Bamboo horse husband and green plum wife

Chapter 342 Xue Yingying's Little Boyfriend

Chapter 342 Xue Yingying's Little Boyfriend
Xue Yinuo was stunned: "Is it related to this person?"

"Before Pu Xinyu left, she said that she would deal with her. Nannan is crying very sad now. Gu Yazhi, she may be pregnant. Tan Junyan's new wife." Tan Junzhan's voice didn't fluctuate at all, as if he was talking about someone else same thing.

Well, Gu Yazhi really doesn't mean much to him, since she's not his woman anyway.

"Enhance the awareness of safe production in the whole society, ensure the safety of people's lives and property, and accelerate the promotion..."


Tan Junzhan quickly stopped him, what is this all about!

Turning his head to look at the woman who was crying vigorously in his arms, he couldn't help sighing, he begged her for his life!
"Stop talking nonsense, time waits for no one."

The prince was furious——

Xue Yinuo accepted it as well, and finally he said solemnly: "You also tell Nannan, don't worry about this matter. With me here, I will ensure that the big and small are safe, and hang up first."

For them, the police, time is money, once a second is delayed, a precious life may be lost.

"Did you hear what your brother said?"

The sobbing in his arms seemed to show signs of pausing.

He looked down, and it really was true!

"Ah Zhan, you must bring Zhizhi back home, otherwise I will have trouble sleeping and eating." Xue Yingying tightly grasped his cuff, playing with it solemnly.

He laughed out loud, and he couldn't help joking: "Aren't you worried about me having an accident with your brother? Your brother is single and widowed, so it's okay if something happens. But what about me? You little villain, you don't know how to feel sorry for me, if Once something happens, you will be a widow, are you willing?"

widow? !
She didn't dare to think of these two words.

Yes, she is timid, and that has hardly changed.

Everyone in this world will always have such a person, no matter when and where, as long as he is there, he can restrain his every word and deed.

No matter how feminine she is usually, in front of him, her soft feminine side will naturally show, giving him a chance to flex her muscles.

When she was young, she just liked him, and he was perfect in every aspect.During that time, the reason why no one can replace him is because no one can break through his excellent performance.

He exists in her world like a god. There is only one god-like character in this world, and he is unique.

Later, after that incident, her world view was refreshed.

God, high above, cannot be touched, but can only be seen from afar.

How could such a big man belong to her?She is delusional.

Later, in her eyes, she could finally face up to Dang Zimo who had been by his side all the time.

From him, she finally learned something.

Like is when you want to find someone who is perfect in every aspect, but love is the opposite. The other person's external performance does not need to be so perfect, they are not perfect, but you think it is enough.

Her affection for Dang Zimo was not satisfied with being a lover above friendship.

She has never understood that Ah Mo always thinks of her, but why can't she fall in love with him?
After many years, she suddenly found out.

She thought that at the beginning, she just liked to talk about Jun Zhan's perfect performance, but in fact, she was moved by his meticulous care and deeply fell in love with him.

His love for her was deep and restrained, he dared not admit it, and he also didn't recognize his own heart, which caused years of separation.

"What are you thinking? Little idiot!"

Immediately, a force from outside stretched her small nose outward.

The villain!
Xue Yingying woke up angrily from her memories, and she was surprised to find out, "When did I come back?"

"Who else but me? I brought you back."

"What about them?"

Xue Yingying's face was inadvertently hot.

Knowing what was going on in her mind, he didn't want to make a joke: "Don't worry! When we were chatting, they left consciously."


That's worse, okay?
Xue Yingying didn't want to talk to him at all, she stretched out her hand and pushed, and got into the bed decisively by herself.

Tan Junyan told him the important news of Gu Yazhi at the first time, which enabled Xue Yinuo to quickly locate the location accurately.

Police officers, all of them are full of energy and ready to go.

Before the car moved a few steps, the car body came to a sudden brake.

"How do you drive? Come down for me and replace me!"

How could Xue Yinuo not be angry if something went wrong at this juncture?
"No, no, there is someone in front..."

The comrade who was driving explained with a choked voice.

He is a newcomer, seeing the ferocious appearance of the officer, he seems to be terrified.

Who is it?

Xue Yinuo jumped out of the car furiously, and came to the car body in an orderly manner.

After he took a closer look, he realized that it was such a person.

"Tan Junyan, why are you here?"

There must be no good thing if you don't go to the Three Treasures Hall for nothing!
As expected, Xue Yinuo still knew things like a god.

