Chapter 246
This lady is so funny!
Xue Yingying was not in a good mood at first, but she was successfully counterattacked in an instant.

"It's getting late, let's go! In case you miss the registration of Huang Daoji, I can't take that responsibility." She seemed to be in a good mood, and she also learned to tease herself, shrugging her shoulders indifferently.

Facing the dark crowd in front of her, there was something she had to say: "Dear sisters, I, Xue Yingying, am very grateful that you are standing by my side today. I will never regret my choice today. The mistress who got involved in someone else's family and led to a broken marriage It is indeed shameful. However, the child in her womb is also a small life. We can’t do it without the child’s fucking consent. Heaven will come to clean her up, just wait and see!"

"Okay, well said!"

She nodded and smiled at all the well-meaning people again, and she has nothing to repay for their coming forward today.

As for Tan Junzhan, it seems that he can't stand being ignored.

Pulling hard with his left hand, he hugged her hard in his arms, half dragging and half hugging her, and walked towards the divorce area.

His heartbeat was thumping, thumping, and full of rhythm.

One step, two steps, getting closer and closer to that area, Xue Yingying suddenly panicked.

In this way, will he have to disappear in his own world in the future?
"What are you thinking? We're here!"

A loud flick of a finger flicked off her forehead, and the click was loud enough.

Xue Yingying felt pain in her forehead, she immediately shook off his hand, bounced a long distance, and was looking at him with complaining eyes.

Even if their relationship as husband and wife is over, there's no need to treat her like this, right?

"Talk Junzhan, after the divorce started today, we both get together and get separated. If you want to remarry in the future, don't even think about it, just stick to your attitude today! Whoever repents is a puppy!"

What about that damned stinky man, who made it clear that he wanted to destroy his image in her mind. Was he so eager to leave her?

The thought of his eyes made her feel inexplicably sad.

She felt distressed, and even more sad that she couldn't be by his side and spend the most difficult days with him, but she couldn't show all these emotions.

Her mood at the moment is two words, worrying.

Sitting down on the stool, she waited for the man to approach, after all, this matter could not be slapped!

However, as soon as Tan Junzhan took his seat, the elder sister opposite had a warm-hearted appearance.

After holding hands, the first sentence she uttered was not much different from the crowd outside.

"If you want me to tell you, do you two need to think about it again. One day as a husband and wife, one hundred days of grace, you have more than a thousand days and nights..."

After all, isn't it just to persuade the two of them not to divorce?

Is it so difficult to get a divorce?
Xue Yingying only felt frustrated, she didn't want to continue to express any opinions, so she had to give the initiative to the man beside her.

Divorce was initiated by him in the first place.Then of course he has to solve this tricky problem!

Fortunately, his performance didn't disappoint her any more.

"Stop talking nonsense, just go through the formalities!"

The cold and hard words were thrown out immediately, did he really regard this as a prick?

Xue Yingying curled her lips in displeasure, she was no longer willing to speak.

As long as she can get what she wants today, it's fine if she is willing to be a mute.

"Talk about Jun Zhan..."

The eldest sister who handles the certificate, she has been deeply impressed by the domineering energy on his body, and all the words of comfort from her lips have disappeared.However, at this moment, Xue Yingying called his name softly, as if feeling a little regretful.


He was as usual, his upturned voice could not tell what he was thinking at the moment.

"I can still give you one last chance, get up and leave now, you still have time." The two of them had been in love for so many years, and she couldn't stand it if they broke up as soon as they said it.

Hearing her words, Tan Junzhan's heartbeat seemed to miss a few beats, and he stared at her with a silly expression.

Coincidentally, at this time, the elder sister who applied for the certificate definitely participated in many such scenes.

She looked at the right time, suddenly spoke words of persuasion, and continued to speak eloquently: "Yes, prince, you see that your delicate little daughter-in-law has said so, why don't you think about it?"

"No need, let's tap the chapter!"

No matter what the surroundings say, he insists on what he has seen as always.

The gaze that was originally on her cheek was retracted again, and he stayed directly on the elder sister's fingertips.

Let the little daughter-in-law not love her, and instead look at her as a middle-aged woman?
How is it possible?It's a good idea!

"Okay! Once this chapter is over, don't think about me remarrying you again. Marriage certificate, I only get a marriage certificate with one person in my life, don't think about me giving it to you a second time."

Xue Yingying's words were too decisive, and she didn't give him any face at all.

As for face, it really depends on the person.He doesn't care about it himself, why should she keep it for him?

The tip of her nose hummed twice, and her attitude immediately won the big sister's full house.

At the same time, following her remarks, there was the sound of a forceful steel seal falling.

"Sister, you are right. Over the years, I have rarely seen such a determined woman like you. I am optimistic about your future, and I am sure your life will not be worse than now."

"Then thank you in advance!"

Xue Yingying exchanged some pleasantries, and the freshly released divorce certificate replaced the status of Hong Yanyan's marriage certificate.

Seeing the certificate spread out in her palm, she sighed for a moment.

I remember back then, when she wanted to divorce him every minute, wasn't it because she was just a joke of his?
But now, after being cheated on, the mistress came to the door with a big belly, and she was swept out of the house in an instant, becoming a veritable second-in-law. Does her life have to be so bloody?

Smiling, she froze in place without any follow-up actions.

When the next couple saw her like this, they thought she was scared out of their wits.After all, anyone with a discerning eye can see that their pair is worth more than Tan Junzhan, not her.

"You...don't be sad! When you meet love at the corner, your next spring will definitely be better than the last one. Hey...don't believe it! My husband and I met on a blind date. If you need it, I'll give you the contact information... oh, oh, don't go!"

"Honey, today is our registration day. Can you think about expanding your blind date business?"

Hearing this, do you think the two of them are here to register?But isn't this room used for divorce?
Before she could figure it out, the eager character of the very talkative elder sister behind her was revealed, and she roared angrily at the two newcomers who were completely out of shape: "Did you make a mistake? Come back to me when you are going to separate." here!"

(End of this chapter)

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