Dimensional Cleaner

Chapter 131 The Man Behind Kang Jiyuan

Chapter 131 The Man Behind Kang Jiyuan
Sure enough, as soon as the news about Hantan Fishery's live broadcast of fish farming in Chenxuan Building was posted, it caused an uproar on the Internet. No, everyone insisted on their own opinions, but whether it was praise or criticism, everyone's eyes were on the live broadcast platform designated by Hantan Fishery!

At [-] o'clock in the afternoon, the live broadcast platform officially began to broadcast the fish farming process of Hantan Fishery. First, several prestigious experts hired by Hantan Company, and then Tao Qiong brought the silkworm sand. This is Yuan Chen. It was handed over to her, and then a professional testing organization began to test the silkworm excrement under the supervision of experts!
When the test results came out, the silkworm excrement belonged to normal silkworm excrement and did not contain any special ingredients. Seeing this, Yuan Chen was really relieved, although he was confident that the aura contained in the silkworm excrement would not be detected by the detection machine , but he still couldn't help being a little nervous during the real test. After all, it was not only related to Hantan Fishery Company, but also Liu Yuxuan's restaurant, and so many restaurants and diners who trusted him!
Although Yuan Chen knows that the extra aura is only good for the human body and has no harm, but if it is really detected, then even if Yuan Chen has a hundred mouths, he can't explain it clearly. After all, the public doesn't believe it at all. This thing that can promote the rapid growth of fish is not harmful to people, and the psychological shadow caused by hormones and other things is already too great!
After that, I was going to use the silkworm excrement to start fish farming, and the fish fry was bought by an expert from the fishermen. It was Tao Qiong's idea to say that Hantan Company dropped the package midway, and of course Yuan Chen had been asked for instructions beforehand, and Yuan Chen didn't care too much about such a small amount of money, so he just nodded and agreed!

The next thing is to feed the fish, which are done by those experts. Hantan Fishery also spent a lot of money to hire these experts. Naturally, it is because these experts have gained fame in the society, and they are also the experts. More familiar authorities, so it is easier to be convinced by them!
Moreover, Yuan Chen's silkworm excrement also made those experts very interested. Not to mention that these silkworm excrement can make these fish so delicious, and it can also make the fish grow quickly. Before, they did not believe that Yuan Chen's silkworm excrement was not added. What, but after the test results came out, they were also very surprised. The silkworm excrement was tested under their noses, so it was impossible to replace it, so they couldn't wait to see if the silkworm excrement was really like a cold pool. It's as amazing as the company says it is!

The most important thing is that Yuan Chen gave Tao Qiong very little silkworm excrement. Except for the one used for testing, the rest of the experts weighed it, and it was less than one or two. So amazing, they want to take some back to the laboratory for research!

But looking at it now, it's hard to say whether these silkworm excrement can make this fish fry survive for fifteen days. Now Hantan Company is like this, and the boss is so stingy, but scolding is all right, taking people's money to do things, They divided the one tael of silkworm excrement into fifteen portions. According to Yuan Chen's explanation, only one portion a day is enough!
The reason why Yuan Chen did this was because he didn't want the fry to become a first-generation fish, because he knew that if it was a first-generation fish, it would definitely cause a sensation, so Yuan Chen only needed to give the least amount, so the fish he bred could only be equivalent to the second-generation fish. The effect of the fish, although it will cause a little sensation, is still understandable!
Moreover, Yuan Chen also intends to launch the second-generation fish after this incident is over, so that the second-generation fish can really enter the market, and the restaurants that stood on his side before Yuan Chen planned to sell them the third-generation fish, and the worst Yuan Chen, the fourth-generation fish, plans to cooperate with some small restaurants. Although the money will be even less, this incident gave Yuan Chen a hint, because this time many small restaurants are also on Xie Yunpeng's side!

This is mainly because Yuan Chen only cooperated with large and medium-sized restaurants before, so the business of these small restaurants is not as good as that of large restaurants. Some of them rely on one or two special dishes to retain customers. The signature dishes of their restaurant can no longer retain customers, so their business is even more bleak than before, so it is inevitable that some people will feel suffocated, so they also feel happy to see the accident in Hantan Fishery, by the way To add insult to injury!
So Yuan Chen also planned to hand over the four generations of fish to those small restaurants for sale, so Yuan Chen also started to read those rumors on the Internet recently, and then chose some who did not intervene in this matter, remained neutral, or some who were a little bit on Yuan's side. Chen is here. After all, Yuan Chen's fish is placed there, and some discerning people can see it, so they can also say something fair at this time. Although they are not biased towards Yuan Chen, they are relatively pertinent. , is also more reasonable!

Watching those experts put a little silkworm excrement into the fish tank, Yuan Chen also turned off the live broadcast. Now it only needs to wait until fifteen days later, all the rumors will be self-defeating, and Yuan Chen does not need to worry Hantanyu will be suspected by others again!

After turning off the computer, Yuan Chen started molesting Xiao Hua again, ah no, it was training, and continued to teach Xiao Hua how to play the piano. Now the animal exhibition is less than a month away, but this is enough for Yuan Chen !


"What did you say? Those fish were just fed with ordinary silkworm excrement?" In a building, a middle-aged man was sitting in front of a computer, and Kang Jiyuan was standing next to him!
"Yes, Boss, Hantan Fishery is now broadcasting the feeding of Hantan fish on the Internet. If it is true, we will know the final situation after fifteen days!" Kang Jiyuan said respectfully!
"No, there's no need to wait for fifteen days. Since Hantan Fishery can broadcast live on the Internet, that's the case, so the rumors we spread on the Internet this time are useless!" The one Kang Jiyuan called the boss The middle-aged man said!
"Then what should we do? Are we still spreading rumors?" Kang Jiyuan asked!

"Continue to spread the word, give them a little pressure, and then go and steal some silkworm excrement and come back!" The middle-aged man said with a sneer!
When Kang Jiyuan heard the word "steal", his whole body trembled, a certain part tensed up, and finally he could only nod his head yes!
"Hey, it's a pity that so many of this kind of fish, which are so good for the body, were sold before?" The middle-aged man picked up a piece of fish and put it in his mouth, chewing it carefully!
 Sigh, today I saw two books that I was chasing before, but they were actually eunuchs. I don’t know if it’s because of subscription or writing collapse, what a pity!

(End of this chapter)

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