Bamboo horse husband and green plum wife

Chapter 247 The Baby Kicks Me One Foot

Chapter 247 The Baby Kicked Me

"Sister, after the birth of my and Ah Zhan's children, you are welcome to attend on time." San'er's pair of beautiful eyes kept blinking, revealing eager anticipation.

How could Xue Yingying have the nerve to disappoint her?

The corners of her mouth raised slightly in a soft arc, even though her chest was congested, she still gave an answer immediately.

"The one in your belly is pregnant with the eldest son and grandson of the Tan family. This can be regarded as a happy event for the entire capital. However, I am quite worried that you will not be ashamed in front of everyone then, right? That scene must be grand, Take it easy!"


Her simple words made San'er choked with anger in an instant.

As for the reason, there is no need to delve into it at all. How could Tan Junzhan admit this child?
To San'er, what Xue Yingying said was undoubtedly a silent and loud slap in the face?
But at this moment, Tan Junzhan's eyes were staring at Xue Yingying affectionately from the beginning to the end, without any intention of taking it back.

Seeing this, San'er was so angry that he jumped up and down, the veins on his temples trembled wildly.

"Ah Zhan, ah - the baby seems to have kicked me just now! After we get the certificate first, we will go to the hospital for a check-up, what do you think?"

The aggrieved tone, how can this look like the way a couple should get along?
Xue Yingying thought it was ridiculous, at least the way the two of them got along before was what a normal couple should have.

She accidentally thought of the past, and her smile stopped abruptly.

Tan Junzhan had no voice other than silence.

After San'er saw it, she became more and more anxious, and a layer of water mist gradually formed in her eye sockets.She tried her best to stand on tiptoe and put her lips close to his ear, but her voice was very soft, as if she was wary of someone.

Xue Yingying, who followed them some distance away, couldn't hear clearly.

Just after she finished speaking, she returned to her original calm, and her bright eyes kept falling on his face.

However, Tan Junzhan didn't control the strength of his hands well, and forced her to walk forward with a frenzied movement, with no expression on his face.

Watching the couple enter the registration area, Xue Yingying couldn't help trembling her upper and lower lips, and said softly in a voice that only one person could hear: "Tan Junzhan, goodbye, never see you again."

"sister in law……"

This sound came out of nowhere.

Xue Yingying is not Erlang God, and she didn't have a sky eye on her back, so how could she know in advance that there is such a big living person hiding behind her?
Her heart was beating wildly, and she was startled.

Turning around, she took a closer look, and it turned out to be him!
After her heartbeat returned to normal, her face was stiff.

She looked up at the wall clock on the wall, and explained: "Han Shaoting! 10 minutes ago, your boss and I had successfully gone through divorce procedures."

The implication of this statement is too obvious, how could Han Shaoting not be clear about it?
"I know! But in my heart, you will always be sister-in-law. Not only me, everyone thinks so. Sister-in-law, you have been with the boss for so many years, how can you not understand his thoughts?" Han Shaoting didn't care What she said, she always insisted on her own thoughts.

Xue Yingying felt a powerless sense of frustration, and she didn't want to continue to be serious with him on this issue.

Once a creature like a barbarian bull becomes stubborn, even if he tries to reason with him for a month, there will be no dispute in the end.

It's better to give up as soon as possible!

"Take care of your boss, I'll go first!"

Talking about Jun Zhan's behavior really broke her heart.Although she knew very well that he was just acting, she couldn't forgive just looking at what happened in front of her.

Women, sensibility and rationality can never coexist.

But no one can say for sure what will happen in the future, it is better to take one step at a time.

"Sister-in-law, I am here today because I was entrusted by the boss. He wants me to give you this thing, and you will open it when you get home. You must remember it!"

Seeing that she was about to leave, Han Shaoting hurriedly quickened his pace, stretched out his hand to stop her as soon as he stepped forward, and imitated Tan Junzhan's tone and demeanor perfectly when he confessed to him.

She glanced at it, couldn't help being amused, raised her eyebrows slightly, couldn't help chuckling, and began to tease the sisters' men: "What if I open it now?"

You have to honor what you say, this is her personal style.

It was too late to say it, but just as her slender fingertips rested on the document bag, his powerful palm quickly swept over to stop her follow-up actions.

"Sister-in-law, don't make things difficult for me."

With a difficult tone, he was frustrated.If the opponent is not her, he is guaranteed to use strong methods.

But she is not someone else, not only his sister-in-law, but also his beloved wife's best friend, he can't hurt her.

"Just kidding you, narrow-minded guy! I left first, remember to take good care of him. Smoking and drinking, let him quit all. When he is in a bad mood, it is like this, so be careful! Don't wait until your stomach hurts I just thought of taking medicine, and let him pay attention to his diet three times a day. Don’t rely on him being young and dress the same all year round, he’s going to be four soon..."

"Sister-in-law, should tell the boss himself these words?"

She babbled and instructed, and she couldn't finish writing on a blank sheet of paper.

Couples, married for a long time, will always end up becoming the closest family members.Even legally, the two have nothing to do with each other.But don't worry about him, how could she do it?
Xue Yingying is caught in a dilemma, it is better not to think about it, after all, he has already started to start a family again.

Forget it, these instructions should be swallowed back into the abdominal cavity!
She shook her head, and her steps had just started.

Before he had gone far, he heard Tan Junzhan's deep roar coming from behind him: "Get lost—"

What's the matter, internal strife?

However, it has nothing to do with her, it is better to leave as soon as possible.

As the noise inside became louder and Xue Yingying's footsteps became lighter and lighter, no one could be seen in a blink of an eye.

This made Han Shaoting, who originally wanted to ask to stay, felt very uncomfortable.

I hope he and his woman will not come to this point in the end.


Just a few minutes ago, the two people who entered the registration hall and waited had already had quite a conflict.

Tan Junzhan has severe misogyny. From childhood to adulthood, except for Xue Yingying who can take root beside him, other women really don't have this ability!
But this time, if he had to ask this woman for help, how could he hold back again and again?
At present, her use value is gone, don't expect him to be patient again and again.

But a certain person didn't have this cognitive ability yet, and his face continued to stick close to him, while the prince's face became more and more serious, as dark as dark clouds over the moon.

(End of this chapter)

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