Bamboo horse husband and green plum wife

Chapter 248 Divorce Declaration

Chapter 248 Divorce Declaration
"Let go!"

A few words without warmth immediately popped out of his mouth.

"Azhan, don't forget your promise to me." San'er was still smiling happily, and she dared to believe that he had something in her hands.

And isn't Xue Yingying the handle?
The whole capital knew that Xue Yingying was his weakness.It's just that other people are not so bold and would dare to go against Tan Jia blatantly.

The matter was resolved satisfactorily, so he naturally wouldn't keep this scourge to hurt Xiaonizi.

"It was agreed at the beginning, my divorce will be in exchange for the child, and it will be evened." This matter is not good for anyone, Tan Junzhan said deliberately in a low voice.

"You want to regret the marriage? That's fine. If you're not afraid that I'll make things big, you can go ahead and give it a try. Tan Junzhan, you said that as a serving member of the army, you got pregnant with other women before you got divorced. How should this be handled?"

How could she not have considered her way out before taking action?

The corners of San'er's mouth gradually curved into a crescent shape.

So that was her plan!
Simply pediatrics!

"Marry you? Even if I'm a bachelor, I won't marry you. If you like to make trouble, then go ahead and make trouble. I don't care about you."

Tan Junzhan made it clear that he was just trying to break the can, so he resolutely ignored her.

San'er was dumbfounded, she didn't expect him to be so stubborn.Even if this reputation is threatened, he has no taboo.

When he came out, Han Shaoting had been standing still for quite a long time.

"What about her?"

Han Shaoting finally came back to his senses, he knew who the boss was referring to.

"There was a lot of commotion inside, my sister-in-law took what I gave and left..." Han Shaoting answered honestly, not daring to raise his eyes to look at him on the way.

How sad the boss must be!

"Go back to the thorn first."

"What about her?" Han Shaoting pointed, and the direction of his finger happened to be his back.

What's going on there?Besides crazy women, what else?

"Leave her alone, a madwoman."

Tan Junzhan is really suitable for doing big things. It is estimated that his enthusiasm is all given to his sister-in-law and their children, and the others can't tell the difference.

However, it is still a pity!

Han Shaoting followed closely behind him, not daring to say much, he had to shoulder the trust of his sister-in-law and resolutely protect the safety of the boss.

Xue Yingying returned home with a tired face, and her eyes, which were always lively, looked dull at present.

Just looking at her, no one dared to ask questions, this is undoubtedly adding salt to her wounds?

Before she went upstairs, she finally said: "Mom, please don't look at me like that, is it okay? Isn't it a divorce? It's like I have a mental breakdown. I'll go upstairs to catch up on sleep, and I'll come down at night Eat. Don't think too much!"

She deeply understands the worries from her family, and she does stupid things just because of divorce. This kind of person is a fool, and she can't be in this category anyway.

Now it's not the old society. Once divorced, a woman's life is over!

After putting on her slippers, she drooped her head and walked to the room without interest.

Powerless, she threw herself to the center of the big bed.

But she didn't feel any sleepiness, her dry eyeballs were fixed on the ceiling above her head, staring stupidly, falling into reverie.

She and Ah Zhan, is it really over?

Thinking about it inexplicably, she felt very sad.

Guan Hong and Dang Zimo got involved in their marriage one after another, they were not like this, they have been like this now, hey...

She suddenly had a flash of inspiration and became curious.

Tan Junzhan asked Han Shaoting to transfer the things to him, what is there that cannot be given to her face to face?

On a whim, she got out of bed resolutely, ignoring the lack of shoes on her feet, and started to dig into the small bag without thinking.

Humans, there are always times like this, the more anxious you are, the worse things will be!The more she wanted to find that item as soon as possible, but she couldn't find it.

Nothing to do, she could only dump the packet over.

In this way, she finally found what she wanted most quickly.

As for the other things she didn't want, she didn't have time to tidy them up, so she tore off the outermost wrapping paper, and she began to look through the contents on the paper one by one.

Real estate certificate, bank card, Sovereign Group share transfer certificate...

Xue Yingying's face was full of black lines, and she continued to read.

Until she flipped through and saw the thing at the bottom, her eyes were straightened.

The name of the bank where the Swiss bank opened the account turned out to be her name, and the amount on it was really not a small number!
She swallowed and counted carefully.

Good guy, she was promoted to become a billionaire in no time.

But where did such a windfall come from?

When she was dumbfounded by the huge sum of money, a piece of white paper as thin as a cicada's wing fell to the ground at the end.

Xue Yingying glanced at it briefly, didn't the vigorous and powerful fonts on the paper come from him?She has seen his handwriting since she was a child, so how could she admit it?

Bending down slightly, she picked it up and carefully read every word on it.

Due to my personal reasons for talking about Jun Zhan, our five-year marriage broke down and we signed a divorce agreement today.After we got married, we had a daughter. The child cannot be separated from the mother. I will not fight for the custody.The other things in the file are the breakdown of our marriage, my compensation to you, and child support when the child grows up.

Regarding the deposits in Swiss banks, this is the total income from the sale of all the assets of Dang Zimo before his death.In accordance with his request, I will deposit the amount in your name, and it should be returned to the rightful owner today.

Finally, I hope you can find someone who is really suitable for you in the future. 】


It turned out that he had already planned to die together!
The bastard talks about Jun Zhan!
He thought this was his compensation for her?That would be dead wrong.

She needs a husband, and the child also needs a father. These cannot be solved by money.

A phone call from Xia Xuanfu finally rescued Xue Yingying who was crying so badly.

She took the phone and took a look, it turned out to be sisters!

After a little tidying up, Xue Yingying choked up her crying so that the sisters could not hear it all at once.

"Xuanzi, what's the matter? I'm catching up on sleep!" In response to this line, she yawned several times, as if she had just been awakened from sleep.

"Have you read what Han Shaoting gave you?"

Xia Xuanfu's voice was extraordinarily nervous, and every word seemed cadenced, as if she was at the top of the sky at the moment.If one is not careful, it is very likely to fall down and be smashed to pieces.

"Oh, that thing, I haven't had time to look through it yet. What's the matter? It's important?" She asked curiously.

(End of this chapter)

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