Dimensional Cleaner

Chapter 132 The Mascot of Chenxuan Building

Chapter 132 The Mascot of Chenxuan Building

Time passed day by day, and Yuan Chen trained Xiaohua in the yard every day, and because Xiaohua ate a lot of monster meat, she grew bigger and bigger, and now she is as tall as a little leopard, and her intelligence is also high. It is getting taller and taller, except that it cannot speak human words according to the regulations, its intelligence has already surpassed that of a child!
Cats are small animals with intelligence, so cats are generally very smart, and this raccoon cat is even more powerful under Yuan Chen's special training. It not only learned to play music with the electronic piano, but also learned to play Many other performances, these are the auxiliary skills that Yuan Chen added to it, and there is also a cuteness technique!

This is also why Yuan Chen added a few more small skills to it in order to avoid a single skill in playing the piano. Occasionally, he may use these small skills to make the audience happy, because these small skills are relative to playing. Speaking of which, these little skills are all learned by Yuan Chen from the videos of the most clicked cat performances on the Internet. Compared with other kittens, these little skills are undoubtedly as difficult as skyrocketing!
With the advantage of intelligence, Xiaohua can quickly master the performance skills, because these performances only need to be learned, and it does not need to practice hard every day like playing the piano, in order to memorize the whole piece and perform it perfectly. Play it out!
Now Xiaohua is already very accurate when playing the piece taught by Yuan Chen, and the sound is no longer that harsh sound, but a very pleasant musical sound, although Yuan Chen played it is a world-renowned song. The song is also Yuan Chen's favorite song, but Xiao Hua can already play it perfectly!

Fifteen days passed quickly, and the webcast was coming to an end from the first day to now, and the rumors on the Internet also started from the first day of the attack, and then gradually turned black Fan, up to now, even the navy has stopped attacking, because it is meaningless, and now the Internet is still talking about Hantan Company, and the public can tell that someone hired it, so it doesn't matter if they don't attack!

And Hantanyu grows up every day in a situation that is visible to the naked eye, and everyone's attitude has gradually changed from watching the show before to being surprised, and now they are stunned. This is a fast-forward story. A documentary about the growth of fish!

They witnessed with their own eyes that the fish started from a fry, from a little bit, to the length of a finger, and then to the size of a palm, until now it is fully mature, and it is a fish that can enter the market, if not This was broadcast live on the Internet, and the camera never left the transparent fish tank where the fish were kept. They would all suspect that this was cheating, but now there is no doubt at all!
Because Hantan Company has done a good job and used several cameras to look at the fish in all directions without dead ends, and these can only show that Hantan Fishery is very confident. He is announcing to everyone that the fish in Hantan Fishery There is no problem, we just use silkworm excrement to feed the fish, without adding any hormones, it is all natural, green and non-toxic!

This is undoubtedly a slap in the face for those companies that were still denouncing Yuan Chen before, especially some who wanted to use this matter to sue Hantan Fishery Company before, but now many of them are silently giving the previous content to Delete it, but these are useless. Yuan Chen asked Tao Qiong to write down the list of these restaurants before. Even if they take down those posts and Weibo now, Yuan Chen will not cooperate with them again. This kind of nonsense He has already entered the blacklist of Hantan Fishery Company!

As for those who did not speak up and remained neutral before, they are secretly glad now. Fortunately, they did not trouble Hantan Fishery before, and those who were able to stand up and say a few words of justice when Hantan Fishery was criticized, now Undoubtedly, they have already started to celebrate, because they know that as long as this incident is over, Hantan Fishery will definitely strengthen cooperation with them, which will also bring more benefits and better development to the restaurant!

Time is flying fast, today is the most important day, because today is No. 15 days, this fish that has been raised in Chenxuan Building for fifteen days will be slaughtered today, half of it will be used for testing, and the other will be slaughtered today. Half of it is used to make dishes!

But at this time, another thing that even Tao Qiong had never thought of happened, because it was broadcast live on the live broadcast platform for fifteen days, so this fish also grew up under the witness of everyone. Accompanying, it also makes many people have different views and opinions on this fish!
The last time schedule posted by Hantan Fishery is that this fish will be cooked on No.16 day, which is today, and everyone is looking forward to the arrival of this day, but when this day comes, However, there are many posts and topics asking not to kill this fish on the Internet!
The reason is that this fish grew up under the witness of everyone, so many people have feelings for this fish, and some people even jointly signed a letter requesting Hantan Fishery not to kill this fish. Once again, it caused an uproar on the Internet!
But this time people who hold different views are divided into two factions. One is those who insist on not killing the fish, because these people grew up watching the fish, watching the fish every day in front of the computer, or swimming , or bubbling, or diving, it is a joy to watch, as if it is a fish raised by oneself!
Another person who held a different point of view said that this was deliberately spread by Hantan Fishery in order to avoid the final inspection. The invited navy, as long as Hantan Fishery does not test, it means that there is something wrong with the fish. I will definitely not go to Chenxuan Building and all the restaurants that cooperate with Hantan Fishery to eat again!

The two sides insist on their own opinions, and no one agrees with the other. This time, it looks like they are evenly matched. The number of people on both sides is not much different, so they can't argue for a while!
It wasn't until the afternoon that Hantan Company finally responded and decided that they would rather give up that part of potential customers than kill that fish, but they would take a small part of the fish's blood for testing, and they would definitely not let this fish die Yes, and this fish will eventually become the mascot of Chenxuanlou and be kept forever!
Finally, the test results came out, and there was no problem with the Hantan fish. At this time, Hantan Fishery released another new news, which was the news that Hantan Fishery planned to cooperate with some small restaurants, that is to say, Hantan Fishery This time Baiyu really walked into the homes of ordinary people!

Of course, Tao Qiong's management alone cannot decide these matters. She also asked Yuan Chen for instructions before, and Yuan Chen's reply to her was only two very firm words: don't kill!

 There are so few rewards today, can the little zombie ask for a reward, haha, thank you for the time lapse cg, dark power for your reward!

(End of this chapter)

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