Bamboo horse husband and green plum wife

Chapter 341 I Can't Get The Pregnancy Test Report

Chapter 341 I Can't Get The Pregnancy Test Report
The scorching liquid was poured on the back of the hand, and Gu Yazhi just called out in a low voice.

Could it be that they all guessed wrong?

Benny didn't hesitate anymore, he apologized sincerely, "Aunt Gu, I'm sorry! The cup is a little heavy, I couldn't hold it steady..."

After all, she is an adult, and she is too embarrassed to be serious with a child.

Gu Yazhi had no choice but to say: "I'm fine, you were not careful either."

She was about to withdraw her hand, ready to handle it herself.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Benny quickly grabbed her wrist and said in a strong tone, "It's all my fault, I'll help you with the medicine."

In this regard, an unprecedented tug-of-war began to unfold.

Benny's stubbornness made Gu Yazhi look a little embarrassed.She couldn't shirk his kindness, so she could only ask Jiang Yinshi for help: "Auntie, look..."

"Benny, you are still a child, just let grandma do it."

With that said, Jiang Yinshi was about to step forward, putting aside Benny's hand on her wrist.

However, at this moment, Tan Junyan didn't seem panicked. He also stepped forward to help, but it was Benny who helped.

"The ingredients of Western medicine are too complicated. If used indiscriminately, it may endanger the health of the fetus. A while ago, I heard that Benny is proficient in pharmacology. I feel more at ease when he gets started. Mom, what do you think? "

What Tan Junyan said was quite reasonable, and Jiang Yinshi had no reason to stop him for a while.

"That's good! Benny will trouble you now."

Jiang Yinshi seldom treats him as a child, and her tone of voice has unconsciously assimilated.

"It's my fault, it should be."

His voice was calm, so calm that it seemed a little dry.

An uneasy thought began to flood into his brain.

Gu Yazhi struggled more intensely: "Don't bother, I'm really fine."

The more she tried to pull back, the harder Benny's gripping hand became.

This is not a ghost, what should it be?
There was a throbbing in his green eyes, but in an instant he concealed this emotion layer by layer.

"Aunt Gu, are you still blaming me? I just want to do my best..."

The sad voice made Jiang Yinshi feel uncomfortable.

"In short, follow Benny's good intentions! If you don't trust his ability, I can ask another doctor to review his prescription..."

"That was not what I meant……"

Gu Yazhi still wanted to explain, but after spending a lot of time, she realized that she couldn't explain.

So, she had no choice but to compromise.

He stretched out his hand uncomfortably, "Let's get started!"

Maybe it's because Benny is still young, and she didn't expect him to have supernatural abilities.A momentary negligence caused her later bitter fruit.

Benny was quite polite, and thanked him a few times: "Thank you, Grandma and Aunt Gu."

Regardless of his comprehension ability, he always calls Aunt Gu instead of Auntie, which is very meaningful!

When Benny's hand was on Gu Yazhi's wrist, Jiang Yinshi was caught off guard and said a word of instruction: "Benny, you should call this aunt in the future——little aunt, she is pregnant with a baby! "

"Grandma, are you sure she's pregnant with baby?"

Benny withdrew his hand suddenly, and kept his lips tightly pressed, which seemed to be a sign that he couldn't be sloppy when thinking of his eyes on this question.

"The pregnancy test report, can there be a fake?"

Jiang Yinshi had no doubts at all, and when she turned her head, she was ready to produce evidence, "What about your pregnancy test report? Show it to everyone!"

But no one expected that an unexpected scene would happen.

Gu Yazhi's complexion changed suddenly, and Jiang Yinshi, who was devoted to protecting her, was pushed towards Tan Junzhan with brute force.

In the next few seconds, the entire living room was surrounded by white mist, as if it really felt like a dream.

"Xue Yingying, I will let you be in pain forever. Betrayed, I will let all your friends and relatives around you go away one by one. As for Gu Yazhi, she has no use value now, you just wait to replace her Pack it up! Hahaha—"

This voice was indeed her—the lingering Pu Xinyu.

Recalling every little thing she got along with, Xue Yingying never blamed her.

Pu Xinyu had sex with Guan Hong, and she didn't hate her either.If it wasn't for her, maybe I still couldn't accurately locate my heart. It turns out that I still love Tan Junzhan deeply in my subconscious, and I can't extricate myself.

As for what happened next, she couldn't help but hate it.

Pu Xinyu wanted to kill her, but Xue Yingying was not so holy that she could offer her life in person.

Now, she is making a comeback again, and the target must be her.However, the shining Gu Yazhi was innocent, and she didn't want to kill two people because of her personal grievances.

The white mist gradually dissipated, and Tan Junzhan also became alert.

Her fingertips sank deeply into the skin under her palm, and sporadic blood began to ooze out.

He understood that she was blaming herself.

"Do you believe me or not?"

He raised her chin so that she could look him up.

"I believe it, but time waits for no one, I'm afraid..."

Her lips trembled slightly, she just didn't believe in God, she lowered her head again, she deeply blamed herself.

"Ninny, I..."

Jiang Yinshi hesitated to speak, at this moment she clearly realized the wrong thing she committed, but now is not the time for her to speak.As soon as she had a bright idea, she immediately thought of a good idea, and elbowed Tan Junyan who was nearby.

She winked at him, put her hands together and moved her lips—persuade her!
At the same time, Tan Junzhan narrowed his eyes displeased.

Tan Junyan had no choice but to put everything aside, and persuaded without hesitation: "Gu Yazhi is kind-hearted, she will never blame you for this, and you don't have to take it to heart."

"She is so good, why don't you know how to cherish it? If you discovered her goodness one day earlier, she would have fallen to this point? Ah Zhan, why don't you tell my brother to look for it together?" Sinners toss and turn every night, making it hard to see.

"it is good!"

Tan Junzhan can only agree.

In order to calm her restless heart, he dialed Xue Yinuo's phone in person, and said in a deep voice: "Pu Xinyu has appeared..."

"Damn it, this guy is haunted!" Xue Yinuo cursed, and then became concerned again, "Did something happen to the girl? Her goal is only the girl, you want to kill her?" This call..."

"I will start to arrange the military force over there. And you, I hope you can also send the police force to help me find Gu Yazhi's whereabouts. I will let Tan Junyan send you her identity information later. on the phone."

(End of this chapter)

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