Dimensional Cleaner

Chapter 168 I want to read a novel

Chapter 168 I want to read a novel

Yuan Chen closed his eyes for a long time before opening them. Yuan Chen never thought that the amount of information in this small scroll would be so large. This is a very large USB flash drive, and Yuan Chen read it directly. All the information rushed into his mind at once, shocking Yuan Chen for a long time, and his mind was in chaos!
"This is?" After the dizziness, Yuan Chen found that all the information in the scroll was engraved in his mind, and all the information was very detailed, as if Yuan Chen had recited it, and it was completely engraved on Yuan Chen's mind. In Chen's mind, Yuan Chen can retrieve a certain part of the information at will!
After carefully reading the information inside, the expression on his face became more and more pleasantly surprised, because Yuan Chen found that what was recorded on the scroll was neither martial arts nor fighting skills, and it was not a personal autobiography. What was recorded in it was a Pill formula, which is what the pharmacist wants most!
But what Yuan Chen can't figure out is that since this is a very precious alchemy, then the time-space manager should also know it, but why would he send such a precious alchemy directly? It is also a very precious thing. Could it be said that the manager has really reached a very high level?

Yuan Chen frowned and thought about it, suddenly felt the scroll in his hand move, Yuan Chen looked down, and then found that the scroll in his hand was suddenly split and turned into several pieces, when Yuan Chen touched it, it turned into fly ash and disappeared directly into the wind!
"Is this kind of thing a one-off?" Yuan Chen looked at the scroll that had turned into ashes, and shook his head speechlessly. This thing turned out to be used up once, and Yuan Chen carefully read the contents of the scroll, It was found that there was more than one kind of recipe recorded on it, but because of the damage, there is only one recipe on it now!
It seems that it's not that the time-space manager doesn't like it, but because it's damaged, and the only pill left in it can't be regarded as a pill, it can only be regarded as a prescription, because the thing recorded on it is a A recipe for beauty, it seems that the pharmacist who created this recipe is also a woman who loves beauty, otherwise he would not have created such a prescription!

They clapped their hands. Since the prescription has been written down by themselves, it doesn’t matter whether the scroll is kept or not. Yuan Chen can write it down by hand if he wants, but that doesn’t seem to be useful, because the prescription contains Medicinal materials are basically things that do not exist on the earth, even if Yuan Chen entrusts others to refine them, it is impossible to refine them!

Shaking his head, Yuan Chen stopped asking for too much extravagance. Anyway, he had already obtained a lot of good things, so Yuan Chen no longer struggled with whether this prescription could be prepared. Ding moved to the right place!
"Wait!" Suddenly, Yuan Chen realized something. It was mentioned in the prescription that the beauty powder needed five kinds of herbs, and the seeds of the herbs he had obtained in the Ten Thousand Beasts Cauldron before were not many. Is it exactly five?
Moreover, the prescription seems to say that the refined medicinal powder is white, slightly cold, and fragrant. Isn't this the only medicinal powder in that bottle just now?Could it be that the bottle of medicinal powder is for beauty, the whitening formula used by Dou Po Di Yuan girls?

Thinking of this, Yuan Chen became excited. Was he stunned by the shock of the news just now?It’s so simple that you can think of things, but I didn’t think of it, and I was so stupid that I thought that this recipe would not work on earth, people have prepared the recipe and medicinal materials for you, and I don’t know how to use it, I’m so stupid died!

Thinking of this, Yuan Chen is not in a hurry, because now he is just guessing, if this is the case, then it is good, but if not, maybe it is a bottle of poison, who knows if the time-space manager is uneasy and kind, After Lin Qi's incident, Yuan Chen didn't have much affection for those space-time managers. If it wasn't for the huge gains and benefits that these rubbish could bring him, Yuan Chen wouldn't be bothered to be this extra-dimensional cleaner!

So Yuan Chen decided to wait for the opportunity to try the effect of the medicine powder first. If it was really poisonous, Yuan Chen would directly destroy the bottle of powder, and those seeds would naturally not be left behind, but if the bottle of powder If it is really a beauty powder, Yuan Chen will plant those seeds, and then see if he can refine the beauty powder by himself!

However, I didn't have much hope for Yuan Chen, because alchemy requires fire. Yuan Chen doesn't have any flames, let alone strange fires, even if it is the flame condensed by ordinary fighting spirit, and Yuan Chen doesn't have any flames. I don't know what my own attribute is. A pharmacist needs a fire with a little wood. Maybe he has a little gold in the water. This Yuan Chen has no way to test it himself. The only thing Yuan Chen has is probably himself. It's mental power!

But my mental strength is very weak, not to mention alchemy, even if it is used to control flames, it is difficult, let alone used for alchemy, so even those medicine powders and herbs are fine , Yuan Chen has not yet been able to refine it, so there is no rush!
Thinking of this, Yuan Chen continued to tinker with the Wanshou Cauldron. Yuan Chen still doesn't know how to make a fire for this cauldron. It seems to be from the place of the tripod's ear in the novel before. Yuan Chen searched carefully and found this There is nothing on it at all, which is embarrassing!

"Can this thing make a fire directly underneath?" Yuan Chen was speechless. He didn't know how to make a fire with this thing. It was basically impossible to use it to make alchemy. There is a delicate smell of medicine, it seems that the owner of this medicine cauldron must have spent a long time to keep the medicine fragrance in this medicine cauldron!

"Brother Yuan Chen, what did you just look at?" Just as Yuan Chen was studying the Wanshou Cauldron, Lin Qi who was at the side suddenly asked!
"What?" Yuan Chen was a little surprised. He had seen a lot of things just now. Was he asking for a prescription?
"I just saw what you were looking at on your phone!" Lin Qi asked curiously. Yuan Chen himself saw it when he was flipping through it just now. It seems to be the record of this continent!

"Are you talking about novels?" Yuan Chen froze for a moment, then remembered that he had just flipped through the novels, mainly because he wanted to make sure this was the Wanshou Cauldron, but Lin Qi was actually interested in it!
"Fiction? That's the record of this continent, right? Brother Yuan Chen has any records of my continent, I want to see, although it may be your secret!" Lin Qi thinks that Yuan Chen's refusal to say is mainly because he wants to keep it secret. It should be something that only all time and space managers can have, with records about all continents!

"Uh, well, it's really a novel!" Yuan Chen didn't want to hide too much about Lin Qi, so he also told Lin Qi directly!

"Then I want to read novels!" Lin Qi thought that Yuan Chen couldn't say his name directly, so he shouted very cooperatively!

"Uh, okay, I'll download it for you, remember to read the original version!" Yuan Chen said speechlessly!

(End of this chapter)

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