Chapter 314

After dinner, Tan Junzhan carefully supported Xue Yingying to go for a walk in the yard for easy digestion.

In the dead of night, he planned to take a walk in the yard with her again.

As for Xue Yingying, she was still thinking about Tan Yi, a little guy, and she would cry like a tearful person after being taught such a severe lesson by her father.

She grabbed Tan Junzhan's arm and stared at him deeply: "Ah Zhan, go back! It's getting late."

"it is good!"

He agreed immediately.

On the second floor of Tan's house, there was a dark figure haunting the door of the children's bedrooms, sneaking around.

Xue Yingying held a cup of hot milk in her hand, she stood not far away, watching peacefully, she did not make a sound.

The corners of her mouth showed an upward trend, and she took a sip of the milk that was sporadically steaming.

Tan Yi, after all, his blood is flowing on his body, how could he be without her in his heart?

No, at night, he sneaked into her room?
Deliberately turning on the bedside lamp, a yellow and faint halo lingered in the whole room.

Tan Junzhan deliberately took his steps lightly, and tiptoed to Tan Yi's bedside.

The little guy's lips were shaking up and down, as if he was talking about something?

Tan Junzhan's eyes tightened, and his ears immediately moved closer.

After he got close and listened for a while, his face immediately became ugly.

The reason is quite simple, the wool is still growing on the sheep.

"...Don't practice calligraphy...Hmph, old man, I hate him the most..."

She couldn't sleep well at night, and she was still muttering about this matter. It seemed that during the day, this matter was deeply on her heart!

Unknowingly, Xue Yingying walked slowly to his side, put a hand on his shoulder, and whispered his name.

Tan Junzhan might have noticed it before, so he wasn't very surprised.

"How did you come?"

"Aren't you just worried about you?"

Xue Yingying's hand passed over his position, helping the little guy who has always slept dishonestly to tuck the corners of the quilt.Afterwards, she patted him on the shoulder again, and said softly, "Yiyi fell asleep, we'll talk about it when we have something to do!"

Nodding subconsciously, he immediately replied with a "yes".

She is pregnant with a child, so she should have enough sleep.

With his support, the two returned to their bedroom.

"Ah Zhan, she is still young, don't put too much pressure on her."

"No! Words are like people, I don't want her to complain about me in the future! If you don't make some rules for her now, it will be difficult for her to get rid of this after a long time." The prince's position is extremely firm.

Xue Yingying smiled helplessly, "Let her feel disgusted with you from the bottom of her heart, is this the result you want to see? Daughter, she is my father's little lover in the previous life. Why is it not the same way when it comes to you?" ?”

"Why, are you still jealous?"

Holding her waist tightly, he pulled her into his arms with a simple force, he said jokingly.

Shaking her head, she nestled tightly in his arms instead, "I was shocked by what I said one by one today."


His faint ending is upturned.

"I didn't expect that Yiyi would be jealous of me?" Until now, Xue Yingying has not recovered from the shock, and still has not returned to reality from the shock.

Speaking of this, Tan Junzhan hummed and laughed out loud.

His brows were slender and raised, he raised his arm slightly, and scratched lightly on the bridge of her straight nose: "That means I love you, and even my daughter should be jealous! You are right, I shouldn't give her a kiss." Put that much pressure on."

"Yeah, Yiyi is a girl. In the future, the Tan family's huge family business will not be the same. She will inherit it. As long as you find her a good man in the future, just as good as you are to me, that's enough. Her childhood , I just hope she is happy. Besides, aren't you quite satisfied with Benny's performance? Dad likes Benny, too!"

"That's different!"

Xue Yingying was quite unhappy when she heard it. She treated Benny as her own flesh and blood. How could he...

She didn't speak, and pushed him away.

An alarm bell sounded in Tan Junzhan's heart immediately, and when he glanced out of the corner of his eye, the way she frowned all fell into his eyes.

Zhan's sweet talk immediately unfolded——

"Honey, don't think about—"

"I do not have."

The three categorical words were thrown straight away.In the end, she was still trying to struggle out of his arms.

Is this still called nothing?

Tan Junzhan shook his head and chuckled a few times, locked her tightly in his arms again, and at the same time turned her head to face him: "Xue Yingying, listen carefully! I'm talking about Jun Zhan What Zhan said will never fail and can stand the baptism of the years. I am not prejudiced against Benny, but he has to go back to take over his family's business when he grows up. Although I helped him find a temporary It can be represented by a worthy elder, but those shares are still under his banner after all."

"But, but... Benny doesn't want to go back! Ah Zhan, you have been forced to undergo all kinds of cruel training since you were a child. Do you still want your children to repeat your old ways?"

Xue Yingying has always adhered to the principle of persuasion, with an attitude of success or success.

"Want to hear the truth?"

of course!

Xue Yingying nodded with great certainty, and the puppy Haba kept looking at him.

Staring affectionately into her eyes, he gave a chuckle, and then put his mouth close to her ear: "Actually, I don't regret everything we have experienced. If I recognize my heart, it will be too early Or it's too late, we can't be together. I am very grateful, it is neither early nor late. To be honest, I am also grateful to my father for strict requirements on me since childhood, so that I can have a good ability to protect you and the children .So, you should understand what I'm thinking now."


His confession instantly pleased her mind.

A pair of eyes, misty, she was very moved.

"Why are you acting like a child, just because of this touch, what's your future?" While smiling, the rough fingers on the other side gently wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes.

"Hmph, I want you to take care of it!"

It didn't take long for Xue Yingying to get childish, and she quickly pressed against his chest again.

Freeing up her naughty little hand, she deliberately drew circles on his chest.



"It's been three days, and I want to go to Zhuo's house to worship. Grandpa is also quite pitiful. He has lived his whole life, and his closest relatives are unwilling to recognize each other. It is not his closest relatives who stay by his side to die. It's all pretty sad."

Xue Yingying spoke softly, fearing that he would not agree.

Who knew that he agreed very quickly: "Okay! But I have a request."

(End of this chapter)

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