Bamboo horse husband and green plum wife

Chapter 346 Offer a Fragrant Kiss

Chapter 346 Offer a Fragrant Kiss

With a gloomy face, Tan Junzhan blocked the next patient who was about to step forward decisively.

His eyes coldly glanced at the little nurse in front of him: "How much is it, I will pay it!"

"Passing the number is invalid, go to the queue at the back, and you are not allowed to jump in the queue, do you even understand the rules!"

I don't know where this little nurse got the courage to yell at the prince in public, and she doesn't take him seriously.

Tan Junzhan's heart is burning with fire, it's unnecessary to be angry with a small person.

Suddenly, he took out his mobile phone, smiled sinisterly, and opened his mouth and said, "Uncle San, I'm on the first floor of your hospital, and there's a little nurse here who wants to teach me some rules..."

I don't know what the other party said, and the call ended soon.

Tan Junzhan's unusual smile just now made the little nurse feel a little terrified for no reason.

Unable to suppress the fear in her heart, she couldn't help asking: "Your third uncle?"

The little nurse seemed to have noticed something, she left and stopped working, staring intently at his face, unable to move an inch.

"Your sister-in-law is in the obstetrics and gynecology department on the tenth floor. Benny, take your little uncle up first, and I'll be there later!"

Tan Junzhan asked softly, but did not respond to the little nurse's words.

"Brother, be careful—"

After all, he was standing up for himself, and Tan Junyan was somewhat worried, so he blurted out an exhortation.

Tan Junzhan smiled indifferently: "Don't forget who I am, you go up first!"

Tan Junyan wanted to say something, but little Benny grabbed his clothes with strong conviction: "Trust Daddy, he can handle it."

Since the children said so, Tan Junyan could only go upstairs with him.

Not long after, Third Uncle Tan rushed over, dressed in travel and dust.

Before he got close, he could hear him shouting: "Who caused this?"

Throughout the scene, the crowd dispersed automatically, making way for him to approach only.

Looking at this posture, there must be no good show, who would be so boring?

Tan Junzhan is not a person who likes to pick things up. He didn't mention his name clearly, but he glanced at the little nurse with light eyes, and the answer was ready to come out!

Tan Sanshu, as the head of the first hospital, would be ashamed to expel such a small person in public.

He stared coldly, and the little nurse immediately hiccupped and lowered her head unconsciously.

Fortunately, she has this self-conscious ability.

Otherwise... hum!

Turning to Tan Junzhan, there was an anxious look on his brows: "Who is sick in the family? Girlfriend?"

Most of the things about their family have been heard by the third uncle.

Xue Yingying is pregnant with twins, such good news, I am afraid that the whole family will spread the news.If it was really her, the consequences would be unimaginable. It's not a small problem for a pregnant woman to be hospitalized!

Knowing his suspicion, it is not easy to talk about Jun Zhan's appetite. To put it simply: "She is fine now, but she is in a hurry, but she hasn't woken up yet. Jun Yan's wife happened to be sent to this hospital too , I forgot to bring money when I was in a hurry to go out, and I was almost kicked out of the hospital..."

He meant something, it was impossible for the third uncle not to hear it.

He can't control people's morality, and the dog's power.But this matter is detrimental to medical ethics, and he has to intervene.

"Are you an intern?"

With a timid appearance, he is probably still a fledgling.

Unable to guess what would happen next, the little nurse dared not agree.

It's okay to talk about the third uncle in public, so I just said softly: "Come back to my office."

After saying this, he followed Tan Junzhan up to the tenth floor to visit his patients.

When the two of them pushed the door open, Tan Junyan was leaning on the unconscious Gu Yazhi in his arms, with a troubled look on his face.

"Why are you still here?"

Tan Junzhan taught with a straight face.

If possible, who can stay here and stare?
Tan Junyan responded helplessly: "There are no extra empty beds here."

"Men in love are stupid, hum! There are so many empty beds out there, do you still believe their nonsense?"

He knows how to tease others and doesn't think about himself?
The little woman on the bed gradually opened her eyes, and she spoke in a very soft voice, which could hardly be heard without listening carefully: "It's as if you have no such experience! Third Uncle, are you here too?"

"Ninny, your body hasn't recovered yet, so don't move around."

Seeing that she was about to struggle to get up, Third Uncle Tan felt frightened and said this quickly.

With her weak body, she forced a smile: "I'm fine! Third Uncle, if there is no extra bed here, this room is big enough, and I don't mind if I can move a bed to this room. She , and I are two sisters-in-law, and we are also pregnant with the descendants of the Tan family, so don't treat them badly."

Especially at this time, her modest and generous attitude can arouse everyone's praise.

This was exactly her purpose, but a certain stinky man didn't cooperate and had to be serious with her at this time.

"No, you need to rest, and no one can disturb you!"

His attitude has always been resolute, and there is no room for turning around, and his eyes are even more so resolute.

Well, this is the real him, and there is nothing she can do about it.

Tan Junyan's eyes lit up because of his sister-in-law's words, but they immediately dimmed.

Xue Yingying naturally noticed this discovery, how could she let her plan fall short!

"I don't care! Either let me be discharged from the hospital now, or let him be in the same ward as me, what do you decide?" She made another gamble, who would let him eat this way the most!

Because of her words, Tan Junzhan was a little hesitant for a while, he didn't refuse decisively like usual.

It seems that he still has a place in his heart!

Jiang Yinshi also noticed his hesitation, and they fanned the flames together: "Yes, Jun Zhan, my daughter has just woken up, and she can't be discharged from the hospital for a while, so she has to stay in the hospital for a period of time. Uncle, are you right?" ?”

The third uncle can naturally understand their little thoughts, and he echoed: "I just learned about her illness with her attending physician, and the patient's constitution is too weak..."

"Don't talk about it! Girl, just this time, don't make an example next time, do you hear me? I won't compromise so easily next time!"

In the end, the prince still chose to give in.

If possible, Xue Yingying would naturally take the initiative to offer a kiss, lest this man regret it again.

It's a pity that as soon as she left, everyone in the family pointed at her nose and shouted angrily, "Don't move—"

Does she still have human rights?
A hard-pressed pregnant woman, neither this nor that is allowed, she can only hope that Gu Yazhi, who is in a coma, will wake up soon, and talk to her to relieve the boredom!
(End of this chapter)

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