Chapter 251 The first time

The idyllic life in the countryside is exactly what Tan Junzhan dreams of.

If there is any regret, the only regret is that there is no one by his side.

In the mountains and forests, the punctual crowing of the cock has replaced the status of the alarm clock.

God closed the window of his soul, and at the same time, he added a new skill-a keen ear that is different from ordinary people.

Following the sound of the rooster crowing outside the window, which came into his ears, Tan Junzhan jolted his steps and gradually groped for it.

With a wobbly body, he finally managed to touch the edge of the window sill.

As soon as he opened the window, the oncoming air was filled with a wet feeling, which seemed extraordinarily fresh, directly sweeping away the unsmooth that had accumulated in his heart before.

In fact, it's useless to think about those things again. At that time, Nannan's words were very serious, and her attitude was also very clear.

He knew her temperament, and she always disliked being cheated on her, even if it was a white lie.

And this time, he is undoubtedly digging his own grave, and the whole thing is courting death.

Forget it, stop thinking about her!
Tan Junzhan leaned on the window frame with his strong arms, and stopped letting troubles fill his brain, quietly feeling the charm bestowed by nature.

Suddenly, a tempting aroma of rice spread in the air.As her footsteps approached again and again, it gradually poured into his nasal cavity.

His body and mind were involuntarily separated, after a whole night of rest, he was already hungry and almost finished digesting.

And the stomach is the same, before he can open his mouth, he sings the empty city plan first.

He was as stubborn as a bull, but he continued to stay by the window, motionless, just like the behavior of a young master.

In the quiet room, apart from him, most of the people who came with delicacies were the pregnant dumb widow that Jiang Yinshi mentioned!
She couldn't speak, so naturally she couldn't ask him to come over for dinner.

After the little mute put the food on the table, he was silent for a while, so quiet that Tan Junzhan thought she had left.

However, she suddenly appeared next to him, wrapped her hands in his arms cautiously, supported his body with all her strength, and moved slowly like a snail, trying to move him to the edge of the table dine.

This familiar body scent...

Is it her?

Tan Junzhan couldn't control the ecstasy in his heart, he didn't control his strength well, he held her slender wrist tightly with his backhand, his voice trembled abnormally: "Say, who are you?"

A dumb man who eats yellow lotus can't tell the pain!
This proverb, now used to quote, could not be more appropriate.

A mute, unable to speak.And the other was blind and couldn't see any images, including the glyphs.

How should this conversation continue?
He thought that she deliberately didn't speak, and her strength intensified a little, as a threat.

"Speak—" His voice was full of coldness.

The little mute is aggrieved, and she can't speak or anything, she can only make a low voice, which is already her greatest limit.

After hearing her voice, Tan Junzhan finally became clearer, and his mind suddenly cleared up.

No matter how much she resembles her daughter, and how hard Ms. Jiang tries to make the two into a couple, she will never be "her".

So forget it!
Suddenly, he let go of his hand decisively, "What happened just now was my fault! Do you want to hear my story?"

The little mute quickly withdrew her hand, unable to speak, so she had to write on his palm, and the two could only communicate with each other.

--it is good!

"Then you help me on the other side of the table first, I'm really a little hungry. I'll tell you my story when I'm full."

Perhaps she was anxious to hear his story, so she did, leading him to the edge of the table full of good food.

After a full meal, Tan Junzhan finally fulfilled his promise.

"Nuan, that is, my ex-wife. She is a good woman and the only woman I love most in my life. But for some unavoidable reasons, I have to leave her."

—Is it because of your eyes?

The little mute wrote stroke by stroke in his palm.

Every time her fingertips touched him, there was a big ripple in his heart, and his heart trembled. The feeling was inexplicable.

The feeling she gave him was so similar, even if he couldn't see her appearance, he always felt that she should be very similar to his daughter in reality.

"Yes! My eyes are blind, medically diagnosed as indirect blindness. Even the doctors can't tell when I will recover, and the worst result is to stay like this forever. I am a man, and I can't just because of myself, It will implicate her for the rest of her life!"

Having said this, his voice choked up for a while, and he stopped speaking.

In a hurry, the little mute handed over a tissue and motioned him to wipe it himself, probably because his previous arrogant behavior had frightened her.

Tan Junzhan did not hesitate, and followed her instructions.

To him, she was just a stranger.Some things cannot be said in detail to those close to her, but it seems that she has found a good channel in her place to express her heart.

"Ninny, I picked her up before the full moon. I was young at that time, and I didn't know what it meant to be heartbroken, and I didn't know that I would have a tendency to be a pedophile at that time.

It's white and tender, with white foam bubbling from the side of the small mouth, it's really pleasing to the eye.

As soon as I stretched out my hand, I poked her cheeks a couple of times, and the touch was quite amusing.She opened her mouth small, put my finger in her mouth, and sucked it a few times.It might be tasteless, but she quickly vomited it out, staring at me with a pair of black grape-like eyes.At that time, my heart was beating so fast that it almost jumped into my throat.

In fact, I understand that I like her, but it may be out of face, so my mother gave her to my parents who adopted her.Fa Xiaoqing and I are siblings. He is worried about his young daughter, so he always takes her with him every time.

What impressed me the most was when she was four years old, she was kidnapped.I followed those people closely and finally found where they were staying.When I saw her, the fiery anger in my chest was welling up continuously.Her whole little head was soaked in the pool, and her two chubby little hands were thumping upwards!After struggling a few times, her neck exposed to the water turned purple, and she felt like she was about to suffocate.

At that moment, I lost my heartbeat for the first time.It was also the first time I realized that I finally had someone I wanted to protect, and that was her.

I was only nine years old that year.I looted a gun from the bad guy and pressed it on instinct.The first time I shot someone, it was because of her. "

--do not talk!

(End of this chapter)

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