Chapter 258
Since holding a gun at the age of nine, he has never left the gun he carried with him.

Unexpectedly, since he was blind, it would play its role on this occasion.

"I'll give you one last chance to leave here. Otherwise, hmph—don't blame me for shooting!"

According to my keen sense of hearing, plus Xue Yingying's constant reporting of the exact location.

Tan Junzhan's muzzle was facing exactly where Wangcai was standing, exactly.

His nickname - sharpshooter, that's not a lie.

Can't see?For his current situation, that would be the best!
Because in this way, he can concentrate more and devote himself to it without being disturbed by the outside world. .

"Son, don't listen to his nonsense! How can he have bullets in his gun? It's all a lie! Son, you will be forty soon..." Wangcai's mother was tirelessly brainwashing her son.

Hearing this, Tan Junzhan finally understood the reason for this farce.

Dare to despise his marksmanship?
hehe!Tan Junzhan's lips curled up in a stern arc.

He felt that it was very necessary for them to see his flawless shooting! .

He clearly felt that the little girl behind him staggered, and her whole body fell towards him uncontrollably.

She is scared!
--Excuse me.

Even so, his stern order was still in her mind for the first time, forbidding her approaching.

I don't know what happened, but this time, she moved away from the body that was close to him, and he became uncomfortable instead.

It's sad to think about it, after more than a month of getting along, she should not be very old, at most she is only three years old.For a woman of her age to be wronged and forty is really not suitable.

"Don't be afraid, I will protect you."

His deep and mellow voice gradually entered her heart.

Her little heart seemed to miss a beat.

Does he really want to protect Nannie or Erya?
Even though the identities of these two were hers, she still got into a dead end and desperately started digging into a dead end.

The moment when the two of them bit their ears affectionately, this undoubtedly stimulated Wangcai's unsteady heart.

Essentially speaking, Wangcai is not an indomitable man, and when he encounters danger, he will feel afraid.But under the attack of the outside world, once his bottom line is touched, the situation will reverse instead.

The pretty girl Erya in front of him was the daughter-in-law he had wanted for a long time.She flirted with other "wild men" in front of him, how could he bear it?
So, he decided to obey his mother's decision.

Clenching the sharp hatchet tightly in his palm, he rushed straight to Tan Junzhan without saying a word.

Hack and kill you pair of adulterers!

He came so menacingly that Xue Yingying raised thousands of small drums in her heart and played them in unison.To be honest, she wasn't too sure that the prince could really be her safe haven.

However, Tan Junzhan's performance was far beyond her expectations.

The corner of his mouth raised a just right arc, and he didn't even look at where Wangcai was standing during the whole process, because he couldn't see it either.

That smile is like laughing at the other party's overreach.

With the rise of this smile, he fired at the same time, and pressed down effortlessly with the hand holding the gun.


The sharp gunshots pierced through the sky resoundingly.

"My son, my son, my son!"

Before the moment of shooting, Xue Yingying was so frightened that she closed her eyes.It wasn't until Wangcai's mother made such a piercing cry that she had the courage to open her eyes.


He actually succeeded!
If Xue Yingying hadn't cared about the little baby in her belly, she would have jumped three feet high, jumped up, and kissed him hard on the face.

She is more excited than anyone else!

Even if he can't recover his eyesight in the future, at least he can always prove now that he still has the ability to protect their mother and daughter, and he is not allowed to belittle himself and underestimate his ability in the future.

While she was excited, an unexpected situation appeared.

Wangcai is a single family heirloom for several generations. Even though he is nearly forty years old and still unmarried, his mother is still a treasure!
But now, her precious son was shot by Tan Junzhan until his legs were bleeding profusely. How could she forgive him?

Raising her arm, she wiped away the tears with the back of her hand, and quickly made a plan to burn the boat.

She is going to take on Wangcai's unfulfilled... um, last wish.

Swinging the hatchet with one hand, she approached the excited two again.

Xue Yingying was in high spirits, she never imagined that that person would have such a transformation.

A ray of sunlight shone on the smooth and sharp blade, and there seemed to be a dazzling light flashing in her peripheral vision.

What the hell is that?

When she discovered something, it was a pity that it was still a step too late.

Suddenly, she opened her eyes wide, and gesticulated with her dexterous fingertips on his chest one by one - be careful behind you...

The fierce Wangcai's mother was less than one meter away from the two of them.Even if the gun is fired now, it will definitely be too late!
Talking about Jun Zhan, he is fine...

Xue Yingying glanced at him anxiously, her face was calm and expressionless.

He was in no hurry.

It's true that the emperor is not in a hurry and the eunuchs are in a hurry!
Under Xue Yingying's worried gaze, Tan Junzhan frowned.

I saw that his slender right legs were on the verge of firing, aiming at the direction of the visitor, and quickly made a beautiful sweeping leg.

After all, Wangcai's mother has not received professional training, and there is nothing else to deal with normally except falling to the ground.

"Hey, my old waist——"

She groaned twice in pain, and then looked at Wangcai who was bleeding from her leg not far away, the feeling of resentment emerged again in her heart, and her eyes were even more indignant.

So, she was ready to grab the "good guy" - the hatchet again.

However, this time, Tan Junzhan took the first step. Under the guidance of Xue Yingying, he stepped on the sole of his foot with that paw.

His words, even though it was sunny and broad daylight, still made people shudder, and the pores suddenly shrunk.


"You don't want your son's life anymore, huh?"

The implication of this is...

Wangcai's mother is a village woman who has never been out of the mountains. She should be able to guess at the hostility emanating from Tan Junzhan at this moment.

He sure is not a guy to mess with!
With a timid heart, she will naturally know the trick of being a hero who knows the current affairs.

For her own life, including her precious son's, she knocked her head on the ground and begged for mercy: "Sir, please let my son go! He is the only child of our family... What I did was done by myself, it has nothing to do with him."

"Is there still a king's law here? If not, then I am a king's law! If you can't marry a wife at the age of 40, then you have no ability! How dare you dare to rob someone in front of me, and dare to threaten with a knife Father?"

Tan Junzhan didn't take hard and soft words, and when what happened just now resurfaced, he was inexplicably flustered.

What if I came out a step late and let the mother and son succeed, what should I do?This kind of uncomfortable feeling like a stick in the throat is no less than that when the daughter left.

Wangcai's mother was terrified. Where did the village women see real guns?

Every time Tan Jun Zhan uttered a word, the muzzle of the gun got closer and closer to her forehead, until finally there was no more distance for him to approach.

(End of this chapter)

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