After looking around, Tan Junyan replied in a slightly lower voice: "I want to go with you!"

Saving people, how can it be child's play?
Xue Yinuo took it for granted with a black face: "No!"

"It's the father of the child in her womb. I can't just sit and wait."

"If you say you can't do it, you can't do it. This is not a joke. You go home and wait for the news. I will do everything in my power to ensure their safe return." Xue Yinuo planned to leave in a huff.

However, a scene that no one expected actually happened.

Tan Junyan had no other choice. With a plop, he knelt down on his knees, and without a word, he grabbed Xue Yinuo's leg that was walking away. He kept begging: "I'm sorry for her, I can't stay at home and wait I'm a beast, I didn't cherish her well at the beginning. I did do some stupid things before, stubbornly insisting on things that shouldn't be. Now, true love appears in front of my eyes, in case she has a Three ups and downs, I won't live long... Xue Yinuo, even if you are doing it for Xue Yingying, you agree to let me go!"

Xue Yingying?
Everyone in the bureau knew that Xue Yingying was his younger sister, the prince's young wife.

So, this man in front of him is having an affair with Xue Yingying?
The personnel who were anxiously preparing to go to work, all of them looked around, as if they were waiting to watch the show.

Xue Yinuo became angry in an instant, but he showed his bad temper face to face.

Be patient!
"Okay, get up, I agree."

This sentence is also a helpless move.


"But the ugly words are up front. When you arrive at the scene, you hide in the car. After we settle the scene, you will show up again. I don't want you to become my burden."

The look of contempt on Xue Yinuo's face was undisguised.

Being so underestimated by others, Tan Junyan naturally felt uncomfortable.

But in desperation, he could only agree.

The car moved again, but before reaching the destination anyway, several young police officers became curious and asked, "What is your relationship with Xue Yingying? I heard that Director Xue is the prince's brother-in-law... ..."

"That's right, you are Xue Yingying's little boy outside, right... I really didn't see it."

The whole thing became more and more outrageous, and the description became darker and darker.

Tan Junyan's face became more and more gloomy, and his clenched fists already showed that his emotions were hard to control.

But these brats didn't plan to accept it as soon as they saw it, so they continued to chat.

"Why don't you talk? Although I look down on you who eat soft food..."

Eat soft rice?
What is this all about?

Tan Junyan couldn't tolerate this uselessness, he stood up abruptly.

Seeing this scene, Xue Yinuo just glanced indifferently: "Why are you arguing! He is my sister's brother-in-law. Sister-in-law is having an affair with my brother-in-law? If the news gets out, I can't keep you from the prince's side." .”

This group of stinky brats, without personal politics with them, don't know the heights of the heavens and the earth.

Although it has been a while since he quit the Thorns, Tan Jun Zhan's influence is still as deep-rooted as ever.

"Boss, we were wrong, so please don't say it!"

Fortunately, there are a few bastards who still have the ability to understand current affairs.

"I'm not a victim. If you want to apologize, you have to go to him."

Looking in the direction of his hand, several heads are a little tense, but the most important thing is to hold on to my life!
"Mr. Tan, what happened just now is our fault, we shouldn't talk nonsense. How about our brothers, so you can forgive them?" They sent a representative to negotiate with him.

After all, they offended him first.


Getting angry with them will only insult his identity.

Thinking of this, Tan Junyan just sat down and felt better.

As soon as he sat down on his butt, his phone received a message.

At this moment, no matter what kind of scam text message, as long as there is news, he will be happy.

He quickly took out his mobile phone, and examined it carefully.

——Tan Junyan, you are limited to half an hour to arrive at Molin Villa, and you will not wait after the time.

Unfamiliar number, who is he?
Tan Junyan was about to call back, but was stopped by Xue Yinuo.

Tan Junyan looked at him puzzled.

"This may be a plan to turn the tiger away from the mountain. We have to divide our troops. In my opinion, this Molin Villa is more likely. Everyone obeys orders. You guys go to Molin Villa with me and him. The next person is still carrying out the old plan!"

Xue Yinuo quickly gave the order.

No matter how great the possibility is, he has to try it, otherwise he will feel bad in his heart.

Gu Yazhi, you must give me this chance, definitely!

Tan Junyan's palms couldn't help but tighten, and he squeezed the cold sweat in his hands as much as possible.

He has never participated in such a big scene, and now she is the only one who can embolden her courage.

(End of this chapter)

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