Bamboo horse husband and green plum wife

Chapter 253 A lifetime of companionship

Chapter 253

But even if he gave up on herself, Xue Yingying couldn't completely ignore him.

Once divorced, he really has nothing to do with her?

How is it possible!

Tan Yi, as the crystallization of their love.

Every time she sees that little face, she feels an inexplicable burst of pain relief in her chest.

All verbal confessions are not as reliable as a lifetime of companionship.

He can only live in a blind state all his life, and that's okay.

As long as she can be by his side, even appear as a stranger, and then take root in his life from then on, she will be happy.

Dear A Zhan, one day, you will recognize me, right?

Xue Yingying didn't answer directly, she raised her chin, raised her chin up, and followed the room where he was staying with her deep eyes.


This long sigh came from Jiang Yinshi's mouth.

The relationship between the two of them has gone through bumps and bumps along the way, and it has not gone smoothly at all!
"Ninny, in my opinion. Or, you should confess to him! Jun Zhan, it's not like you don't understand! Except for his identity as nannie, other women never care about him. Don't look at me like that, I'm just afraid that if he is not careful, he will hurt you and the child again..."

Speaking of this, Jiang Yinshi's still-shocked eyes finally stayed on her unprotruded lower abdomen, and gradually turned into a heavy but hard-to-disappear worry.

In the scene just now, if she didn't appear in time, the consequences would be unimaginable.

Xue Yingying knew what she was worried about. In order to dispel this thought, she blinked mischievously: "Mom, do you know why Ah Zhan changed his temperament so suddenly?"

From the moment the two of them started talking, Jiang Yinshi chose to hide outside and eavesdrop.

Let these two people get along alone, how could she be at ease?The son is a piece of flesh that fell from her body, and his temperament will not change for thousands of years.And Nannan is now at an important stage. Once the two meet, she is really afraid that something will go wrong, and she will really have no way to explain to her ancestors at that time.

Thinking of this level, the sweat on Jiang Yinshi's forehead burst out uncontrollably and fell down drop by drop.

"Ninny, you should talk about it."

Jiang Yinshi thought about it again, but she really didn't find any clues, so she couldn't help being curious.

"That's because there are too many shadows of girls on me."

Nodding repeatedly, Jiang Yinshi thought about it carefully, and it did make sense, "Then what do you plan to do next?"

For this daughter-in-law, Jiang Yinshi's affection is no less than that of her precious son.

Even though she looked safe and sound, and she couldn't leave for an examination, Jiang Yinshi had no choice but to offer her a cup of tea to shock her.

She took small sips, and after she finished moistening her throat, she finally continued: "Humph! How dare he lie to me? I won't take the initiative to admit it. Next, it depends on Ah Zhan. Can you find out? At that time, as long as he is willing to apologize to me frankly, I will go home with him and our family will be reunited."

"Jun Zhan... hey, with his character, it's hard to confess and apologize."

This is indeed a tricky question, Jiang Yinshi wants to welcome her back even every minute, after all, her body is very precious now.

"do not worry!"

Right now, he changed his position, and Xue Yingying comforted her instead.

After putting down the teacup in her hand, Xue Yingying patted her shoulders a few times, smiled slightly, and said, "Mom, I have confidence in this! Otherwise, let's make a bet."

"If he can confess and admit his mistakes before my child is born, then I will win. As for the bet, if I win, the child must have my last name; if I lose, I will let you handle it, how many children you want?" I have nothing to say. How are you?"

Xue Yingying thought that this bet would definitely arouse the other party's appetite, so she winked happily.

Spreading branches and leaves for the Tan family, this is the scene that the two elders most wanted to see before they passed away.Even if they are not the family members now, it is estimated that this is what the elders are most looking forward to!
"it is good!"

Tan Junzhan's eyes are not good, but his ears are very sharp.

If they don't learn to restrain themselves, maybe he will find out the next moment.

She doesn't want to reveal her identity so soon, she has no time to play!

Jiang Yinshi wanted to continue chatting with her, but was blocked by her words.

There was a little guy stuffed in her belly, so she didn't dare to make big moves, so she could only push and push slightly: "Mom, you go back first! Ah Zhan, I will take good care of it, so don't worry. As for me, I I will put my own safety first. Look at this, okay?"

Her cheeks were slightly puffed up, and her big watery eyes were fixed on Jiang Yinshi, blinking constantly.

Looking at her increasingly thin face, the daughter-in-law is pregnant and has to stay by Jun Zhan's side, taking care of everything by herself.Jiang Yinshi saw it in his eyes, and felt distressed in his heart, how could he not be moved?

After touching the top of her hair, Jiang Yinshi reluctantly said: "My daughter, be careful, I will come to see you in a few days."

"Be careful on the road!"

Xue Yingying said this worriedly, but when she thought about it, she quickly covered her mouth tightly and looked around with her bright eyes.

Eventually, her racing heartbeat subsided.

It's a good thing he didn't come out!

very wrong!

Tan Junzhan's head suddenly cleared up, he was clearly aware of the changes in his body, a certain second brother directly stood in awe, feeling hard against a soft place.

"Who? Get off!"

Putting an end to giving the other party a chance to defend himself, he groped a few times, grabbed the other party's wrist, and was about to throw that person off the bed.

During the period when Nannan was not by his side, he had to be as strict as he was during the five years without her, and he must be strict with himself, and he must not let other members of the opposite sex stand among them and become unnecessary problems.

However, he had only exerted half his strength, and the soft voice of the other party couldn't help complaining: "Tan Junzhan, what are you doing? You hurt me! Don't like my appearance? Well, you now Let the old lady let go."

"Let you go? Where are you going?"

Once her voice appeared, his movements became conditioned reflexively, and he no longer let her leave.

"Some people don't welcome me? I don't want to be so boring! In a word, loosen or not?" She twisted the position of her wrist again, and the result was still the same as before.

Her voice was a little low, but Tan Junzhan laughed muffled.

"Ninny, don't leave me again, I miss you!"

"Nani? I've been deaf lately. What did you just say? Please repeat it again!"

(End of this chapter)

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