brother will take you to the Civil Affairs Bureau later."

Since he can't speak out in front of everyone, the little guy must have his own taboos.

Before Xue Yingying opened her mouth, she looked around and found nothing suspicious, and the people at the dinner table didn't look too strange.

"Benny, if you have something to say, just say it! Mommy is a little rushed in the morning..."

"Mommy, Daddy, his eyes seem to be a sign of indirect blindness." Benny spoke with a childish voice that a child should have, but his frowns seemed to be a little mature, indeed. It doesn't fit the look that he should have at his age.

"What did you say?" Xue Yingying couldn't believe the truth. She couldn't control the excitement in her heart, and she held his weak shoulders tightly with her hands, but she couldn't control the strength well.

Not only was her strength not accurate, but she also failed to control the volume of her shouting, which naturally attracted the attention of everyone at the dinner table.

It was Xue Yinuo who reacted first, he decisively put down the bowls and chopsticks in his hands, and approached quickly with steps.

His brows and eyes were full of concerned but confused expressions, and his voice couldn't help but sink: "Daughter, what are you talking about with Benny? Tell me, and I'll help you make up your mind!"

Let him participate, is that okay?
"No, no, I'm fine."

This matter can be big or small, and she doesn't want too many people to get involved.This is related to Ah Zhan's reputation. If this matter is the real truth, she can understand the motivation behind his "derailment".

He is such a fool, how could she leave him for such a reason?

Husbands and wives are birds of the same forest, and when disaster strikes, they fly separately.

And she didn't want to be such an irresponsible couple with him!
Dear Azhan, I will make you regret everything you say and do today!
"Brother, you can go back and continue eating a few bites first! I'll wait for you outside." The conversation between her and Benny is not over yet, how can he let him get involved like this?
(End of this chapter)

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