Peerless Tangmen's Panda Wuhun

Chapter 136 The Lion's Big Opening

Chapter 136 The Lion's Big Opening

Yun Xuan sat on the body of the Fifth Prince, waiting for others to redeem him. The first step in conquest is to let everyone know him, then he hates himself, and finally challenges himself, making them afraid of him. This is Yun Xuan way of conquest.

This is the case in such a world, as long as your force can crush them and make them feel that they will never be able to surpass themselves, that's fine.

However, fortunately, I only need to be able to conquer these students, that's easy.In two months, let the entire Star Luo Royal Academy remember me forever.

Just when Yunxuan was thinking about what he should do in the past two months, Princess Jiujiu came.

"Student, isn't this a bit too much for you?" Princess Jiujiu became a little angry when she saw Yun Xuan sitting on top of her nephew and still laughing.

Hearing the voice, the fifth prince looked at Princess Jiujiu in surprise, and shouted: "Auntie, save me. Boy, don't let me go quickly, my aunt is here."

Yun Xuan felt that his ears were so painful from this guy's noise, so he patted his head with his right hand mercilessly, and said, "You are really noisy."

Afterwards, Yun Xuan looked at Princess Jiujiu again, and laughed: "Your Highness, I have something to do here, it's really not easy to salute."

"This classmate, what's your name? You must know that you will die if you treat the prince of the empire like this." Princess Jiujiu looked directly at Yunxuan and asked, her eyes were full of majesty.

Yun Xuan looked into her eyes without any fear.

Princess Jiujiu's eyes have also changed a bit, her bright blue eyes exude a faint golden luster, and if you look closely, you will feel as vast as the sea.

Yun Xuan smiled and said: "My name is Mu Yunxuan, and I'm from Shrek City, not Star Luo Empire. Your laws should not affect me."

After Princess Jiujiu heard the word Mu Yunxuan, there was a hint of surprise in her eyes, but no one saw it.

When Princess Jiujiu was about to speak, Yun Xuan interjected directly: "Also, Your Highness. It was this person who first spoke rudely to Shrek Academy, and I didn't care about it at that time. But later, he actually directly attacked me. I I still let him go. In the end, there is no reward for a good man, and he still wants to find someone to fight me."

"Your Highness, you must know that the clay figurine is still angry, let alone me." Yun Xuan said with a smile, leaving Princess Jiujiu speechless.

Princess Jiujiu looked at the suppressed fifth prince and said, "Did you really speak ill of Shrek Academy?"

"This..." The fifth prince faltered and hesitated, completely daring to speak.

Princess Jiujiu knew it was true when she saw him like this.Although she knew it was true from the beginning, she still couldn't believe it, and hoped to hear from her nephew that there was no such answer.

Princess Jiujiu took a deep breath and said, "Mu Yunxuan, can you let him go, I will definitely discipline him when I go back."

Yun Xuan said with a smile: "No, I don't want to lose face. I said that if you want to redeem someone, you have to exchange things."

"Then what do you want?" Princess Jiujiu said calmly.

"I kilogram of Xingyue Purple Gold." Yun Xuan opened his mouth openly.Yunxuan felt that the academy's Xingyue Zijin was no longer enough for him to carry out the next stage of practice, so he could only rely on robbing like this.

"Impossible. You also know that there is almost no circulation of Xingyue Zijin in the Sun Moon Empire, and it is difficult to circulate to other empires, so this request is impossible." Princess Jiujiu said without hesitation, and these rare Metal can also be regarded as a strategic resource, and it is impossible to hand it over casually.

"Then there is no other way, it seems that you can only watch your prince being bullied by an outsider like me." Yun Xuan said indifferently.

Princess Jiujiu said in a cold voice: "Tell me your real conditions directly. You should know that it is impossible for us to agree to such unreasonable conditions."

Yun Xuan smiled and said, "I'm sorry, this is my minimum requirement."

Princess Jiujiu turned around and left.

Xu Sanshi smiled and came to Yunxuan's side, and said: "Mu Yunxuan, Princess Jiujiu has gone to our dormitory building, she should go to see Teacher Fan Yu and the others, you don't have to be afraid..."

"What's the matter, I'm not afraid." Yun Xuan said with a smile.

Could it be that Yunxuan told Xu Sanshi directly that Teacher Fan Yu will definitely support me in the future, don't worry.

After figuring it out, he is still sitting with a prince of the Star Luo Empire, and when he says that Shrek Academy and the Star Luo Empire are at a deadlock, it will be bad.

Now it is my own reasoning, so I am not afraid of it.No matter how bad it is, Mr. Mu will help him out.

Teacher Fan Yu had just had breakfast and returned to the dormitory.I saw Princess Jiujiu walking over with some displeasure.

When he saw Fan Yu, he walked up to Fan Yu quickly and said: "Teacher Fan Yu, please stop your students. He actually stepped on the prince of the Star Luo Empire and asked us to redeem him .”

Fan Yu frowned, and said: "Your Highness, it is impossible for my students to do such a thing. Even if they did such a thing, there must be a reason."

Princess Jiujiu said: "Then you go and have a look with me."

Fan Yu said angrily: "Don't worry, Your Royal Highness. If my student really did such a thing, I will definitely go back to the academy and give him a punishment."

Princess Jiujiu said with a smile: "It's enough to have your words."

Fan Yu followed Princess Jiujiu to the battlefield, and immediately saw Yun Xuan sitting alone.

Fan Yu ran directly in front of Yun Xuan, and shouted at Yun Xuan: "Mu Yunxuan, what are you doing? Come down quickly."

Yun Xuan looked at Fan Yu and said, "Teacher Fan Yu, this person attacked me first, can't I resist?"

"Then you can just teach me a lesson, why do you still need to ask for a ransom fee? This is how our academy pays you?" Fan Yu said angrily.

"Teacher Fan Yu, it's fine if he just talks about me. However, he also scolded Shrek Academy, which I absolutely cannot bear." Yun Xuan immediately had an expression filled with righteous indignation.

"If anyone insults Shrek Academy, it's fine to just give him a good beating, then whoever gets itchy will scold Shrek Academy again? So, I want to make them bleed profusely, so that no one can be itchy." It's time to scold Shrek."

Beibei and Xu Sanshi applauded immediately, and said, "That's right, Mu Yunxuan (Brother Yun) did a good job."

Fan Yu also looked at Princess Jiujiu, and said: "Your Highness, you didn't tell me that he insulted Shrek Academy. You're trapping me in disloyalty."

PS: Merry Christmas, brothers and sisters.If you don't have any boyfriend or girlfriend, just tip me the money you prepared for them.Those who have boyfriend and girlfriend, in order to prevent you from spending money indiscriminately, please tip me the money. (ōō) Merry Christmas
(End of this chapter)

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