Chapter 257
As soon as she finished speaking, after the mother cleared her throat, she immediately began to speak: "Ah, let me tell you the truth! Our Wangcai will only be forty in a few days, he We have been very anxious about your marriage. But he doesn't like anyone, he just likes you. You should also know that you have a big belly, and you are still Kefu..."

Isn't the implication of these words what Xue Yingying thinks in her heart?
She's just Kefu's life, why don't you find another daughter-in-law?Xue Yingying was still looking forward to this result.

However, Xue Yingying was quite aggrieved when someone said it face to face.

Who is she being wronged for?However, this terrible man just hasn't discovered her identity yet!
The more she thought about it, the more aggrieved she became, and she buried her head even lower.

Wangcai looked at her like this, with a look of tears, and his shoulders were trembling slightly.

He faintly moved his heart of compassion, the softness in his heart had already been defeated.

He signaled his mother to stop talking.

"Oh, Wangcai of our family loves his daughter-in-law! Erya, although your life is not very good! But Wangcai of our family likes you, and I can't help it. This is why I came to propose marriage Let’s sit down together and find a good day, you can handle things! However, you can’t keep this child in your stomach. My family doesn’t raise other people’s wild children..."

Hearing this, Xue Yingying accurately summed up two words - wonderful!
The crystallization of love between her and Ah Zhan, when did she become a wild child?

Xue Yingying stood up in a jerk, with a slight sullen look on her porcelain-like face, she was not easy to bully, if she wanted her to have an abortion, there was no door for her!

Facing this wonderful pair of mother and son, can normal people have anything to say?
Although she is a little mute now, it doesn't mean that she can let them bully her!
Xue Yingying stopped talking, she was very angry.

Bai Nen's slender fingers pointed to the door, and she even learned to be stingy with her eyes.

Isn't this action just driving people away?
However, there is always a group of strange things in this world that people can't figure out. What kind of stuff are their brains made of?
"Wangcai, go!"

This line...

On weekdays, Xue Yingying would always be amused.

But right now, the situation is not so good!
With two against one, one of the opponents is still a mighty and powerful man, and she is just a little mute who is pregnant.No matter how you look at it, she is the loser's side.

In this small village with simple folk customs, Xue Yingying never expected, how could these two people be so bold?
Dare to come here to snatch people in broad daylight?
Tongling-sized eyeballs were wide open, and she stared straight at Wangcai in front of her. Countless small darts could be shot out of her eyes, and they all landed on him one by one.

Maybe it was suppressed by the powerful aura emanating from her, but Wangcai was timid and didn't dare to approach her.

As for Wangcai's mother, she gave a severe "useless" reprimand, and only beat her head with chestnuts as punishment.

But this doesn't stop her from robbing people in the future!

"Erya, don't toast and refuse to eat fine wine..."

For this robbery, Wangcai's mother seems to be bound to win, look at her domineering appearance.

But how could Xue Yingying accept it?

Let her submit to an old virgin who is nearly forty years old, especially this kind of guy.His mother is even more amazing, actually planning to let her abort the child she had so hard to have?

Based on these two points alone, their behavior is unforgivable.

However, this place is considered a secluded part of the village, and few people would come and go here on weekdays.

Now it seems that the only person she can rely on is someone resting in the back room!
Whether it works or not, she can only give it a try.Even if you expose your identity, that's understandable, after all, protecting your own life is the most important thing.Oh, no, it was two lives, one big and one small.

Xue Yingying couldn't shout, she could only use this trick when she had to.

In order to delay the time, she picked up the nearest thing and slammed it on the ground, the louder the better, in order to attract the attention of a certain man who was resting in the inner room.

As if seeing her intentions, Wangcai's mother ordered Wangcai who was stupefied: "Why are you still here? Do you want this woman?"

Wangcai's mother hated iron for being weak, so she almost kicked him in the ass.

But at this moment, Tan Junzhan, who was recuperating in the bedroom, had sharp ears.

When Wangcai's mother and son appeared, he had already noticed it.

On weekdays, he always avoided suspicion with the little mute.

But at the critical moment, his feet unconsciously stepped out.

He had a bad feeling in his heart, something might happen to the little mute?

As he expected, after he stumbled into the yard, the noise of chickens flying and dogs jumping did not stop as long as it intensified.

"Stop it all for me!"

Tan Jun Zhan's long-term military career has created his cold-blooded and domineering character.

Even after quitting the barracks, the majesty on his body still makes people shudder.

Wangcai's mother and son have stayed in the mountains all year round, how could it be possible to meet such a big man like him?
He was dumbfounded by the roar of the Hedong lion, and he froze in place, directly crashing.

As for Xue Yingying, she had good eyesight, and when she saw the right moment, she chose to hide behind Tan Junzhan, holding onto his clothes tightly with her small hands and refusing to let go. The scene just now was too thrilling.

His strong and powerful arms are what she yearns for the most, but it's a pity that she can only watch helplessly for the time being.

She can still vividly remember everything that happened before.Her heart was trembling, and she was still trembling all over.

He couldn't see anything with his eyes, but Tan Junzhan had a strange feeling that the images of Erya and Nannan overlapped a bit.

Are they really the same?
Whatever the truth, there was one thing he was sure of.

No matter who the other party is, he will never allow anyone to hurt her.

The boiled duck that was so hard to get, just let her fly?
Wangcai's mother was the first to not forgive.

Her eyes hinted.

The crown prince just stood there, and Wangcai was terrified.But he had to listen to what the old lady said, so he had no choice but to bite the bullet and move forward.

To cheer himself up, he whipped out "good guy."

— Be careful, he has a knife, 5 o'clock!

The little mute has the advantage of not being able to speak, at least he won't lose the chain at this time.

She couldn't make a sound, so Xue Yingying could only gesticulate with her fingers on his back.

With the super high degree of tacit understanding, Tan Junzhan knows every word.

It is true that he is blind, but it does not mean that he has lost the ability to protect her, especially at this time.

(End of this chapter)

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