Dimensional Cleaner

Chapter 145 Familiarity

Chapter 145 Familiarity

Although the civet cat on the stage can't play the piano with ten fingers like a human being, its claw speed is very fast. In the eyes of the audience, it has reached the point of dazzling people. This is really Can a cihuamao have such speed?
But soon everyone in the audience stopped paying attention to the speed of the cihuamao's claws, because they were all attracted by the sound of the piano played by the cihuamao, although the music played was not so complete, because this It was modified by Yuan Chen on purpose. If it were a complete version, the cihuamao would not be able to play it with two paws!

However, even the condensed version of "Dream Wedding" still fascinated the audience. After all, this is a raccoon cat, not a person, so its performance successfully drove the audience Everyone, the originally noisy meeting place has also become quiet!
At this time, someone thought of taking out tools to take pictures and videotape, and recorded this shocking scene. They believed that after today, this raccoon cat would become a household name!

The venue was very quiet, only the melodious sound of the piano, all the audience listened quietly, the judges on the stage couldn't help nodding, they are all in their tens of years, and they have known pets for more than ten years It was time, so they were able to come here to be the judges, but they had never seen a cat that could play the piano, so today this raccoon cat gave them no less shock than the audience in the audience!

Of course, they are not the only ones who feel this way. The directors and employees of the zoo in the background all have the same feeling. Of course, their expressions are also different. The expressions of Zhou Mingxia and Lin Hao are pleasantly surprised, because before They also didn't know what Yuan Chen trained Xiao Hua to be, so when they saw Xiao Hua started playing the piano, they were shocked at first, and then their faces were filled with joy!

And the director of Hongbo Zoo has a black face. He would never have thought that it is incredible that a civet cat can grow to such a large size. He did not expect it to play the piano. He sent someone to investigate before. After Xiaguang, I haven't received any news about this cat at all!
"What a bunch of idiots, no one knows such important news!" The director of the Hongbo Zoo said viciously. He thought that his little elephant could win the championship of this competition, but he didn't expect to get out now. A raccoon cat who can play the electronic organ, it seems that this champion is a bit hanging!

But Shangguan Yun had a calm face. She was also surprised when Lihuamao started playing the piano, but she looked at Zhou Mingxia and found that Zhou Mingxia also looked shocked, so she expected this. Even Zhou Mingxia didn't know about the incident, she stared curiously at Yuan Chen on the stage!

"A very good pet trainer, if you can come to Yunya..." Only Shangguan Yun can hear the rest of the words, and at this moment, she found that the pet trainer on the stage was looking at her side, four Eyes met, but as a person in charge of an amusement park, he would not be embarrassed to just look at Yuan Chen like this!

"Strange, this feeling is so familiar!" Yuan Chen murmured to himself. He always felt that there was a familiar feeling around Shangguan Yun, which was told by his sixth sense. I believe in this so-called sixth sense, but after cultivating spiritual power, my sixth sense, that is, intuition is getting more and more accurate, so Yuan Chen believes that there must be something familiar to Shangguan Yun!

After the song was over, everyone was still thinking about it. Yuan Chen carried Xiaohua back into the cage. It was already very tired. Playing a song with two paws is really a lot of exercise for a cat , it’s not that it was cultivated with Warcraft meat, it is estimated that it takes less than 1 minute to play, and now it lasts for 5 minutes, which is already very good!
When Yuan Chen walked off the stage, the audience reacted and burst into thunderous applause, and the applause continued. Everyone felt that they had witnessed the birth of a miracle today!

After that, the scoring began, and the final score was [-], that is, a full score. This is the highest score ever. All the audience knew that the champion of this year's animal exhibition had already been born!

And those zoos in the background who have not yet participated are all downcast. No matter what, the animals in their own family don’t need to surpass Xiaguang’s raccoon cat, and the one with the ugliest face is undoubtedly the director of Hongbo Zoo. The animals bought back from outside the province with all their heart, thought they could win the championship, but they lost just like this, and they still lost to the opponent they wanted to kill the most!

Of course, there are exceptions to this, and that is Shangguan Yun from Yunya Amusement Park, and she should bring the animals to the stage next. If it were someone else, she would be so nervous now that she doesn't know what to say, but Shangguan Yun, on the other hand, was very calm, she didn't seem to have any fears because her last family got full marks!
In this way, she walked onto the stage with the birdcage in front of everyone's eyes. Because Yunya Amusement Park was the last champion, Shangguan Yun's appearance made the audience quiet for a while. They were also curious. What kind of performance will the previous champion bring this time!

Shangguan Yun came to the stage and finally opened the birdcage, and then everyone saw a pink bird sticking its head out of the cage, and then slowly walked out, yes, it was time to leave!
But when they saw this little bird, everyone's eyes became different. Zhou Mingxia and the others were surprised, and Yuan Chen was thoughtful. It turned out that the familiar feeling he had always felt before came from here!
That's right, what Shangguan Yun brought was the pink lovesickness bird that Yuan Chen cultivated before. Shangguan Yun saw it at a friend's house before. When she first saw this pair of lovesickness birds, she fell in love with it. This pair of lovesick birds, whether it's the beautiful feathers or the cleverness, makes Shangguan Yun want to stop, ahem, this word is really well used!
So Shangguan Yun stubbornly bought this pair of pink lovesickness birds from a friend, and then gave them special training for the pair of lovesickness birds, and trained them for a long time. The lovesickness bird has been cultivated into a different existence!

After the two lovesickness birds came out, Shangguan Yun whistled lightly, and then saw the two lovesickness birds begin to sing, sometimes high-pitched, sometimes low-pitched, this is obviously also a tune!
 Thank you. Since I asked you to take pictures, when I was alone, I was alone, the car bell, time passing cg, the noise of the end of the world, the dark force, the reward of the fat rabbit!
(End of this chapter)

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