Chapter 252 Posthumous Son

The little mute couldn't bear to listen to his life experience.

Growing up in the countryside since she was a child, she probably has never seen what a gun looks like.

Thinking of this, Tan Junzhan chuckled, and continued: "Stop talking about those bloody things! Let me tell you about my ex-wife and I getting married."

- You say you say it!
The little mute became extremely excited, and Xiao Li tugged at his cuff.

It may be a woman's nature, and she prefers to listen to this kind of story.

"After she finished the college entrance examination, she came to me alone, but I rejected her. In the same year, her best friend's family had an accident, her parents died, and that friend's whereabouts were unknown. From that day on, she started My family moved away, and there was no news from then until we reunited on the street five years later.

She took the wrong potion and sprayed me by mistake. She could go to the hospital for an antidote, but I took the opportunity to possess her.The loss of five years made me fully understand that I can't live without her!

In the competitive battle of love, it is not by being soft-hearted that you can win.If I can possess her by using some small means, I will not hesitate. "

Tan Junzhan's mouth was a little dry, he paused for a moment, the little mute seemed to see something, and quickly handed a cup of tea to his mouth.

He didn't refuse, and after a few sips, he pushed it away.

"As a result of that night, I finally got my wish. She finally became my person! I knew that she would not forgive me and be with me again because of this. So, I later resorted to tricks and asked the families of both parties to intervene. My mother likes her more than me, once the matter between me and her is exposed, we will unite with our two ancestors. And I will use the news of the buddy she cares about the most to lure her in every possible way, but she finally compromised!"

—Her best buddy?won't you be jealous
The little mute couldn't figure it out.

Tan Junzhan smiled awkwardly, he hadn't forgotten the nickname she gave herself back then - Super Vinegar Bucket!
"If I say I don't care, then I'm not a man, at least not a man who loves her deeply. Her best friend, I have disliked him from the very beginning.

Who told me to hurt her so that the man could take advantage of it?

During the five years of separation, I tried to find her, and I also appeared around her school.I can only watch helplessly, she has a good relationship with other men, but I can't step forward to stop her! "

Thinking of those years, Tan Junzhan became angry, and his hands unconsciously clenched into fists.Soon it hit the table hard, causing the bowl and chopsticks to vibrate violently upwards.

——Is there a story in the middle?
The little mute is definitely a patient and good listener, and even this small discovery has been grasped by her.

Tan Junzhan nodded his head several times, opened the chatterbox, and continued, "That's the promise I made with my daughter's father! After that wrong thing happened, I knew that she had encountered a mudslide and almost died the same day. As soon as I heard the news, I went back to find her as soon as I was free, but her father stopped me. I promised repeatedly that I would not hurt her, but a big mistake has already been made."

——It can be seen that you love her very much, don't you think about getting back together with her?

Tan Junzhan has a very special feeling, maybe because he misses Xue Yingying so much, even if there is a woman around him, he will feel like her.

With every movement of the little mute, her jade-like hand was writing stroke by stroke on the palm of his hand.Because the two of them were very close, the faint body fragrance from her body would always flow into his nasal cavity one by one.

He didn't want all this to disturb his sanity, even if he couldn't see, even if he wasn't by her side, Xue Yingying could only occupy all the positions in his atrium and ventricle.

It is full, leaving no gaps.

However, when he raised his arm and was about to swing it, his hand accidentally touched the top of her soft hair.

That familiar really resembles her!
Little mute, could she be pretending?

Tan Junzhan suddenly withdrew his hand quickly, not wanting to entangle himself in this issue.

A divorced man and a young widow seem to be a very suitable couple in the eyes of others.

But he couldn't pass the line of defense in his heart, he didn't want to let the rest of his life go, even if he was a bachelor for the rest of his life.

"Get the hell out of me!"

Tan Junzhan's mind was in a mess, and he suddenly forgot that the little mute was pregnant at the moment.Stretching out his hand and pushing hard, before the little mute could make a sound, the noise of things falling to the ground could be heard around him.

At this time, Jiang Yinshi's voice came from outside the door towards the inside.

As soon as she appeared, she glanced across the ground, and finally couldn't help complaining: "Jun Zhan! It's no better than talking about family here, if you want to lose your temper, restrain me. Erya has this in her stomach, but Her husband's posthumous son, there must be no mistakes."

"I'm sorry! Mom, take her out first and leave me alone."

It was rare for Tan Junzhan to humble himself once and let him learn to apologize.Xue Yingying had to go through a lot of experience to succeed in this simple matter that others thought was too simple.

Jiang Yinshi's solemn eyes lingered on him for a while, and finally she compromised. She said, "Erya, just ignore him. He is a lunatic, let's go out and talk!"

Immediately afterwards, the room suddenly became extraordinarily quiet, leaving him alone for him to vent his terrible mood alone.

The biggest difference between the countryside and the city is that the house is surrounded by trees and lush colors, which makes people feel refreshed and happy when they look at it, and there will be crisp birdsong from time to time.

While feeling the gift of nature, the scent of flowers is always so refreshing.

With such an environment, it is no wonder that many retirees have settled here in recent years.

Jiang Yinshi took the little mute's little hand and walked quickly.

Just after leaving Tan Junzhan's bedroom, she quickly pressed the little mute on the bamboo stool, looked down with a serious expression, and asked forcefully, "How are you feeling, baby? The stomach is just not making any movement. Bar?"

That's right!

The little mute was none other than Xue Yingying, whom Tan Junzhan never expected.

In order to dispel his suspicion, she pretended to be an ignorant dumb village woman and approached him.

He has come into contact with all famous doctors, big and small, even famous doctors at home and abroad.But the final result disappointed him every time.

Heartbroken, he finally chose to live in seclusion in the mountains.

As for the backlog of the responsibilities of the elders to carry on the family?Hehe, doesn't he have a brother under him—Tan Erye?
(End of this chapter)

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