Bamboo horse husband and green plum wife

Chapter 318 Who Is The Girl's Father?

Chapter 318 Who Is The Girl's Father?
After arriving at the hospital, Tan Junzhan carefully hugged the sleeping little guy tightly in his arms.

His tiptoe movements...

No matter how you look at it, this action is really not suitable for a tough guy like him.

Xia Xuanfu was the first one who couldn't stand it any longer, so she planned to take the initiative to take over.

"I'm also Yi Yi's godmother, let me hug her!"

"Need not!"

The simple and crisp words of the crown prince were thrown away directly.

Then, as if someone was following them both, he quickened his pace and left in a hurry.

Xia Xuanfu couldn't help but laugh, but she couldn't laugh out loud.

Sisters really don't know what kind of blessings they cultivated in their previous lives to have such a good man!
Of course, it doesn't mean that her man is not good enough.But in contrast, Tan Junzhan's behavior is indeed rare and valuable.

Her only request now is to hope that the sisters can live a smooth life in the future.

Xia Xuanfu quickly chased after her, but she was only worried about the little guy who had a high fever!
Finally, she finally found the father and daughter in the infusion hall.

Tan Yi has never been sober, but at this moment she is really lying in his arms very peacefully, far more honest than ever.

After Xia Xuanfu took a closer look, she realized that the little nurse standing beside her looked quite nervous.

what happened?

Seeing her approaching, the little nurse immediately asked for help as if she had found a savior, "Madam, are you the mother of this child?"

"I'm not, but what happened?"

The little nurse looked like she was on the verge of crying. Seeing Yu Xin couldn't bear it, she couldn't help but talk too much.

"The two of them... were in a stalemate. Each of them said that he was the baby girl's real father. However, none of them could prove it! I just took her temperature. If she didn't get an injection, she might lose her mind. Alright, look at this..."

The little nurse seemed to have found a place to confide in, and she began to cry unconsciously. It seemed that she was still a newbie in the industry.

the two of them?
There is another man besides Tan Junzhan?
Xia Xuanfu immediately narrowed his eyes slightly, and glanced to the side thoughtfully.

That man-

Just looking at his appearance, he is not a good guy, just look at his ruffian and evil temperament.

A not-so-good idea immediately popped up in her mind, that person was not kind!

Although she doesn't know who the other party is, her existence can always prove the identity of Tan Junzhan's father!
Xia Xuanfu immediately showed a smile, and softly comforted the anxious little nurse: "Don't worry, I am the child's godmother, this is a photo of me and her mother, take a look! The little girl's name is Tan Yi, The man holding him in his arms is her father—Tan Junzhan, a well-known number one figure in the capital, known as the Prince, I believe you should have heard of it!"

When Xia Xuanfu was speaking, he even took out his mobile phone and took out the photos to prove that what he said was true and not groundless.


The little nurse was obviously frightened by this title.

Although she is a small person, he is the most difficult to mess with in the whole capital, how could she not know?
From the corner of the eye, the little guy really looks like her mother!

"What about him?"

The little nurse suddenly changed her mind, and pointed at another man with her finger casually. Would a normal person take the initiative to get angry with the prince?

Not so much!

"He? I don't know where it came from, so don't worry about him!"

Xia Xuanfu naturally doesn't know this character, but how could Tan Junzhan just sit idly by?
"Tan Yi, you take care of me!"

Tan Junzhan walked over quickly, and before the other party agreed, he stuffed the child into her hand.

"What about you? Where are you going?"

You can't blame her for talking too much. If something happens to the prince, how can she explain it to the sisters later?

"Deal with villains!"


Could it be him?
At this time, the little guy Tan Yi was finally awakened by the lively discussion.

She opened her eyes in a daze, rubbed her sleepy eyes with her small hands, and said with her unique soft voice, "Father, where are you going? Don't leave me behind!"

"Yiyi, the godmother is here! Don't worry."

Xia Xuanfu lowered his head, and was about to gently kiss her on the forehead.

"No, no, I don't want, I want Dad to be with me. Dad, don't leave—one by one!"

Tan Yi seldom relied on him so much, how could Tan Junzhan take care of the bad-hearted Zhuo Fan and stay away from the little girl?

"Don't be afraid, I'm right here, Dad won't leave you, no, never again."

Tan Junzhan barely twitched, instead he quickly moved to Xia Xuanfu's side, taking the little guy from her hand.

As for that person, there will naturally be a chance to deal with him in the future.

"Prince, who is he?"

It is probably not a fuel-efficient lamp that made him plan to go out in person.

It seems that the time has come for me to make a move!
"He is Zhuo Fan, the scum you mentioned. You also remember this man's appearance...Xia Xuanfu, if you arrest him and abduct my daughter in public, he will be detained for a few days!"

"Detention? Hmph, it's too polite to dare to treat our sisters and daughters-in-law like that. If you want me to say, he must be sentenced to life imprisonment or something. By the way—"

Xia Xuanfu slapped her thigh suddenly, and she suddenly realized: "Zhuo Fan, right? Those two guys have already been caught by my man, what punishment do you think will be sentenced to you?"

"Who are you talking about? I don't know! Tan Junzhan, don't think that this is your territory, so you can slander it casually! I want to take Tan Yi away, and that is to fulfill the old man's last wish."

Up to now, Zhuo Fan is still stubborn and refuses to submit honestly.

"Last wish? "The Melting Pot" and "Su Nu", could it be that this is also the old man's last wish? Zhuo Fan, don't deny it to my old lady. Those two people look like people who have never seen anything in the world. Just torture them a little , their confession is... oops, what are you doing to me, I haven't said enough!"

What Xia Xuanfu dislikes the most is him, who has the ability to do it, but doesn't have the guts to listen to the whole process.

Feeling secretly upset, she stuck out her feet directly, taking advantage of her unpreparedness and causing him to fall into the mud, and that appearance was really embarrassing!
"Father, what is the godmother talking about? Why can't you understand one by one, do you know?"

In the little guy's heart, he is the representative of omnipotence, and asked curiously with his neck tilted.

But his face was as calm as water, and his voice was extremely cold: "Xia Xuanfu, take this person away quickly, don't waste time!"

Xia Xuanfu knew that he wanted to protect the little guy's physical and mental health.


For those who shouldn't be respected, just pick up the leader around his neck, she looks like she is dragging a dog, Zhuo Fan is indeed quite embarrassed.

"Mr. Tan Junzhan, why did you drive away the godmother!"

Tan Yi immediately became angry.

Tan Junzhan acted as if he didn't see it, and said lightly: "You are wrong! Damn girl, be safe, and get on the IV drip honestly. After hanging up, we can go home, so as not to save your mother Worried at home!"

(End of this chapter)

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