Peerless Tangmen's Panda Wuhun

Chapter 135 Repression of the 1st World

Chapter 135 Repression I (Subscribe)
"Aunt Huo Yun, can you try to use your ability?" Zhang Xin looked at Huo Yun with a smile.

Huo Yun frowned, and said: "I can only try that, I don't know if it can be really used."

Huo Yun tried to close her eyes and feel the situation in her body, but she was a person who had never practiced before, so it was still difficult to do things in this area.

Zhang Xin and the spirit of the elf were not in a hurry, they chatted one after another. After waiting for a long time, a wave of strength rippled out of Huo Yun's body.

Huo Yun opened her eyes, and her eyes were shining brightly. Zhang Xin felt her mental power fluctuate, and shot directly at Di Yun.

Di Yun who was practicing on the opposite side was shot, but who is Di Yun?She is a three-eyed golden dragon. Although she can't use the soul power of the three-eyed golden dragon now, her spiritual power will not disappear.

Di Yun felt a wave of mental power, and then he saw Di Tian and the others, and instantly knew that he had been tricked, and directly used his tyrannical mental power to tear the picture apart.

Zhang Xin suddenly felt that her avatar was about to explode, and held her head in pain.

Di Yun opened his eyes and looked at Zhang Xin, waiting for Zhang Xin to recover.After Zhang Xin recovered, she looked at Di Yun and said, "Di Yun, I'm sorry. I was testing the ability I just acquired, and I couldn't control it for a while."

Di Yun nodded, and said: "Your illusion is not bad, but when you meet someone with stronger mental power than you, you will be severely suppressed."

Zhang Xin smiled: "Well, thank you. I see."

Zhang Xin was immersed in her spiritual world again, Huo Yun said embarrassedly: "Xiaoxin, I'm really embarrassed about that. I still can't control it."

"It's okay, Aunt Huo Yun." Zhang Xin laughed, "I already know that this ability can create an illusion, but I still haven't figured out how you can actually meet your son. Let's continue."

After that, Huo Yun used this power again, and the strong white light was reflected in Huo Yun's eyes again. At this moment, Huo Yun seemed to have his body again.

However, in this state, it will make everyone feel that this is just a dream, and the duration of this ability is very short.Only a short 1 minute.

Zhang Xin curled her mouth and said, "Why do I feel that this is similar to my spiritualization?"

The elf spirit said: "It's almost the same, the only thing more is that you can cast illusions."

Zhang Xin nodded and said, "That's not bad. At least one more fighting ability. Aunt Huo Yun, please feel your ability well. I'll start practicing first."

In the early morning of the next day, Yunxuan and the others were doing their own training on the battlefield, and the earlier students from the Star Luo Royal Academy looked at them strangely.

Yun Xuan and the others were used to this kind of gaze, so they didn't pay much attention to it.

A Xingluo Royal Academy student pointed at Yunxuan mockingly, and said, "What's the situation with this guy? Old people punch faster than him. I really don't know who they are?"

A person said: "It should be someone from Shrek Academy, didn't there be a competition for the exchange quota a few days ago?"

"Students of Shrek Academy? Just this? Just such a waste? Shrek Academy seems to have a name in vain." The person who mocked Yunxuan taunted again.

Beibei wanted to hit someone in an instant.Yun Xuan directly stopped him, looked at the student who spoke, and said, "You can't be bitten by a dog, you have to bite back. Otherwise, what is the difference between you and a dog?"

"What did you say?" That Xingluo student was also very angry, and immediately walked up to Yun Xuan, raising his right hand and punching him.

However, although Yunxuan doesn't know how to bite a dog, if the dog dares to touch him, his teeth will have to be pulled out.

Yunxuan raised his right hand and took Xingluo student's hand. With his right hand, he turned the man around on the spot so that his back was leaning against him, and then kicked him on the knee, kicking him to his knees. down.

Yun Xuan smiled and said: "What do you want to do? I was so scared that I fought back. Really, my brother and I were discussing about the silly dog ​​waiting for me. Why are you here? I had to show you how to fight. dog."

"You!" The student said angrily and turned his head.However, Yun Xuan folded his hand a little more.

He turned his head away from the pain, trying to keep himself from the pain.

A person said anxiously: "You should let him go. He is the fifth son of His Majesty the Emperor of the Star Luo Empire, the Fifth Prince."

"Ah? That's really embarrassing." Yun Xuan laughed, then let go of his hand, kicked him to the ground, and then said: "As a prince, you must know how to be humble, and you can't beat him at every turn. people."

The fifth prince stood up angrily, pointed at Yun Xuan and said, "Bastard, you wait for me. I will kill you sooner or later."

After finishing speaking, I will leave.Yun Xuan stepped forward, kicked him to the ground again, sat directly on top of him, and said: "You really are a person with a lack of brain. You are still in front of me, and there is no one to protect you." You, you dare to speak harshly, you are not afraid of death."

[Top of the World: As a systematic person, it is natural to conquer everything and prepare in advance for the future to become an era of suppression—Submission: Conquer the Star Luo Royal Academy.Completion criteria: 80.00% of the students of Star Luo Royal Academy admire and fear your power. 】

Yun Xuan was a little dazed sitting on the fifth prince's body, so he sat on this person himself, and the system made trouble for you.Although, after the update, you said that you wanted to cause trouble, but it is really not good to do so.

However, I like it.

After Yun Xuan was stunned for a while, he laughed happily.

Tang Ya whispered to Bei Bei: "Your brother's smile is so scary."

"This is the standard smile when he thinks of some bad idea." Beibei said in a low voice.

Ji Juechen glanced at it, and then continued to practice the sword.Yun Xuan can handle these things by himself, and it's not a fight, he doesn't need himself at all.

At this time, Princess Jiujiu walked into the academy and suddenly yawned.I spent the whole night thinking about what the White Tiger Duke said last night, but I still haven't found anything worth noting among these students.

In addition, Duke Baihu's opinion is just a gamble.However, Princess Jiujiu still took it to heart, and she planned to take a good look at these three people.

At this time, a student ran up to Princess Jiujiu and hurriedly said, "Your Highness, the fifth prince was beaten. Moreover, that person also said that someone should redeem him with something, otherwise the fifth prince will always be used as a bench by him." .”

(End of this chapter)

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