Chapter 245 Little Sparrow
As if jealous to reject him, she frowned deliberately, and asked in a cold tone: "Tan Junzhan, let me go! After today, we will no longer have any relationship."

"But at least, at this moment, we are still a husband and wife relationship in name." He was like eating dynamite. Hearing her words, all the resentment in his heart exploded.

This is like her man!

If he really didn't take it seriously, she would have to wonder if he had someone pretend to be the man in front of her.

"Ah Zhan, don't you want to divorce me after this change? Well, let's go home now!" She said so, but there was no such movement on her feet.

"No, I won't allow it."

Before the crown prince could make a sound, there was a chattering and bustling little sparrow running towards the two of them, coming to stop them.

"If I really make up my mind not to divorce, what can you do to me?" Xue Yingying squinted her eyes, and her tone sounded strangely approachable, but it always made people feel a little chilly?

What happened?
"Sister, what do you mean by that? I know, it's all my fault, I shouldn't have meddled in your marriage with Ah Zhan. I don't need a title, but the child in my stomach is the flesh and blood of the Tan family. No way!"

With the sound of her speaking, a few lines of crystal clear tears fell down immediately.

This dialogue with a lot of grievances, why do you feel that she is a third party?

This trick makes it really clever enough!

"Success, I really have become a sinner!" Xue Yingying said jokingly.

This is not the case. People come and go in the Civil Affairs Bureau all day long.

As soon as they appeared on the stage, they were immediately surrounded by people.

She, Xue Yingying, was not afraid of losing face, anyway, she was not at fault in this matter.

Having a child out of wedlock, the one who loses face is naturally the big girl with yellow flowers!
The surrounding crowd pointed and pointed, and San'er soon lost face.

As for the crown prince, he always looked indifferent, as if he had nothing to do with it, and hung up high.

"Good sister, I beg you..."

The aggrieved posture was immediately exposed in front of others, and she was playing the bitterness card?

As for Xue Yingying, how could she let the other party stage a one-man show alone!
Look at her look that makes me feel pitiful, the man hasn't moved yet, she gets involved, what kind of words does that sound like?
However, she thought of a better idea.

She took out her mobile phone from her small bag, and suddenly she dialed a number, which was quickly pressed to her ear, and the joyful voice said again: "Mom, I'm my daughter, maybe this is the last time I will call you that, in the future Ms. Jiang..."

From the first time she spoke, Tan Junzhan's eyes were no longer as indifferent as they were before, and they shone brightly, moving in her direction with unsatisfied intentions.

This looks like a couple!
As for San'er, her behavior is similar to that of the prince, except that she started paying attention to the last three words.She knew exactly who the person on the other end of the phone would be.

His eyes followed her all the time, fearing that Xue Yingying would plot a move.

However, she felt a little bit very strongly.

"Ms. Jiang, Ah Zhan and I are in the Civil Affairs Bureau right now, and we are just about to go through the divorce procedures. That's right, I calculated the time, and it is estimated that the baby in her belly will be born in seven months. You know Well, there are so many women in Beijing who want my position. Although I am not Ah Zhan's wife, I don't want him to be cuckolded for no reason. Remember to check the child's month carefully when the time comes. Don't let people be shoddy..."

Xue Yingying's plan seemed to be to kill her, and she dared to speak out in front of the protagonist.This extraordinary courage is a habit formed by the crown prince's pampering over the years.

What about after that?

No one can tell what the future holds.

The people watching around felt sorry for their relationship.

"What about the promised vows, fuck the hell forever? How many celebrities in the entertainment industry treat me as if she doesn't want to marry, and in the end, it's divorced? That's too far away from us! Isn't it just a case in front of us? So Over the years, who would not understand the crown prince's feelings for her? I don't remember to restrain myself in public, if it wasn't for true love, how could the crown prince do this?"

"Yeah, both of them have come to this point in the end, who would believe in love! But it's a pity to say it!"

"If you want me to tell you, it's not their fault. It's all because of Xiao San's meddling. The princess just gave birth to a child. Do you know about this? I heard from the little sisters in the hospital that it was all Xiao San who ran to her on purpose. Go to show off your power. It's a pity that the child will be lost in this excitement."


At the end of the day, Xue Yingying couldn't predict that it would be difficult to control.

They, one by one, hated each other from the beginning, but now they all turned against each other.Perhaps it was the shameless identity of the mistress that resonated with everyone!

"I've finished this call too, and it's time for us to get down to business."

As soon as the words fell, Xue Yingying's white and tender face turned red with shyness.How to say this sentence is so awkward, it always feels a bit ambiguous.

It's almost like making a human in bed at night!

With Tan Junzhan's seductive eyes, once he saw her inadvertently shy look, he couldn't help but stare blankly.At the same time, his hands decisively let go of Xiaosan's waist, and changed to hold Xue Yingying's involuntarily, and his favorite fingers clasped together.

Look at how sweet it is...

The people around couldn't help joking and joked: "Hey, yo, let me see, you two should not get divorced! Lang has a love sister, why are you getting divorced because of irrelevant people? You are asking for trouble!"

"Yes, yes! Big sister, if you want a divorce if the prince cheats, then you are an idiot. Men will inevitably make mistakes. After this episode, I can assure you that he will never do it again in the future."

The other person who spoke out to help was ruthless: "If you really care about the child in Xiaosan's stomach, my job is to be a doctor in charge of abortion operations. If the prince can protect me, I can take her to the operation today. Done!"

"Everyone of you... Hmph, do you know who my father is?" Tiger didn't show his power, he just treated her as a sick cat, and San'er couldn't hold back his temper, so he uttered cruel words on the spot.

"Is it possible that your father is Li Gang? Who is your father? Isn't this a question that you have to ask your mother? Don't you even know who your mother is? This child is really pitiful."

(End of this chapter)

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