Bamboo horse husband and green plum wife

Chapter 348 Never Let You Feel Uneasy Again

Chapter 348 Never Let You Feel Uneasy Again
If you know it, you know it, but Gu Yazhi can't escape his knot in his heart.

"The person he loves the most is you—"

The cruel truth, she had to admit.


Xue Yingying shook her fingers uncooperatively, and explained as soon as she opened her mouth: "Your preconceived notions are too strong! He may have had a good impression of me, but that was just the past. You can't deny his current sincere feelings for you just because of this. You Now they are a legal couple, and you are already pregnant with a little BABY..."

Looking down, Xue Yingying's words also stopped abruptly. The other party should understand what she wanted to say.

However, Xue Yingying only guessed the beginning, but missed the ending.

Gu Yazhi quickly explained in a panic, "I won't keep this child."

And just at this time, two silent listeners had already appeared outside the door.

Tan Junyan couldn't tolerate her self-deprecation, so she rushed in with a dark face, Tan Junzhan didn't have time to make a move.

But as boring as he is, Tan Junyan, who is not from a military background, really has nothing to do with him?

There was only one result - he let things continue to develop.

"Gu Yazhi, that's my seed, it's up to you to make the decision!"

Tan Junzhan's tone sounded sinister,'s none of her business, she has a soft spot, she only loves her own man, and doesn't want to care about other people's affairs.

Zhengzhuer has appeared, and now she is not qualified to speak.

Xue Yingying was embarrassed, so she kept her mouth shut.

It's none of her business, she turns a deaf ear to what's going on outside the window, and only has her own man in her eyes.

Tan Junzhan stood far away, looking at her deeply, not knowing why.

This man, shouldn't he be jealous again?
Xue Yingying was suspicious in her heart, but it was not easy to have an attack.

If the mountain cannot come, I will pass.

Such a simple truth!

Once lost, Xue Yingying cherishes what she has now, and she does not leave room for regret.

The conflict on the other side intensified, she couldn't see it, and she only wanted to walk towards him.

With a big belly, she was already six months pregnant, her limbs were swollen out of shape, and she walked like a chubby penguin.As soon as she walked around, she swayed from side to side, making everyone sweat for her.

"Stay away?"

Before he took two steps, his stern reprimand came from above his head.

Xue Yingying raised her head slightly, looked at him with a smile on her face, and said coquettishly: "Who told you not to come? I can only go to find you."

Her tone was quite aggrieved.

He may have realized that he was making too much of a fuss, so he quickly apologized and said, "Remember for me, as long as you are within the range I can see, you are not allowed to move around, no matter how many steps away, I will come to you, never Makes you feel uneasy."

"it is good!"

Xue Yingying answered simply.

With her head resting in his warm embrace, she let him hug her horizontally, walked towards the hospital bed with one stride, and then carefully put her down.

His thick black eyes looked at him alone, and he never spoke.

Xue Yingying's scalp was numb from seeing it, he was still thinking about that matter!

However, at this moment, the contradiction between Tan Junyan's side escalated again, and it had developed to a stage where one side was out of control.

With a bang, the unknown object fell to the ground, and the loud sound finally interrupted the affectionate gaze.

How did you do it?

Could it be that he didn't know that he was pregnant with a child, so he shouldn't be excited?

Also being a pregnant woman, Xue Yingying was a helper instead of a relative, clearly leaning towards Gu Yazhi.

A woman is on the weak side in marriage, plus, she and Gu Ya are very close, so she has to do something.

As if seeing her thoughts, Tan Junzhan pressed her shoulder down with one hand, and stared fiercely with terrifying eyes: "With this body, do you still want to meddle in other people's business?"

"Ah Zhan, Zhizhi is a good girl, we can't let Tan Junyan bully her."

"Of course I know this, so you don't need to worry about it."

After saying this, Tan Junzhan walked towards the two whose conflicts had intensified.

"Glass? It's all broken like this, what else do you want to throw away next? Tell me!"

After talking about Jun Zhan's words, the quarrel between the two people became quieter, and no one dared to offend this man.

Don't talk?All right, he will roll the roll one by one.

"Gu Yazhi, my daughter is worried that you will be bullied, so you should tell me first." He always kept Nizi's words in mind and dared not forget them.

After hesitating for a long time, Gu Yazhi still told the truth: "Let me go, let me be free, I am not suitable for him."

"Brother, she just wants to divorce me, and she also wants to..."

Tan Junyan choked up for a moment, and then spoke again, Xue Yingying couldn't believe it. He who never shed tears seemed to have a crying tone in his voice.

Did you hear it right?

"She also wants to kill this little life."

How can Jun Zhan not understand his mood at the moment.

What happened to the two of them now has happened to him and his daughter, but don't they live well now?
"Tan Junyan, can you guarantee that you will only be devoted to Gu Ya in this life, and you will never have any second thoughts, and you will not cheat on other women?"

You can't ask Jun Zhan this kind of words, and it's impossible for Gu Yazhi to do it. Only the bold Xue Yingying dares to do it.

This question, Gu Yazhi wanted to ask but couldn't ask.

Her mood was tense, and her heart was beating so fast that it almost reached her throat.

"I'm sure and sure! I, Tan Junyan, only love Gu Ya in this life, and I will never change from life to life."

This almost affectionate confession, but how can there be endless pain and struggle in Jun Yan's eyes?
Gu Yazhi was completely chilled, and closed her eyes tightly: "Stop talking, I've made up my mind..."

Before he finished speaking, Tan Junzhan couldn't bear it any longer, he couldn't help but say, "What do you know?"

"Nannah is right. I am a vinegar bucket. I have been jealous of Jun Yan for many years. Now that he can find true love, I am sincerely happy for him, but I still can't forget what happened. I can understand your feelings, but you I can’t deny his devotion to you. As soon as he learned that you were kidnapped, he went out without a penny on him. Because he didn’t bring any money, he hugged you unconscious, and was ridiculed by the nurse’s sneer. He has never experienced this kind of life experience. Look at him now, he has not shed a tear since he was a child, and he cried for you. Gu Yazhi, you touch your heart, how long do you want to lie to yourself? "


Gu Yazhi was speechless, her serious eyes stared straight at Tan Junyan's foggy eyes.

"Ah Zhan, it's rare that the person I'm with is a pregnant woman. Why don't we hold a banquet with them before she gives birth?"

Neither of them spoke, Xue Yingying didn't want to be silent.She knew that what she said about Jun Zhan had already worked, and she needed to lubricate it.

(End of this chapter)

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