Chapter 244
Xue Yingying was good at controlling Benny's small body to turn in a direction, and gently pushed and shoved to go out.

"Yinuo, forget it, if your daughter doesn't want to say it, don't force her."

The words that Lin Qiao blurted out successfully dispelled his questioning every step of the way.

Xue Yingying, who turned to go outside the house, quickly found a relatively secluded open space, and continued the unfinished conversation with Benny.

Benny is a big kid.

But she never treated him as a child, especially at this time.

Caring is chaotic, and her breathing rate is also chaotic.

Benny could see the tension in her eyes clearly.

At such a young age, he actually comforted her: "Mum, I shouldn't be mistaken! However, don't worry too much, I will contact my master when I have time, he should have a solution."

"Benny, Mommy, I..."

She is such a big person, but she can still rely on a little guy who is not as tall as her at this moment. Thinking about it, she is really ashamed!

"You are my mommy and my aunt. Without you, there would be no Benny today. You have an old saying that is very good. The kindness of a drop of water must be repaid by a spring! Now is my chance to repay you Arrived."

Despite Benny's young age and small stature, she was able to understand every word and every word, so she couldn't find any reason to refute.

However, there seemed to be a more important matter waiting for her to deal with right now.

With a flash of inspiration, she quickly dialed the other party's phone number: "Mom, I'm my daughter, and I need your help with something..."

As soon as the phone call ended, Xue Yinuo happened to come out of the house.

As soon as he approached, his curious eyes kept looking up and down Benny, as if he couldn't see what extraordinary abilities the little guy had.

If he is allowed to continue, little Benny will definitely have a problem!
Xue Yingying suppressed her smile, and finally decided to help: "Brother, let's go now!"

With a whimper, she got into the car.

Seeing her like this, Xue Yinuo couldn't stay still.

Civil Affairs Bureau...

Familiar place, but seeing each other today, appearing here again, has already changed.

Xue Yingying felt a lot of emotion for a while, and her eye sockets became moist all of a sudden.

This phenomenon, Xue Yinuo, who has always had good insight, did not miss it by mistake, "Xiaonan, why don't you let brother go in with you?"

"No need! Brother, I'm already an adult, I have the ability to solve this matter myself! Isn't it just a divorce procedure? What's the big deal, don't underestimate me!"

Xue Yingying's round shoulders trembled, her unrestrained appearance seemed to be talking about what to eat tonight.

Her pretending to be strong, in his opinion, made her feel more and more uncomfortable.

How could this be such a trivial matter to her?She has always been affectionate, otherwise, how could the two of them have been in a relationship for so many years, until now they have come to this point?If it weren't for her and her family's obstruction, he would have acted impulsively like ten years ago, and beat up the crown prince severely, to end the hatred in his heart.

However, the fist was indeed relieved, but what about her, didn't she end up getting divorced in the end?
Is it really necessary?

"Ninny, I..." Xue Yinuo moved her upper and lower lips, and before she could say a word, she quickly cut it off.

It's impossible for her not to see the affectionate look in his eyes.

There was no one around at the moment, just for her to say something in her heart.

She turned her back, and there were some things she didn't have the guts to say outright in front of him.

Taking a deep breath, she paused, and then continued: "Brother, in my heart, you will always be my best brother. No matter how the future changes, you are my brother, and this cannot be changed. .You go first! When I come out again, I don't want to see you here."

Her dear brother, I'm sorry, please forgive her cruel treatment.She didn't want what happened to Dang Zimo and Guan Hong to start happening again to him.Every night, every bit of getting along with the two of them will always appear in her mind.

Every night before, she still had A Zhan's arms to live in, but now?She has nothing left but self-preservation.

Xue Yinuo, please forgive her for being cruel!
Every step she took was extremely difficult, and finally she stepped into the Civil Affairs Bureau.

However, the scene in front of her finally poked her eyeballs.

The bastard Tan Jun Zhan, this title is the only honor he has won.

Xue Yingying gritted her teeth in hatred, she had no choice but to get closer.

"Do you have everything ready, including the household registration booklet and marriage certificate?" As soon as she stepped forward, that was what she said, and she felt that she wanted to divorce every minute.

However, no matter how cheap her mouth is, she is not as bad as the third son next to her.

I saw San'er hugging Tan Junzhan's neck tightly with one hand, rubbing her limp body back and forth non-stop: "Sister, hurry up, don't let Ah Zhan and I miss Huang Daoji's marriage registration." Time."

Dare to come true!
Divorce her with the front foot, and plan to register with San'er with the second foot?
She couldn't understand this strategy!

But, he was Xue Yingying's man in life, and she was Xue Yingying's male ghost in death.

Other women want Xiao Xiang, but I'm afraid they won't have a chance in this life!


"Where did this wild fox come from? This body odor is really bad!" She made a gesture of covering her nose, disgusted.

How could San'er fail to hear her criticizing Sang and scolding Huai!
However, she is not an easy bird.

It is not advisable for the two to have a dispute face to face. She seemed to realize this and turned to seek foreign aid.

"Azhan, look at my sister, she will make fun of others! She must be envious of the child in my belly, you have to protect us mother and child..."

Afterwards, she stared intently at Tan Junzhan's direction.

But who knows, men are not even interested in acting.

As soon as he got up, he ruthlessly pushed her aside, without giving her a single look.

"Everything is ready, let's go in and go through the formalities together!"

With the same movements as usual, he tightly grasped Xue Yingying's weak and boneless little hand with one hand.As soon as he touched it, he unconsciously clenched it tightly until finally he couldn't bear to let go.

Hold your hand and grow old together.

For some reason, the only thing he could think of was this sentence.

How much he thought that if he was not careful, the two of them would end up together.

But in the future, will he still have this opportunity?

In the future, he can't afford it.

Thinking of this, Tan Junzhan had no choice but to clenched his hands even harder.Even if the time he can grasp is only a short moment, he doesn't want to waste it.

He was so stupid, did he really think she didn't notice anything?
Just because she couldn't understand his thoughts clearly, she wanted to tease him even more.

(End of this chapter)

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