Dimensional Cleaner

Chapter 124 The Way Yuan Chen Gives

Chapter 124 The way Yuan Chen gave (Subscribe for the third watch)
"Brother Yuan Chen, are you saying that you have a way for me to successfully return to my world?" Hearing Yuan Chen's words, Lin Qi was excited at first, but then he fell silent. I don't know when I can beat that manager in my own world, let alone in this world where spiritual power is scarce!

"I can't guarantee that you will be able to defeat that manager, but it will definitely make you stronger than you are now!" Yuan Chen said, and he didn't know if that method would work. It didn't work but it seems to work now!

"Really? Brother Yuan Chen, tell me quickly!" After hearing what Yuan Chen said, although she was not sure, she seemed to be a little sure, so Lin Qi, who had just given up the idea of ​​going back just now, became active again!
"Let's eat first!" Yuan Chen said!
"Well, yes!" Lin Qi replied, while starting to eat the just-heated food!

"Brother Yuan Chen, what method do you think?" After the meal, Lin Qi couldn't wait to ask Yuan Chen. I want to go back!

"Well, this is a cultivation method that I suddenly discovered when I was cultivating spiritual power according to the cultivation method you gave me!" Yuan Chen said, Lin Qi had told Yuan Chen her method of cultivating spiritual energy before, and Yuan Chen also tried to cultivate spiritual energy, but he was not able to cultivate successfully, so Yuan Chen also gave up!
"Yeah, yes, but didn't Brother Yuan Chen say later that you can't cultivate spiritual energy?" Lin Qi also knew about Yuan Chen's cultivation, and she also told Lin Qi that Yuan Chen failed to cultivate successfully!

"Well, before I thought it was because of the difference in meridians that I couldn't cultivate spiritual energy, but later I found out that's not the case!" Yuan Chen said, and after trying several times without giving up, he finally discovered the real problem. The inability to practice aura is not because of the meridians, but because of the internal force that I have cultivated!

"Brother Yuan Chen, hurry up!" Seeing Yuan Chen talking slowly, Lin Qi was obviously in a hurry, and hurriedly urged!

"Don't worry, listen to me..." Yuan Chen said!
When Yuan Chen was cultivating spiritual energy before, he found that no matter how much he practiced, the spiritual energy absorbed into his body would slowly disappear, before it reached the dantian, it would disappear. Later, Yuan Chen tried many times, and finally Knowing that the reason why my aura disappeared was because of the internal force I cultivated!

Because I have cultivated internal energy before, the internal energy in my body is relatively abundant, and there is no spiritual energy in this world, what is only provided by the spiritual grass that grows on the black soil in my yard , so the spiritual energy that can be supplied to Yuan Chen's cultivation is very little!
And the aura that I cultivated through the cultivation method given by Lin Qi was swallowed up by the internal force when it entered the dantian, and the aura seemed to be a very good nourishment for the internal force. When the aura was swallowed, Yuan Chen I can clearly feel that my internal strength has increased a lot, which is much better than directly cultivating internal strength!
"Brother Yuan Chen, what do you want to say?" Lin Qi didn't know what Yuan Chen said had anything to do with her own cultivation. Internal strength can be increased by devouring spiritual energy. Could it be that her own spiritual energy can also be increased by devouring internal energy?

"Don't you understand? I want you to cultivate your inner strength!" Yuan Chen said, this is also a cultivation method that he thought of. As long as Lin Qi cultivates his inner strength, then he can continue to cultivate in this world!

"Brother Yuan Chen, do you want me to give up the previous cultivation method and cultivate the internal force of this world?" Lin Qi frowned and said, do you want to abandon the spiritual energy that has been cultivated for more than ten years, and cultivate the internal force of this world instead?

"Well, and I want you to cultivate the internal force of this world because of the characteristic of internal force, devouring spiritual energy!" This is the result Yuan Chen obtained after several times of practicing spiritual energy. Internal force can be increased by devouring spiritual energy, that is to say, internal force It has the characteristic of devouring aura, and if Lin Qi really gives up the aura he cultivated before and instead cultivates internal strength, he will also have this characteristic by then, that is, restraining aura!
"Swallow spiritual energy?" Hearing Yuan Chen's words, Lin Qi fell into deep thought. This is a relatively risky approach. If she gives up the spiritual energy she cultivated before and instead cultivates internal strength, she may get a kind of ability that can restrain spiritual energy. Effect!

Coming from the world of constant fighting in Xianni Dimension, he knows that if he has the means to restrain the opponent when fighting with the opponent, he will have the upper hand in this battle, but this is based on the strength of two people Under certain circumstances, if the strength of the two people is not equal, then even if you have the means to restrain the aura, you still have no way to win, the most you need is to let yourself struggle a little more!
But in this situation, Lin Qi can only beat the manager if he cultivates his internal strength. One is the characteristic that Yuan Chen said that internal strength can restrain aura, and the other is that aura is scarce in this world. , it is almost impossible for me to achieve the level of making the manager look at me differently through the cultivation of aura, and the third is that the cultivation of internal strength does not need to absorb external energy, that is to say, if you cultivate your own internal strength, no matter in In this world or in your own world, you can practice and use it, and you won't be subject to too many restrictions!
"Okay, then please ask Brother Yuan Chen to teach me how to cultivate internal strength!" Thinking of this, Lin Qi also made up her mind. Originally, she had given up the idea of ​​going back, but now Brother Yuan Chen gave herself another way, although this way I don't know where it leads to in the end, but there are no other places. There is only this one in front of me. Although there may be unknown dangers, or it may be a dead end, but I can only go down this road!
"Have you decided?" Yuan Chen didn't expect Lin Qi to make up his mind so quickly. After all, he wanted to abandon everything he had cultivated in the past and switch to another cultivation method that might not be successful!
"Well, it's decided. Now I have only one way. If I succeed, I can go back. If I fail, I will stay here. It doesn't make any difference!" Lin Qi nodded affirmatively!

"Okay, then I will teach you how to cultivate your inner strength!" Yuan Chen said, since Lin Qi has made up his mind, he will naturally help him without reservation!
 I can't subscribe, let's make it three shifts today, thank you for supporting the little zombies, good night
(End of this chapter)

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