Chapter 322
Early the next morning, a round of red sun had already climbed to the top of the pole, but a certain little girl was still lingering in the bed and refused to get up.

She was sleeping soundly, her nose seemed to be pinched, and she was so dull that she couldn't breathe.

She slapped it directly, and the sound of the other party's gasping for pain soon came from her ears.

"Hmph, I asked for it!"

During the whole process, she didn't open her eyes, and just made a sound with her nose humming.

"Hmph, stinky mom, it's unreasonable to know how to bully people just like daddy! No, I'm going to complain to grandma!"

In Xue Yingying's mind, the perpetrator must be Tan Junzhan, but who knew that it would be Yi Yi who made the noise.

She panicked right away, and she didn't need to say what she usually said, but Yi Yi's injuries hadn't healed yet, why did she do such a stupid thing!
Xue Yingying immediately lifted the quilt, without caring about other things, she immediately hugged the little guy in her arms, and said in a very heavy tone, "Yiyi, let mom see your injured hand."

The little guy's delicate body was obviously shocked, and she was stunned for a few seconds before she laughed and said, "Where am I injured? Mom, it's not like you don't know me. If I was injured, how could you not let me go?" You know?"

Strong smile——

There were obviously four big characters written on her face.

Xue Yingying felt distressed seeing it, she never knew her baby could be so sensible.

Tan Yi is a good and sensible child. She knew that her mother was worried about her, so she turned her brain and successfully changed the subject.

"Mom, I want to talk to my siblings—"

With her palms on her swollen belly, the little guy was quite excited, and she grinned softly.

Both Yiyi and Benny are very sensible, knowing that mother belongs to father, even if they are curious about the little doll, they will not take the initiative to post it to listen.

One by one, she kept reaching out her hands, but in the end they still fell to the sides of her body. She didn't dare!

Xue Yingying smiled slightly, "Want to touch it?"

"is it okay?"

Tan Yi conditioned reflex is this sentence.

She is different from other children. If the adults disagree, she will not mess around with her own temper.

Thinking of this, Xue Yingying felt sorry for her, who made her man a big vinegar bucket, even children's jealousy.

Taking advantage of his absence, she followed the little guy's wish.

Taking her hand actively, Xue Yingying led her to touch her plump belly.

"How about it, is it fun? But the month is not old enough now, when the baby is older, they will interact with you?"

"Mom, did I also come out of your stomach when I was a child?"

Tan Yi stared at her stomach for a long time, maybe still lamenting the greatness of life!
"Of course, all babies are born from their own mother's womb." Xue Yingying explained to her patiently.

"Brothers and sisters, don't allow your mother! If you dare to be disobedient, believe it or not, I will teach you a lesson after you come out, hum!"

Hearing Tan Yi's words, Xue Yingying finally laughed.

Now they only found out that they were two babies. As for the gender, she didn't want to check.

Baby, it's a surprise bestowed by heaven, why bother to know it as soon as possible?
It's just that she just doesn't understand why Tan Yi likes her younger siblings so much?

After stroking her head a few times, Xue Yingying smiled and said, "Yiyi, you were sent by my father to wake me up, right?"

"Sorry, I forgot!"

Tan Yi stuck out his tongue pretending to be mischievous.

"I know it's like this! Yiyi, why are you as cute as your mother when you were a child! Come on, let's go downstairs first, don't make your dad wait in a hurry."

After finishing speaking, Xue Yingying took the little guy by the hand and walked downstairs.

After breakfast was settled, Tan Yi could only stay at home to recuperate because of her palm injury.

Her eyes were fixed on Benny carrying her schoolbag to go to school, she was actually envious with teary eyes.

Originally, Xue Yingying and Tan Junzhan were about to go out.

Seeing her lying on the sofa with a sleepy face, Xue Yingying's motherly feelings also came to her body.

She tugged at the hem of his clothes, looked at him affectionately and said, "Ah Zhan, staying at home one by one is boring, why don't we..."

He didn't want to finish the sentence, so he twitched the corner of his mouth and cut it off cruelly: "No!"

"Hmph, old man just hates it."

Don't think the little guy is absent-minded, but she can hear every word clearly!

Hearing what Tan Junzhan said, she naturally turned her head in the wrong direction in displeasure.

However, at this moment, Jiang Yinshi appeared and helped to talk: "Take her with you! She doesn't care about it. Benny and Yiyi are the flower girls of your wedding, I think it's quite suitable. Since she wants to go, Ah Zhan, you can let her go, and you can try on a flower girl costume by the way!"

"Don't be naughty!"

"Obey, my lord!" Tan Yi saluted mischievously. I don't know where he learned this gesture.

Actually, everyone wants to know more, where did she get this name from?

