Dimensional Cleaner

Chapter 125 The Rotten Girl Chen Jiayuan

Chapter 125 The Rotten Girl Chen Jiayuan

Afterwards, Yuan Chen taught Lin Qi his own cultivation methods. Lin Qi was also very talented. After trying a few times, she figured out the main meridians for cultivation, and was able to start cultivating internal strength. This made Yuan Chen I can't help but feel that such cultivation talents are not qualified, so if I am in the Xianni Dimension, I will be like a waste. Fortunately, I live on the earth!
After teaching Lin Qi, Yuan Chen also became idle, so he also sent a QQ message to Chen Jiayuan who hadn't been in touch for a long time. He thought it was quite late now, and Chen Jiayuan probably fell asleep. I didn't expect it. Message back soon!
Afterwards, Yuan Chen chatted with Chen Jiayuan without saying a word. It turned out that Chen Jiayuan and the others hadn't contacted him recently because they all went back to school, because Yuan Chen's university was a junior college, while Chen Jiayuan and the others studied Undergraduate, one year more than Yuan Chen!
Yuan Chen forgot about this problem, because it is the last year of university, so there are a lot of things to do, and he must be prepared for the real job hunting in the future, although Chen Jiayuan has a lot of work experience before, after all, she is from a poor family. Although Chen Jiayuan is a girl, her family's economic conditions are average, so she will come out to find a job during the winter and summer vacations. On the one hand, she can earn some money, on the other hand, she can also accumulate some social experience!
Hey, this female man seems to be a strong woman. Yuan Chen looked at the things Chen Jiayuan sent to him about her recent busy work on the screen. It seemed that they were all related to work, and Chen Jiayuan was still preparing for the postgraduate entrance examination. This undoubtedly increased her learning tasks!

In contrast, Yuan Chen looked relaxed and happy. He had just graduated, and it was time to find a job and start working hard, but because of an inexplicable vortex, it only took a few months to make him what he is today. Such an achievement, but what I have easily obtained is something that some people cannot obtain in a lifetime. Thinking of it, I am undoubtedly lucky!
"I said Yuan Chen, what have you been up to lately? I heard from Lin Hao that you have moved into a villa!" While chatting, Chen Jiayuan suddenly remembered what Lin Hao told her before, that Yuan Chen has now moved in. I still don't quite believe in the detached villa, but finally Lin Hao took out a photo to show himself, it was a photo of Yuan Chen teasing a dog, so he believed it a little bit!

"Yeah, yes, I made some money doing business with my friends before, and it happened that the owner of this villa was eager to sell it, so I bought it because it looked good!" Regarding Chen Jiayuan, Yuan Chen didn't hide too much, It's just that some things can't be said, but some things can be said!
Yuan Chen and Chen Jiayuan have known each other for a long time. It can be said that they are childhood sweethearts, so Chen Jiayuan and Lin Hao also know each other. The three of them are also good friends. It is not surprising that Lin Hao will tell Chen Jiayuan some of his things!
"Yo, I said why you haven't contacted me for so long, it turns out that you are rich, to be honest, did you meet a rich woman, I said Yuan Chen, you can't do this, even though you keep saying that you want You rely on your face to eat, but you don't rely on it like this!" Chen Jiayuan said, with a smirk behind her!

"Who told you it's a rich woman, is she a rich lady?" Yuan Chen was already used to Chen Jiayuan's teasing, so she replied without thinking too much!

"Oh, congratulations!" What Yuan Chen didn't expect was that Chen Jiayuan's reply was a bit weird. This reply made Yuan Chen feel a sour taste!

No way, this female man is jealous, right? Damn, that guy Lin Hao also told Chen Jiayuan about sister Mingxia, Yuan Chen quickly thought of the problem, since Lin Hao moved himself into the house If she told Chen Jiayuan about the villa, she might also have told Chen Jiayuan about herself and Xiaguang Zoo, as well as about herself and sister Mingxia, and Chen Jiayuan might think that she got these things through Zhou Mingxia's relationship. of!

"What? You're jealous!" Yuan Chen said. He didn't know why. Seeing Chen Jiayuan replying to him like this, Yuan Chen wanted to explain. This is different from his own personality. Could it be that he...

"Who's jealous? It's none of my business who you're with!" It was obviously impossible for Chen Jiayuan to admit to Yuan Chen's question!
"Okay, the one who worked with me before was a man!" Yuan Chen still couldn't help explaining to Chen Jiayuan!
"Damn it, Yuan Chen, I despise you. I didn't expect you to be crooked. Tell me, are you attacking or receiving!" Chen Jiayuan also put on one of the three major emojis, a laughing and crying emoji!

Let me go, when did this female man become a rotten woman, and judging from the degree of rottenness, it seems that she has been rotten for some time!

"You think too much, I'm straight, why don't you try it!" Yuan Chen sent a contemptuous expression, and then added a smirk!

"Forget it, Dad doesn't have time to try with you, Dad still has to take the postgraduate entrance examination!" The next message Chen Jiayuan sent to Yuan Chen almost made Yuan Chen spit out the Dionysian Dimension tea he just drank in his mouth. What is Dad? Ghost, did you change the line?
"By the way, Yuan Chen, you said that I want to learn another language. Is it better to choose Japanese or Korean!" Before Yuan Chen could react, Chen Jiayuan sent another message, asking Yuan Chendao!
"Japanese? I know it too!" Yuan Chen replied!

"Yo, you can actually speak Japanese!" Chen Jiayuan sent a skeptical expression. She knew that Yuan Chen couldn't even learn English well before, and she had never heard of him learning Japanese!

"What is that Ya-蠛-die, one, I just opened my mouth!" Yuan Chen said, when he was practicing the unicorn arm before, in order to understand the essence of cultivation, Yuan Chen, who had never liked learning, forced Learn a foreign language by yourself!
Yuan Chen still remembers watching war movies with his father during the summer vacation of high school. There was a passage in Japanese without Chinese subtitles. I can't forget the way my father looked at me at that time, Dad, it's not what you think!
"Breakdown!" Yuan Chen waited for a long time before Chen Jiayuan sent these two words!
"Hey, is this a new pose?" Yuan Chen asked!
"Pfft, Yuan Chen, that's enough, I'm going to sleep, good night!" Chen Jiayuan said, and then her profile picture turned gray!
At this time, another avatar on Yuan Chen's mobile phone jumped up. It was Tao Qiong's QQ. What is Tao Qiong looking for at such a late hour?
"Mr. Yuan, I have found out some things behind Mingting Hotel!"

(ps: It’s nice to have such a girlfriend, right?)
(End of this chapter)

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