Bamboo horse husband and green plum wife

Chapter 347 Existing Like a God's Mansion

Chapter 347 Existing Like a God's Mansion

Gu Yazhi woke up, her eyelids trembling slightly.

But she was not disturbed by the noisy sounds around her, let alone the glare of the sun, but someone was blowing hot air in front of her.

Yes, he has a heavy heart for playing tricks, just like a child.

who can that be?

She tried to move her hands and feet, but felt an inexplicable pressure in her limbs.

I don't understand.

And the moment she just opened it, a clear voice said in front of her: "So, are you awake?"

There was joy in his voice, and he seemed to be in a good mood.

It's a pity that Gu Yazhi felt very bad when he saw her, he kept his face sullen and didn't speak, and he didn't make any movements.

Who is Xue Yingying, how can she not see through her small thoughts.

Her biggest knot is that she regards herself as an imaginary rival in love.Xue Yingying thinks that she is open-minded and has never been close to Tan Junyan. It is a skill for her to misunderstand this.

I can't let the situation continue to develop!
Xue Yingying secretly puffed up in her heart.

Before he could speak, Gu Yazhi said, "Where are they?"

Looking around, her eyes dimmed immediately.

Xue Yingying slapped her head violently, seeing that her brain was not working at all.

She just woke up, the person she wants to see the most should be her sweetheart, why am she having fun here?
"Because I'm a picky eater and I'm not used to the hospital's food, Ah Zhan dragged Tan Junyan to buy it together. Ah Zhan is true, but I just like jealousy. Tan Junyan and I are innocent!"

She couldn't be straightforward and honest with her, Xue Yingying could only beat around the bush and express her feelings to her in an indirect way.

She has an innocent relationship with Tan Junyan.


Gu Yazhi's eyes moved slightly, her mouth trembled, and finally she said: "You and him really..."

"It really doesn't matter?"

Xue Yingying guessed her postscript and took the initiative to add it.

After saying this, Gu Yazhi's complexion was not very good.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have misunderstood you two..." She still chose to apologize and lowered her head humbly.

Seeing her like this, this was not Xue Yingying's original intention, and she became anxious when she saw her, "Don't be like this! Let me be frank with you, I didn't like talking about Junyan since I was a child."


This sentence had a great influence on her, but not long after, Gu Yazhi denied it in disbelief: "How is it possible? He is so outstanding, how could anyone be indifferent to him? You don't have to say that to comfort me." If you go against your heart, you really don’t need it.”

"You are a typical inferiority complex at work."

"Maybe! I'm not good enough for him. I've always known it, but I just can't take my heart back. From the first time I saw him, I was destined to have something to do with him." At this time, Gu Yazhi already tried to sit up, looked down at his flat stomach, and couldn't help but sigh.

What should her future be like?she does not know.

Xue Yingying has also experienced her mentality.

It's just that she met a good man, so she wouldn't cause so many troubles.

Now, it's her time to help these two lovers who haven't had a deep relationship yet.

Holding the diced apples that Tan Junzhan personally prepared for her before leaving, she ate them deliciously one by one.

She is not in a good mood, which is not good for the growth of the baby in her stomach. Xue Yingying decided to show her philanthropic spirit and willingly handed over the fruit bowl: "A Zhan prepared it for me. I can't eat it all by myself. Let's eat some together." Bar!"

"Thanks, I don't need it."

Gu Yazhi still had an indifferent look of rejecting others thousands of miles away.

This will not work!

Xue Yingying put the fruit plate aside casually, and discussed with her in a serious manner: "I like A Zhan, I have liked it since I was a child. You don't know, I was picked up by him when I was very young, and then I was handed over to him. I was raised by my adoptive parents. When I was four years old, I was almost drowned in the water, but he saved me. In my childhood memory, he existed around me like a god's residence. Although he likes to keep a cold face, to I don't pay much attention to it. But, staying with him, I will have an inexplicable sense of security."

Speaking of Tan Junzhan, Xue Yingying always had a faint smile on her face.

With that appearance, Gu Yazhi was speechless.Only when you really love each other will you reveal that expression unconsciously.

But within a few seconds, Xue Yingying's smile gradually faded: "But Tan Junyan gives me a completely different feeling."

Hearing this, Gu Yazhi couldn't help clenching her palms tightly.

Turning her head slightly, Xue Yingying saw her uneasiness, so she couldn't help but smile at her, and continued: "The opposite word to like to worship should be to hate and fear."

Gu Yazhi's brows knit together instantly.

Xue Yingying couldn't figure out what she was thinking, so she took the initiative to ask curiously: "I hate him, why are you unhappy?"

"He likes you very much, and this relationship has persisted for many years."

Her dull voice was like a straight bow, tense and suppressed.

"He likes me? Stop joking! Have you ever met someone who has bullied me since childhood? He and Yanyan are twins, not a few years younger than me. Logically speaking, I should be with them It’s right to get along relatively well. The problem is that Yanyan is jealous that I have taken away Azhan, so she played tricks on me. Azhan has been cold-tempered since he was a child, except that I am closer to my brother. I am an exception. Tan Junyan was a child The bad things that I have done to me are too numerous to list. Would you have feelings for someone who knows how to bully you?"

After being silent for a long time, Gu Yazhi shook his head embarrassingly: "No."

Her answer was very pertinent, but she was more embarrassed. Before that, she always thought that Xue Yingying was lying to her.But as Xue Yingying spoke, pointing fingers, she knew that all of this was not a lie.

Someone once said that whether a woman's marriage is happy or not can be seen from her skin.

The woman in front of her has good skin like a girl in her early twenties.If it weren't for the unusually bloated belly, no one would have guessed that she was pregnant and would be a mother to a child.

But what about her?
Her marriage was just a farce, and if the child was born, it would be just a witness to the farce.

But this is a small life after all!
Gu Yazhi was at a loss, she didn't know what choice she should make?

After her melancholy eyes fell on her lower abdomen, Xue Yingying had a flash of inspiration and came up with a good idea: "Well, you don't know! During the time you disappeared, Tan Junyan missed you very much. After knowing that you were kidnapped, he went to my brother without explaining, and even knelt on the ground and begged my brother for you. Do you still not understand his love for you? "

(End of this chapter)

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