Chapter 319

Xue Yingying was sitting in the Tan family's old house waiting for news, but she waited and waited, but she didn't see any news.

Could it be that they were really captured?
Thinking of this, she couldn't stop sweating from the palms of her hands.

Her complexion also became very ugly.

At this moment, the phone in the living room rang.

"Don't grab me!"

Her voice sounded quite loud, she sternly said to the two elders who were also worried.

How could Shen Meiyi and Xue Liankai compete with her?
The action that was originally intended to be picked up was immediately put aside.

She walked quickly to the phone, and after taking a deep breath, she finally had the courage to connect.


The sisters' brisk voices came from the receiver, she was in a pretty good mood!

"Xuanzi, I have good news for you!"

"Don't change the subject with me, how are Ah Zhan and Yi Yi?"

"What I want to tell you has something to do with this. Zhuo Fan, do you remember?"

Xue Yingying sharpened her teeth: "How could I forget! I can't repay his great kindness!"

"You don't need to repay, I have already vented my anger for you."


Xue Yingying couldn't understand, how could she have anything to do with him, the two of them couldn't fight each other!
Then, the only possible explanation is this one possibility!

"Xuanzi, you didn't go to him to avenge me, did you? You silly girl, why do you do such a stupid thing?"

For a girlfriend who can do this, she should be content and happy.But, what if the sisters are targeted by him from now on, what should they do?
"Yingzi, you pregnant woman, you know you think too much! This time, he came to the door by himself. He even tried to snatch away one by one. Do you think I can get around this kind of person? Wangcai Duo'er was also caught, and they were instructed by Zhuo Fan to deliberately put on a play in order to blackmail the prince, but fortunately they were exposed."

Xia Xuanfu told the truth truthfully, except for Tan Yi's injury.

She understands the mood of being a parent. The worst thing to see is that the child suffers, let alone scratches the skin.

"He's not human at all! Xuanzi, you didn't suffer, right? Yiyi and Ah Zhan, they weren't injured, right?" Xue Yingying was most worried about this.

"Look at you, your true nature has been exposed. What you want to ask the most is the last sentence, right? Just save the nonsense when you chat with me in the future!"

The biggest hidden danger has been resolved, Xia Xuanfu is naturally happy to be at leisure.

Xue Yingying's face turned red when she told her.

"Xuanzi, you..."

"Okay, I know what you're thinking. Isn't it normal to be worried about your daughter and husband? Sisters, I have no other requirements, but I hope that your future life will be smooth. I am your best friend, I hope You can live happily. If you have problems in the future, you are not allowed to hide it from me. Do you understand?"

Xia Xuanfu uttered all the words he said from the bottom of his heart.

Xue Yingying was quite moved all of a sudden, and her voice was not like usual: "Xuanzi, you...don't do this, I will not be able to control it, I am a pregnant woman now, I don't want to take you like this."

"Pretentious, just keep going! I won't talk nonsense with you, and if I don't make Zhuo Fan miserable, I'm not Xia Xuanfu. Let's contact you when we have time!"

Xue Yingying kept clutching the finished phone call in her hand, she fell into deep thought.

Her life was indeed quite tragic.

She couldn't understand why so many people wanted to make things difficult for her?
Today's life is already the best stage for her.However, her child has not yet been born safely, and there are always people who like to come to her door to make trouble for her!

It's really annoying!
Suddenly, a crisp doorbell rang.

Xue Yingying immediately woke up from her contemplation, and she said loudly again: "Mom and Dad, you are not allowed to rob me!"

Is this still her original temperament?
Could it be that after staying with men who are used to domineering ducks for a long time, she naturally developed this kind of disposition?

Xue Yingying didn't have the nerve to make a fuss about this issue, she quickly got up from the sofa, rushed to the door, and pulled the door open.

"Mom, I miss you one by one!"

Tan Yi's small mouth is just flattering.

Her face was pale, and it was heart-wrenching to look at.

Xue Yingying took her from Tan Junzhan's arms smoothly, stroking her flush bangs gently, her sickly appearance was different from her usual.

"Yiyi, you have suffered! From now on, mom will take good care of you and never let you get sick again."

She lightly kissed the little guy's forehead, and her cold lips touched it. Fortunately, the temperature had receded, and the stubborn stone that was suppressing her heart finally fell.

"Hee hee, it's too late for my father to envy me if I can get a kiss from my mother? Mom, I wish I had a few more illnesses, so that my father can envy and hate me... Ah, it hurts."

The little guy's face twisted together bitterly, and he yelled pain, pain, pain in his mouth.

