Bamboo horse husband and green plum wife

Chapter 323 This Aunt Is Not a Good Person

Chapter 323 This Aunt Is Not a Good Person

The two targets over there are still arguing non-stop.

Tan Junzhan let out a yo, and couldn't help interjecting: "Oh, I haven't finished yet!"

Tan Junyan was greatly surprised by his appearance, and suddenly turned around in surprise.

"Brother, why are you here?"

Listen carefully, his voice seems to be shaking.

Tan Junzhan curled his lips and smiled wickedly. He hugged the two in his arms tightly again, and said triumphantly, "Take your sister-in-law and niece to see the wedding dress. What about you, are you planning to go with this Do you want to try on the wedding dress?"

Little friend Tan Yi struggled off his chest all at once.

Her legs fell to the ground, and she ran directly in the direction of Tan Junyan.To be precise, it should be Gu Yazhi.

She approached Gu Yazhi in a flash, Tan Yi raised her head cheerfully, and looked hard: "Auntie, should I call you aunt instead?"

This family, the whole family is making it hard for Gu Yazhi to ride a tiger!
Surrounded by them, Gu Yazhi felt very uncomfortable. She didn't know what to do, so she had to push Tan Yi behind her in a hurry. She argued, "I, I'm not, don't talk nonsense!"

Due to inertia, Tan Yi immediately fell behind him.

Her injured palm is still not healed——

"Yiyi, be careful with your hands—"

Xue Yingying was held in the arms of the man, and it was difficult to break free for a while. She quickly supported the little guy, and could only give a warning, which was actually useless at all.

After hearing her shout, Tan Junyan was the closest to the little guy.

He glanced at her, and quickly made a move, and supported Yi Yi from behind, finally preventing her from landing on the ground.

"Yi Yi, how is it, are you okay? Where is the injury? Let uncle see!"

Tan Junyan cared more about this little niece than anyone else.

Others may not know it, but he himself knows it.He only has to be nice to the little guy, so that he can be more at ease mentally.

"Little uncle, why did she steal that aunt? Also, let me tell you one by one secretly! That aunt doesn't seem to be a good person, I feel like she is staring at my mother..."

Tan Yi has always wanted to speak close to Tan Junyan's ear, but it's a pity that she can't do it with her short stature!

Ever since, this sound was naturally heard by the caring Xue Yingying.

Gu Yazhi glared at her?
Not so much!

All Xue Yingying's attention was focused on the little guy just now, how could she have the time to pay attention to other things?

But, is this really true?

"Sister-in-law, stop thinking about it. And you, Tan Yi, don't gossip in front of your mother from now on, be careful, I will let Tan Junyan take you back now." In Tan Junzhan's heart, Xue Yingying is the only one, first of all because of her Ideas are first principles.

Everyone who tried to hurt her?

Humph, he won't keep any of them.

As for the unknown Gu Yazhi, he will have to find someone to investigate it later.

"Smelly Baba, I don't love you anymore! You and your mother can continue to show affection, I'm going home with my little uncle, goodbye—"

Facing their direction, Tan Yi waved his hand, and soon hid in Tan Junyan's arms.

She said softly in a very low voice: "Little uncle, just help me this time, I'm not allowed to be with them."

The reason?
Tan Junyan didn't ask.

He smiled indulgently, and shook his head helplessly: "Brother, sister-in-law, one by one may be frightened by what happened just now, I will send her back first, I hope you have a great time!"

"and many more--"

Xue Yingying, who was worried about the little guy, finally couldn't hold back and chased after her: "Tan Junyan, Yiyi's hand was injured a few days ago. Just now, she may have accidentally touched it. Remember to help her treat the wound first when you go home." .If you are fine, it would be safer to take her to the hospital for a change of medicine."

"You don't need to tell me, of course I know."

"Little uncle, stop talking, let's go home first!"

Tan Yi writhed non-stop in his arms.

No way--

Tan Junyan could only wave goodbye, and left with the little guy first.

Watching the two of them leave, Xue Yingying had a lot of thoughts in her mind.

When she just turned around, her feet sprained without warning, and she just fell into his arms.

Seeing her like this, he immediately straightened her body, and after sweeping his eyes around her face, he said uneasily, "What is in your mind? You can't even walk well."


After mumbling for a long time, she still couldn't say a word.

Can she tell him honestly that Gu Yazhi's hostility may be caused by Tan Junyan's attitude towards her?

If he really said it out, maybe the man would be jealous, so what should he do then?
A lot of cold sweat broke out in her hands, she also remained silent and kept silent.

