Bamboo horse husband and green plum wife

Chapter 313 The font that earthworms crawled over

Chapter 313 The font that earthworms crawled over

With a glance in his eyes, compared to other people's reactions, Tan Junzhan enjoyed it.

However, Xue Yingying was obviously pissed off, she yelled furiously, "Tan Yi, stand up for me—"

"Ninny, is it okay to be angry with a child?"

"Say, did you already know?"

Xue Yingying's fire spread to him all at once.

As for Tan Junzhan, he was naturally pretending to be innocent.

Spreading his hands helplessly, his tone sounded quite innocent: "Ninny, how can you say that about me? I never rub the sand in my eyes, and the same is true for children's education!"

"Fuck off! You obviously have exceptions..."

Xue Yingying muttered softly, she didn't dare to raise the volume, because the only exception in his life was her.

She was talking to herself, but Benny, who was the most beloved brother, couldn't stand it.

He immediately jumped off the chair and walked quickly to Tan Yi, "Mum, I'm also involved in this matter, don't blame my sister! If you want to punish, just punish me alone!"

Look at the way he looks at death like home...

"Baby, let me confess to you too! Yes, I did know it before. Remember I wanted to take a closer look at her hand? You, don't look at me like that."

So it's all her fault?
Pregnant women can't afford it!

When she got upset, her eyes widened.

"Okay, okay, it's my fault! If I had known, I should have grabbed Yiyi's hand at that time, no matter what you said, and had to see it clearly."

"You know how to be poor!"

Hearing her words, Tan Junzhan knew that she was probably a little relieved.

"Tan Yi, come here if you have the ability, and hide behind Benny if you don't have any troubles. Dare to act, you are my son of Tan Junzhan!"

"Who said I wouldn't dare? Huh, stinky old man, you are inhumane, and you only have your mother in your heart." Tan Yi's long and extremely unhappy lines finally burst out.

The whole family was stunned for a long while listening, but in the end they burst out laughing happily.

This child is actually jealous of his mother!

"Yiyi, tell your mother honestly, why did you pretend to be hurt? You didn't know that mother would..." Thinking of this child's behavior, Xue Yingying's heart and lungs were about to explode.

"Mom, I'm sorry! I didn't do it on purpose, if you want to blame the stinky old man!"

Tan Yi quickly pointed the finger at Tan Junzhan.

"Me?" Tan Junzhan was puzzled.

"What does this have to do with your dad? Don't change the subject!"

After being attacked by her mother, the little girl immediately became much calmer, her fingers twitched uneasily, "I don't like to practice calligraphy, my father insists on forcing me to compete with Benny, so I just..."

It turned out to be such a thing!

"If you don't like it, forget it! Mom won't force you, don't mess around with me next time, do you hear me?"

Xue Yingying's education for children is generally like herding sheep, and she never forces them to learn this or that.

Childhood, only once.

I didn't let them play enough when I was young, do I still have time to make up for it later?
"No! Practicing calligraphy is the most basic. Let me talk about the calligraphy written by Jun Zhan's children. How can it be like an earthworm crawling?"

Earthworms crawling?

Upon hearing this metaphor, even Xue Yingying was amused.

Regardless of what I said, it's really quite image!
She had indeed seen Tan Yi's handwriting, and she didn't know where she learned it from. Her handwriting was simply ugly.

Let's take numbers as an example. She doesn't write good numbers well, she has to reverse them.

To make a simple analogy——

A number 8, and she likes to trip it up and become infinity.Of course, at her age, of course she hasn't learned this yet.

Every time Xue Yingying saw it, she couldn't laugh or cry.

The handwritten number 5 and the number 2 are completely irrelevant numbers.When it was in her hands, they were forced to become a pair of twin sisters, she couldn't tell the difference stupidly.

Tan Junzhan, who has been very beautiful since she was a child, and her grades have always been among the best, how could he allow Tan Yi to become a failure in her life?
Ever since, there was the above good show.

"Jun Zhan, Yiyi is still young, don't force her like this, it will only backfire!" At the critical moment, Jiang Yinshi also came up to help smooth things over.

"Hmph! Smelly old man, if you force me again, I will really ignore you!"

"Benny, grab some of your and your sister's favorite dishes, you two go upstairs and eat! I have something to say to your father."

The conflict between father and daughter is very deep. It seems that the cold war will not end in a short time. It is better to separate them for a while to cool down.

Benny nodded sensibly, and complied.

Holding the indomitable Tan Yi's little hand, he said hello before going upstairs: "Grandma, aunt, uncle, and uncle, I will go upstairs first with you one by one, you eat slowly!"

As for deliberately ignoring the benefits of Xue Yingying talking to Jun Zhan, isn't it because she is afraid of provoking him?

"Why, are you still angry?"

Xue Yingying chuckled, and put vegetables in his bowl, hoping that he would be able to order some when he was in a bad mood.

In other people's homes, men become double-sided tape for daughter-in-law and mother.When she arrived at their house, she had to do the opposite. Instead, she became the double-sided tape between her husband and daughter.No matter which side I help, I feel that there is no human inside!
"No one can control my thoughts!"

The crown prince's gloomy face remained unchanged.

Xue Yingying had no choice but to comfort him with a smiling face: "Yes, yes, Mr. Tan, can you let us have a happy meal now? Please put away your coffin face first!"

"How dare you say that in front of me!"

Unknowingly, his unhappy mood was driven by her words, and gradually improved.

"so far so good!"

Facing the happy scene at the dinner table, Tan Junyan felt that he couldn't get in the way for a while.

In a daze, he suddenly missed that little woman who had appeared in his life.

Gu Yazhi, where are you?

"It suddenly occurred to me that the company still has something to do! Brother, I'll take a step first, you take your time!"

Grabbing the briefcase casually, he rushed out in a hurry, just like burning his ass.

"Ninny, I almost forgot, 'Zhizhi' who is she?" Jiang Yinshi recalled this question belatedly.

"That's right, the big name is Gu Yazhi, didn't I mention it to you last time? The daughter of Dr. Gu, the orthopedic department of Beijing No. [-] Hospital!"

"Oh, look at my memory!"

After she said this, Jiang Yinshi recalled it.

"In my opinion, Jun Yan is probably looking for her again! I don't know what kind of conflict happened between the two of them? But, I feel that your greatest wish, Mom, will definitely come true!"

Jiang Yinshi's gaze also moved to the door, and she sighed quietly: "I hope so!"

(End of this chapter)

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