Chapter 249 Little Nanny

Otherwise, where did the sisters come from in such a tense state?
Xue Yingying's heavy eyes returned to not long ago, and the eye frames gradually became moist.At this moment, she seemed to be in tears.

The divorce was indeed proposed by him.But he is different from ordinary men, he leaves all the most beneficial things to her and one by one, and he can even be called a cleanse.

How many men in the world can do what he does?


"Yingzi, I used to be angry, and I was angry, so I missed Han Shaoting for many years. There is something strange about this matter between you and the prince. Later, after Han Shaoting returned home, under my torture, he finally confessed. To be honest, the crown prince and that woman actually directed a play on purpose to show you, it didn't happen in real..."

Xue Yingying smiled knowingly, but the smile didn't reach her eyes.

"I knew it from the second time we met." Xue Yingying's voice sounded calm, without any disturbance.

Compared to her, Xia Xuanfu seemed petty, and couldn't help raising her voice several pitches: "You know it all? Sisters, what do you think of me? Tell me!"

"I know you will be angry! If you knew my plan from the beginning, you would definitely stop me."

Xue Yingying spoke clearly and logically, which made it impossible for Xia Xuan to refute, but she still found a breakthrough: "As you guessed, the crown prince is about to suffer from insomnia. Moreover, I just learned from Han Shaoting that the crown prince voluntarily asked to resign. Assassinate the position of leader."

" could it be?"

Xue Yingying had calculated thousands of times, but she still didn't expect this.His military career was half his life.She thought that all his youth in this life was planted here, but now, what is it?

The nasal cavity was sore for a while, and she felt an uncontrollable liquid ready to flow down.

"I heard that the crown prince didn't want to get a certificate with Xiaosan, so she threatened the crown prince's Zhiwei in Mansta. Your man cut the mess quickly and made this decision before her. But it's a pity!" Xia Xia There is nothing else except sighing in Xuanfu.

As long as you are a person from the capital, when you hear this news for the first time, you will naturally just sigh, and there will be no further text.

Talking about Jun Zhan's influence in the military world, it must not be underestimated.Losing him is a great loss, but no one can stop his stubbornness.

"What's the agreement between the two of them?" Xue Yingying was most concerned about this point, and everything else was easy to talk about.

Her breathing suddenly became heavy.

However, Xia Xuanfu's answer disappointed her terribly: "This...sisters, I'm so sorry! I haven't found out until now. Ask Han Shaoting, he just pursed his lips and chuckled, and he didn't do anything else. That's right. By the way, he also said, 'Let's get ready to watch a good show'. This damned man is playing riddles with his old lady at critical moments!"

"Men, you should learn how to discipline, instead of being violent at every turn. If he runs away in the future, don't you regret it?" Xue Yingying is teaching by example at this moment, and her example is the most beneficial teaching!

"Sisters, when are you going to start implementing your plan?" Xia Xuanfu became excited as soon as he mentioned this.

"Doesn't it depend on the other party's cooperation?" Xue Yingying's mood changed from the gloomy before, and finally there was a smile in her tone.

"Then I'll give you a secret report when the time comes! My man seems to be calling, so I'll hang up first! Sisters, bye—"

Listening to the happiness expressed by the sisters on the other end, Xue Yingying chatted to comfort her from the bottom of her heart.It is enough for at least one of them to be happy!
talk home.

Since Xue Yingying left, Jiang Yinshi was deeply afraid that he would be overwhelmed for a while, and no one would take care of him if there was an accident, so she insisted on pestering him to move back home.

But Tan Junzhan was no match for his mother's gracious invitation, and in the end he could only compromise.

On this day, Han Shaoting was more silent than usual.

Jiang Yinshi had just cooked the great tonic soup from the kitchen, when she glanced out of the corner of her eye, she saw the two of them coming in and greeted them with smiles on their faces: "Jun Zhan is back? Xiao Han, sit down and drink some soup too." Let's go! I'm not boasting, my level of soup making is getting better and better."

It's just that I didn't expect that Han Shaoting was exactly the same as Tan Junzhan, and he didn't say a word.His hand favorably supported Tan Junzhan's, and he moved forward in small steps.


Jiang Yinshi was not so blind yet, she put the hot soup on the table first.

Turning around again, she began to ask: "Where did Jun Zhan get hurt?"

How could it be possible that no one was injured in the military career all year round?It's just a matter of severity!
Her pillow is a soldier, and so is her son.As a military wife, she can see this better than anyone else.

However, neither of the two teenagers was ready to speak.

With the support of Han Shaoting, Tan Junzhan finally moved his feet.

Empty eyes, no longer the energetic look of the past, no sparkle of focus can be seen.

What's wrong with him?
Can't the eyes see?

In order to prove her conjecture, Jiang Yinshi's feet moved very slowly as if they were filled with lead.

Before she could move up to him, Tan Junzhan, who had no expression on his face, finally said, "Mom, I'm blind, so don't mess around. My niece and I have divorced, and I transferred all my property to you. To her name. I didn't get your consent before, I'm sorry! But I hope you can stay out of my affairs."

These words, to Jiang Yinshi, were like a bolt from the blue, hitting her directly, without any preparation at all.

Her precious son seemed to be the focus of everyone.Can he see through this blindness?

and many more……

This is the main reason why he insisted on divorcing his daughter, right?

Before she could ask this question, he was supported by Han Shaoting, away from this place of right and wrong, and successfully transferred to his own small bedroom.

"Boss, what are your plans for the future?"

Tan Junzhan, who was completely blind, was inconvenient in all kinds of actions.Han Shaoting forcibly held back the tears that were rolling in his eye sockets, and tried his best to restrain the emotions that were about to burst into tears and not let them burst out.

"Don't tell the brothers about me, I'm fine! Han Shaoting, you should get out, get out and go to work in Manthorn, don't worry about me."

Tan Junzhan couldn't see with his eyes, so he could only use his ears to identify his location.After he was probably sure, he threw out such a sentence coldly.

Behind the words without warmth, there is his endless care.

Han Shaoting burst into tears instantly.

There is a saying that is not well said, a man does not flick his tears easily, but it is not yet the time to be sad.

It was him, the boss, who reached out and rescued him from the crowd of dudes, making him an upright soldier in the end.

It's the boss, in various missions, even when his life is at stake, he will not abandon his brothers and run away by himself.Most of these brothers are from poor rural areas.In his heart, there is no distinction between high and low, only good and evil.


He taught himself too much, shouldn't such a good person live long?Why did God treat him like this?
(End of this chapter)

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