Seeing her like this, how could Tan Junzhan not understand her mind?
"Silly girl, what are you thinking! I think it's not unreasonable to say one by one. There is indeed something wrong with Gu Yazhi. The problem may not necessarily lie with you." Finger rubbed the top of her hair several times .

"What do you mean?"

Xue Yingying looked slightly surprised, she didn't understand what his intention was.

Is he just comforting her, or does he really think so?
"Don't worry! When the wedding dress is settled today, I'll send someone to investigate. How about it? Don't worry now!"

His tone was full of pampering.

Xue Yingying nodded her head a few times without hesitation, hugged his arms more tightly, and the two walked forward together.

Tan Junyan was all about driving, while Tan Yi, an extremely restless little guy, without his father's restraint, was like a wild horse that had run wild, wanting to jump up and down without stopping.

She was a little tired from playing by herself, so she leaned quietly on the car seat, squinting at Tan Junyan's face.

There is a question that she was curious about before.

"Little uncle, why don't you go after that aunt? Also, do you like my mother?"

The little guy made witty remarks and asked two questions in one breath.

Tan Junyan was repeatedly frustrated, and he didn't know which question he should answer?

Especially the last one, how did she come up with this question with her brain?

Tan Junyan was frightened, so he slammed on the brakes, and the car stopped immediately.

"Hmph! Uncle, you are as bad as the stinky old man, and people don't love you anymore. My head hurts to death—"

Originally, the hand injury was not healed, but now it had to add a forehead, Tan Yi naturally responded unceremoniously.

"Yiyi, tell your little uncle, why do you think that auntie is not a good person?"

"Because she glared at my mother. That look was fierce. Anyway, I've never seen such a fierce look. It's just like the one on TV, looking for revenge every time..."


Tan Junyan chewed these two words slowly.

Gu Yazhi intends to take revenge. She and Xue Yingying are not related, so how can there be any relationship?

Tan Junyan thought about it, but couldn't think of any connection.

However, Gu Yazhi had this motive.

The reason is quite simple, all his attention was on her, so he became jealous—?
No way?
Obviously, Tan Junyan was also surprised by his own thought.

In his impression, Gu Yazhi's personality was quite peaceful, as lukewarm as a glass of warm water, without any feeling.

"Little uncle, you want to hurt me to death, don't you?"

Next to my ear was the weak voice of the little guy, gradually pouring into the cochlea.

Only then did Tan Junyan have the power to act.

"Okay, okay, I'll send you to the hospital right now. I don't know the genes of the two of them, how could they give birth to a daughter like you?"

"Envy? This lady only has this family and has nothing to share. If you like it, you can find a woman to have a baby if you have the ability! However, let's talk about it for 100 years and don't cheat. I don't like that bad aunt as an aunt."

Seizing an opportunity, the little guy spoke his mind without much thought, completely ignoring other people's feelings.

"Okay, I promise you! But, you also have to promise me a request. Don't cry after getting an injection later!"

Tan Junyan vaccinated him in advance.

Tan Yi was a little older when he returned to Tan's house, and he was already past the age when he liked to cry non-stop.However, he still has a deep impression on Xue Yingying when she was a child.Every time she had to get an injection, how often did she not cry like a tearful person?
If Jiang Yinshi hadn't hugged her from her mother's hand, and then stuffed a lollipop into her mouth, this would be comparable to Meng Jiangnu's painstaking efforts of crying on the Great Wall, and I don't know when it will stop?

As the second generation of Xue Yingying, it turned out that Tan Yi would not be like this.

At that time, if this is the case, he really can't think of a good way!
"Hmph, Yiyi is not a crybaby anymore. Little uncle, don't interrupt me, do you agree or not?"

Tan Yi never forgot his premise and asked again.

"As long as you don't cry, this can be discussed."

"Oh yeah, Yi Yi loves little uncle the most!"

Tan Junyan didn't know that he could get a kiss from her by making a compromise.

Since you can't get her mother, you can get the little one to offer a kiss, that's not bad!
"came back?"


It's a simple monosyllabic word, but this sound came from a woman's mouth.

"You still talk so little. Gu Yazhi, don't even think about who gave it to you with your current status?"

The woman finally gave him a conscientious glance, but she quickly retracted it. She took out the mirror and kept checking her face.

"Don't expect me to be grateful to you! Everything I have today is given by that woman. My family, my marriage, my life... Ruge is not her, how could I have come to this point. As for You... Hmph, to put it bluntly, we are helping each other, and we are just getting what we need! Listen carefully, what about people, I will lead her to your store later. As for the next step, we have to see your actions."

There was serious impatience in the woman's voice.

(End of this chapter)

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