Dimensional Cleaner

Chapter 167 Scrolls

Chapter 167 Scrolls
"You mean this thing is a seed?" Hearing Lin Qi's words, Yuan Chen realized that he had grown up by the sea and had seen many fish fry, but he had never seen seeds, and Lin Qi grew up in the forest. Yes, he has been familiar with various crops since he was a child, and he is also from a different dimension, so it is not unusual for him to be able to see these seeds from a different dimension at a glance!
"Well, that's right, these things should be seeds, and they should be the seeds of medicinal herbs!" Lin Qi took a closer look, then took it under his nose and sniffed it, and said with certainty that he has been Practicing in the forest, he also learned a lot of herbs with his father. Although he didn't know what kind of herbal seeds these seeds were, he could still tell that they were herbs!

"You mean this bottle is full of herbal seeds?" Yuan Chen asked in surprise. If it was the seeds of ordinary plants, even though they were seeds from a different dimension, Yuan Chen wouldn't be so happy, but if it was herbal medicine Seeds, then Yuan Chen will be overjoyed!
"I'm not sure whether this herb is good medicine or poison, but these are indeed seeds!" Lin Qi nodded again. Although he was sure that it was herbal medicine, but herbal medicine can also be used to save or harm people. This kind of herbal medicine is not familiar, and he has never tried it, so he doesn't know whether the herbal medicine grown from these seeds will be good or bad!

"Yeah, yes, if it's poison, it's better not to plant it!" After listening to Lin Qi's words, Yuan Chen also nodded. Indeed, if it's poison, planting it will only harm people, so Yuan Chen didn't plant it. Before he figured out what it was, he didn't want to plant these herbs, so as not to harm others and himself. Of course, he couldn't taste all the herbs like Shennong, so he could only put them away first, and try again when he has time. Not too late!
Then Yuan Chen opened the remaining white jade bottles one by one. There were nineteen white jade bottles in total, but only six of them contained something, five of them contained seeds, and one of them had a smell of it as soon as it was opened. The tangy fragrance comes out, and the taste is a bit like the fragrance of mint!
According to Lin Qi, the five bottles of seeds belonged to different types of seeds, that is to say, the five bottles of seeds belonged to five different kinds of plants. After careful comparison, Yuan Chen found that it was exactly as Lin Qi said, Although these seeds look similar, there are subtle differences!
As for the bottle of powder, Lin Qi didn't know what it was. The powder was white and pure white, and it tasted very fragrant, but Yuan Chen didn't dare to try it just because of its fragrance, saying that he knew what it was, and it was taken internally. It is still for external use, the alchemist's medicine can't be taken casually, it is possible to die directly if you are not careful!
So Yuan Chen could only cautiously put the medicine powder and the five bottles of seeds aside, and Yuan Chen did not discard the other fourteen empty bottles. These white jade bottles are good things, they can be stored for a long time in them, and they are There is no such thing as a white jade bottle with any flaws on the earth. This has to make Yuan Chen admire. People in the fighting spirit dimension have put a lot of thought into this practical thing!
After that, Yuan Chen cleaned up the rest of the garbage. After finding that there was no usable garbage, Yuan Chen could only throw them all into the void space. The harvest this time is quite rich, Yuan Chen Chen looked at the things on the ground and smiled with satisfaction!
Although there is nothing that can improve strength this time, such as foundation building liquid, but the income this time is quite good, the things in front of me are divided into four parts and piled on the ground, one part is that Yuan Chen looks okay The second one is something that looks like a scroll. Although Yuan Chen doesn't know if there is something recorded in it, it should be a good thing!
The third part is those white jade bottles, some herbal seeds that Yuan Chen doesn't know what to use, and a bottle of medicinal powder. These are all things that I have to study slowly in the future. I don't know if those things are good or not now. Harmful!
And the fourth one is the most useful thing in Yuan Chen's opinion among the garbage that came this time. It is the fake Wanshou Ding. Although it is fake, the beasts on it are also lifelike. In Yuan Chen's opinion, this is already a masterpiece. I really don't know what the real Wanshou Ding will be like!
But there is one thing Yuan Chen can't understand, why such a good medicine cauldron is sent over as garbage, as far as Yuan Chen knows, the managers of each dimension have prepared the garbage first, and then let it go The vortex sucked it in, but such a good medicine cauldron contains herbal seeds and powder, how could the manager give it here!

There may be only two possibilities. One is that the pharmacist, like Lin Qi, was hunted down or died for some reason. He happened to come to the whirlpool and was sucked away by the whirlpool, and that alchemist was not as lucky as Lin Qi. , fell into the rapids of space halfway and was transported to other places or directly crushed, while the medicine cauldron came to this world, but the chance of this is very low, because even the alchemist would not hold the medicine cauldron anyway. run around!

And the second possibility is that the strength of the time-space manager of Dou Po Di Yuan has reached a very peak level, this medicine cauldron is not of much use to him, and the herbal seeds inside are to him It's nothing at all, as for the medicine powder, it's nothing, some things that don't have the form of pills are useless at all in the eyes of many strong people!

This kind of speculation is the most likely. After that, Yuan Chen also found a damaged place on the medicine cauldron. This place is not obvious, but maybe it is such a flaw in that manager or in that dimension. The medicine cauldron is a broken thing!
After inspecting the medicine cauldron, Yuan Chen set his sights on the scroll. He didn't know if the scroll could still be used, but the chances of it being usable should be very small, because if it could be used, the time-space manager would also be able to use it. I won't throw it over. It could be a set of exercises or fighting skills. Although it might be the worst low-rank Huang rank, Yuan Chen is still full of expectations!

Even if there is really nothing in it, maybe it would be good to have some clues to know something about the Dou Qi Dimension, or a record of the owner of this medicine cauldron. Thinking of this, Yuan Chen took the scroll and pulled it, but it didn’t. open!

"Huh?" Yuan Chen thought for a while, it seems that these scrolls are not read in this way, they should be read with spiritual power, Yuan Chen put it on the forehead, a wave of spiritual power gushed out, and then there was a stream of information It rushed directly into Yuan Chen's mind!

(End of this chapter)

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