What's the matter?

Xue Yingying immediately realized that what she was clutching tightly was the palm of her hand.

Tried hard to break the little girl's hand, but she just refused to cooperate.

Tan Yi dodges in various ways, and his eyes are even more erratic, dodging uncertainly: "Mom, Yiyi is really fine. Huhu——"

The little guy seemed to realize that she couldn't escape, so she yawned vigorously, tilted her head, opened her arms in the direction of Tan Junzhan, and asked for a hug: "Daddy, Yiyi is a little sleepy, want to Sleep, you carry me upstairs to rest!"

Just going out for a while, the relationship between the two of them is so boring?

It's amazing!

Xue Yingying just watched, but she wanted to see what tricks they could come up with.

"Girl, give the child to me! One by one I have been given a piece of salt water, it may be caused by the medicine, and she is a little drowsy. When she wakes up, the illness will be cured." Tan Junzhan stretched his long arms as he spoke, thinking Take the child over.

However, Xue Yingying kept dodging, she didn't believe this set of brows: "It's really that simple?"

"Of course! I'm your husband, can I still lie to you?"

The corners of his mouth were slightly curved, and his tone was full of smiles.

Thinking about it, even though Xue Yingying was still hesitant, she still handed over the child to him.

Tan Yi is no better than before, with her current endurance, she can't hold on any longer, so it's better to let go as soon as possible.

Tan Junzhan was holding the sleepy little guy in his arms. Before he took a few steps, he turned around again and told her: "Ninny, it's getting late, you can arrange for parents to go back! Another day, if you have time, How about I accompany you to visit the second elder?"


Xue Yingying agreed with him, looked at Shen Meiyi and the others, and said softly: "Mom and Dad, I'm really sorry! There have been a lot of things happening at home recently, and I don't have the extra energy to chat with you to relieve boredom. How about this Well, when there is time some other day, I will bring my two children and Ah Zhan, and we will come and visit you together!"

"Children and grandchildren have their own blessings! Girl, as long as you are satisfied with your current living conditions, you don't have to come to see us. Remember to take good care of your body!"

Xue Liankai continued to exchange pleasantries for a while, then left in a hurry.

After all, Xue Yingying is not a cheap lamp. Tan Junzhan and the little girl have some kind of ulterior secret, can she not see it?
As soon as her parents left, she tiptoed after her, quietly hiding at the door and watching.

Under the arrangement of Tan Junzhan, the little guy has already got into the bed.

However, her bright eyeballs kept staring at him fiercely, and she was still worried about her injury.

"Dad, do you think my mother will find out about my injury? But, I really don't want her to worry! You know, my mother is a crybaby, and I don't like her crying with red nose Yes, just like Pinocchio."

The little guy's mouth was flattened, and his head was buried deep in the quilt.

When Tan Junzhan saw this, his face darkened, and he warned sharply: "How many times have I said it, don't get your head in, come out!"

"Stinky old man, are you really not worried about mom?"

"I have my own way! This matter has nothing to do with you, go to bed early!"

Tan Junzhan has a good way of coaxing the child, he patted her small body gently with his big palm, and the little guy gradually fell into sleep.

The dialogue between the two of them, Xue Yingying did not miss a single word.

It turned out that she dodged one by one because she was injured and didn't want to know.

Such a caring child swallows all the suffering in his stomach...

The tears in Xue Yingying's eyes were about to burst out in an instant.

Never for a moment did she feel that Yiyi would be so sensible.

But how did Yiyi get hurt?

This issue still needs to be further investigated.

When Tan Junzhan exited the room, Xue Yingying had been waiting outside for a long time.

When he saw her for the first time, his eyes visibly twitched.But it didn't take long for him to return to normal.

Just like usual, he planned to wrap his arms around her waist, and the two of them walked to the bedroom together.

However, this time, Xue Yingying struggled to push him away.

She stared fiercely, "Go to the bedroom, I have something to tell you."

And he touched the bridge of his nose embarrassingly, unexpectedly his nose turned gray, it seems that this matter is not easy to solve!

Actually, Tan Junzhan has the same thoughts as the baby girl.

If he could keep her from knowing about this matter, he would try his best to hide it, because what he couldn't bear the most was her offensive of tears.Besides, considering her current physical condition, shedding more tears may not be a good thing for the fetus.

But now it seems that I can't hide it anymore.

Tan Junzhan followed her step by step, thinking of ways in his mind, how can he not stimulate her sensitive little heart, and at the same time explain the whole story clearly?
This matter really put him in a dilemma!
(End of this chapter)

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