"Prince, huh?" Tan Junzhan's eyes darkened, it seemed that if she didn't change her words, he would have to go back on his word.

I don't know where the little guy inherited his ability to adapt to the wind.

After Xue Yingying saw it, she couldn't help clicking her tongue.

This is a genetic mutation!
"Sweet-smelling daddy, besides mom, you are the one I love the most one by one."

Tan Yi's flattering skills can be regarded as absolutely top-notch.

"what about me?"

Not to be outdone, Jiang Yinshi came to intervene.

The little guy was in trouble, she put her finger in her mouth, looked around and said, "Grandma, let daddy come in second this time, one by one really want to go out!"

"Little slick, grandma is just joking with you!"

Jiang Yinshi raised her head again, and told Tan Jun Zhan thousands of times: "Jun Zhan, take good care of the mother and daughter. When encountering difficult things, remember not to fight hard."

"Mom, what's going to happen? You're just thinking wildly, and Ah Zhan and I will go out first!"

Xue Yingying got Jiang Yinshi done with a few simple words.

This time, it was Tan Jun Zhan who drove to his destination.

It's rare for a family to travel together, so of course he doesn't want outsiders involved!
"Azhan, is that the place you mentioned?"

I looked in the direction her finger was pointing at—a sea of ​​people and a sea of ​​darkness.

She has dense phobia!

Don't be there!

It's a pity that he didn't consider her mood.

"It's there."

This voice was so firm that her heart instantly shattered into powder.

Drooping her head, she stopped talking.

No, Tan Yi was in a good mood, she just wanted to see how Dad would end up this time?

The man's face darkened, and he said repeatedly: "Tan Yi, you have two choices. One is to help me comfort your mother, and the other is to get out of the car and get out now, and find a way to go home by yourself."

"Wow, it's unreasonable! I'm still not your daughter. I pissed off my mother and made me a scapegoat..." The little guy was thinking hard, scratching his head but couldn't figure out how to say that idiom with.

"It's 'scapegoat', it means someone who takes the blame for others." Xue Yingying's complexion seemed to improve a lot, and she opened her mouth to help the little guy make up for it.

"Wow, mom, you are so amazing! You even know this." Tan Yi squinted his eyes in an instant, and put his hands together on his chin, with an expression of admiration that couldn't be faked.

"It's okay, it's just a small meaning. But, as a schoolmaster since childhood, do you know the source of this idiom?"

Since he was the one who made her unhappy, she has no reason to let him go!

Afterwards, Xue Yingying's provocative eyes followed like a shadow.

"Of course! Listen carefully—humans sinned against God at the beginning, and must offer a sin offering to God with a spotless lamb to avoid sin. Later, as human sins deepened, God made celibacy Son Jesus was crucified on the cross for the sins of mankind, offering a propitiation sacrifice to God for mankind, and all those who believe in Jesus Christ are forgiven of all sins before God because of Jesus being crucified. This shows God's justice It also shows that in order to love mankind, God abandoned his celibate and beloved son Jesus. ——and Jesus is the scapegoat who atones for the sins of all mankind before God!"

After many years, Tan Junzhan's memory is still as good as ever, he can memorize every single word by heart.

He originally thought that he could win the little guy's admiring gaze, but who knew that Tan Yi looked at him with disdain, and said indifferently: "Tch, I still don't understand after you said a lot. In my heart, my mother is the most powerful!"

Forget it, he is still prepared not to be as knowledgeable as a child.

The car was about to stop in the parking lot, but Xue Yingying made a major discovery.

She tried her best to lean her upper body forward, with a nervous expression, and said, "Ah Zhan, look over there, does that person look like Tan Junyan?"

Why did she mention that name again?

Although they were born to the same mother, she should understand his hostility towards Tan Junyan the most, why...

"Ah Zhan, don't worry about trivial things at this time. The woman he is pestering looks like Gu Yazhi!"

If we can bring these two people back smoothly, maybe we can settle Jiang Yinshi's concern!

After she said that, Tan Junzhan stepped on the accelerator hard, trying to drive in the direction of their dispute.

Could it really be the two of them?
Xue Yingying couldn't help pinching cold sweat on her palms, and she began to get nervous.

Looking in a direction not far away, one could guess that the two of them seemed to have had quite a dispute.

What was the reason that caused the two to separate?

Could it be - or because of yourself?

Xue Yingying was shocked by her own thought.

Don't be like this, otherwise she will have trouble sleeping and eating, and the baby in her stomach will also be tortured.

"It's all over, what are you still thinking about? Let's go and have a look together."

Tan Junzhan embraced the big one, embraced the big one in his arms, and hugged the small one on his chest, and walked towards a certain goal regardless of size.

(End of this chapter)

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