Dimensional Cleaner

Chapter 144 The Cat Playing the Famous Song

Chapter 144 The Cat Playing the Famous Song

The scoring standard for this exhibition competition is to give scores by five judges on the stage, and then score by a hundred audiences. The judges' scores account for 50.00%, and the audience's scores also account for 50.00%. After that, the average score is obtained It is the final score, and the score is based on a [-]-point system, and [-] is the highest score!

The final scoring results came out. The first one to play was a relatively large zoo, and the final score was [-] points, not too good or too bad, and the results of the next two zoos It was even worse, one family got [-] points, and one family only got [-] points, because the performances were too common!

And the director of that zoo immediately packed up his things and left the venue with his staff and animals after getting the results. He really didn’t have the face to stay here. This score is the lowest score in the history of holding so many exhibitions. , the previous minimum score was four points!

Of course, no one laughed at their departure, everyone just became more serious and nervous. The previous performance at the zoo was not easy to train in the eyes of some people, but maybe the five judges knew this, but the audience But they don’t know, they only care about whether they look good or not. This also puts a lot of pressure on the zoos participating in the competition, because no matter how long you train or how hard you train, in their eyes, there is only a difference between good and bad. !

After that, everyone who went up was a little frightened, afraid of making mistakes, and afraid that the performance of their own animals would not be affirmed by the audience. Fortunately, the last thing everyone expected to happen did not happen, and all the zoo performances in the future The lowest score was [-] points, and the highest score was [-] points, surpassing that of the first zoo, which is a very high score!
Then it was the turn of Hongbo Zoo to play. The director of Hongbo did not play in person, but the two employees. This is the first time since the beginning of the show that an elephant appeared. The one that appeared before was not a tiger. Even the lion, the audience will feel tired after watching too much, so the appearance of this little elephant is really eye-catching!
After the performance started, the little elephant cooperated with the two pet trainers to make a lot of performance moves. The cuteness made many audiences smile knowingly, but the short 5-minute performance time made the little elephant win the prize. It won the likes of many audiences, and the five judges on the stage also nodded in appreciation!

The final result is [-]:[-] points, mainly because the performance of this little elephant is funny, so many audiences think it is very good, so the score given is also very high, the last animal exhibition The champion's score is only nine points, which means that the score of Hongbo Zoo this time has surpassed the score of the champion of the previous exhibition, which is Shangguan Yun's Yunya Amusement Park!
Hearing the final score reported by the judges, the smile on the face of the director of Hongbo Zoo grew stronger like the disdain in his eyes. Of course, with Hongbo's achievements this time, he has the right to be proud, but that embarrassing His expression is really annoying!
In the next performance, naturally, no zoo’s score can exceed the score obtained by Hongbo Zoo, not even a score of [-] points, and Hongbo Zoo is undoubtedly the favorite to become the champion of this animal exhibition Candidates!
"Next, we invite contestant NO.20, Xiaguang Zoo to perform!" The host outside finally read the name of Xiaguang Zoo!
"Yuan Chen, it's up to you!" Zhou Mingxia was a little nervous when she heard the name of her zoo. After all, the scores obtained by Hongbo Zoo were too high, so even if Zhou Mingxia had confidence in Yuan Chen, There is also a little tension!

"Well, don't worry!" Yuan Chen nodded, signaled Zhou Mingxia to rest assured, took the little flower from Lin Hao's hand, and walked towards the stage, while Lin Hao took the electronic organ to the stage to arrange it!
"Hey, that's an electronic piano, isn't it for dancing!"

"I guess it's possible. Before the competition started, I saw their performance on the small stage of Xiaguang Zoo!"

"That's kind of interesting!"

Seeing the electronic organ on the stage, the audience in the audience also discussed it a little bit, and when Yuan Chen carried Xiao Hua out of the cage, the audience in the audience became excited!

"Is that a leopard? Do you want the leopard to dance?"

"Really? That's fresh!"

"Yeah, it's also the first time I've seen a leopard perform and dance!"

"I really don't know, it's just a relatively large raccoon cat!" At this time, someone familiar with animals said that it was just a raccoon cat, but this raccoon cat was bigger than normal!
"Hey, this really looks like a raccoon cat!" Hearing what the person said, the person who said it was a leopard also looked at it and felt that it was indeed closer to a raccoon cat than a leopard, "Wait, what do you say? I don't know it!"

Yuan Chen ignored the excitement of the audience, first he touched Xiao Hua's head, smoothed its hair, then carried it to the stool in front of the electronic piano and sat down, then walked away!

"Uh, what is this for?" The audience in the audience looked confused!
And the staff of the director of the zoo in the background are all dumbfounded, even Zhou Mingxia and Lin Hao are also dumbfounded. They don't know what tricks Yuan Chen is playing, because they don't know what Yuan Chen is doing like everyone else. What a show for morning preparations!
Then everyone turned from stupefied to shocked, because they saw the raccoon cat reach out to the keyboard, and then began to press it, and then a melody came out, and everyone thought it was strumming at first , I still feel a little pleasant after listening to it!
"What song is this, it sounds a bit familiar!" Someone from the audience said!
"This raccoon cat is actually playing the electronic organ, am I dreaming?"

"This... is this the rhythm of becoming a master?"

"This seems to be a wedding in a dream!" Under the stage, there was a girl hugging a little milk cat. She was shocked to see the cihua cat playing the piano on the stage, and then she was attracted by the sound of the piano, because she Listening to this song, it seems to be the "Dream Wedding" that I have learned before. Although it sounds simple, it seems to be that song!
"My God, it's playing the wedding of my dreams, my God!"

The audience was already in chaos. They never dreamed that a raccoon cat was performing and playing the electronic organ!
(End of this chapter)

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