Dimensional Cleaner

Chapter 175 Xie Yunpeng's Ambition

Chapter 175 Xie Yunpeng's Ambition
After some consideration, Yuan Chen suppressed his anger for the time being. Although he was really intent on killing, now is not the best time, because the five of Kang Jiyuan were sent to prison just now, and now It's obviously not a good time to deal with the boss behind him, as long as you have the heart, you can find yourself out at once!

And according to Kang Jiyuan, the boss behind him is likely to be a supernatural person or a master. Yuan Chen doesn't know if he can beat him now, even if he cheated with magic beast meat and other natural materials and earth treasures. Today's achievements, and that person started to rise 20 years ago, that is to say, he has probably been practicing for more than 20 years or more, or he has awakened super powers for 20 years!

If this is the case, then even if Yuan Chen relies on these natural talents and earth treasures, it is impossible for Yuan Chen to catch up in such a short time. After all, Yuan Chen is only a person who has cultivated for less than a year, even if he has spiritual power. Such a trump card, but Yuan Chen didn't just come to the door to settle accounts with others in such a foolish way!
After making up his mind, Yuan Chen temporarily suppressed this matter. His first task now is to raise his own strength to a higher level, that is to say, he must practice hard, not just relying on things like monster meat To improve your own strength, you have to rely on your own efforts to improve your strength!

After this incident, Yuan Chen finally understood that in this world, he is not unique, nor is he particularly rare, because there is a person who may be a person with superpowers, and there is also a person in his neighbor who is a person with superpowers. A master of internal strength, Yuan Chen followed Lin Qi to practice day and night!

Previously, relying on monster meat to cultivate was not considered real cultivation at all, but relying on the power of monster meat to stimulate the potential power in the body, and this power is not unlimited, so Yuan Chen did not practice later. My own strength is also growing day by day, but it is getting slower every day!
But now Yuan Chen is really serious about cultivating, and adding a sharp weapon like monster meat is simply cheating, and his strength is also growing day by day in this kind of cultivation, whether it is his internal strength or his spirit. The strength is increasing, which surprised Lin Qi for a while!
"I didn't expect that once Brother Yuan Chen started to practice seriously, the growth rate would be so amazing!" Seeing Yuan Chen's strength growing rapidly every day, Lin Qi couldn't help feeling that her cultivation was already pretty good. When he starts to cultivate, he will throw himself far away at once. If this kind of cultivation talent is placed in his hometown, it will definitely be the object of competition among various cultivating sects!
However, only Yuan Chen knows that the reason why he can practice so fast is not because of how terrifying his cultivation talent is, but because of the power of monster meat and other things he has accumulated before. Yuan Chen is just using these powers It's just inspired, it's not a real practice!
The reason why Lin Qi's cultivation speed is slower than his own is because no matter how much spiritual energy he obtains from food, he will refine them within a day and turn them into his own power. From the looks of it, Lin Qi's cultivation speed It would be much slower, and Yuan Chen himself stored those powers and refined them all at once, so it grew so fast!

And once the power brought by all the foreign objects in the body is refined and absorbed by Yuan Chen, there is no way to increase the power so quickly. Chen's suppression is because he is lazy!

"You mean that idiot Kang Jiyuan has been arrested?" In an office building, a man was yelling at a man who was standing like an employee, and this man was Kang Jiyuan's boss, that is, Dole and Mingting. The real boss behind the two restaurants, Xie Yunpeng!

"Yes, according to the news I just received, Kang Jiyuan and four other subordinates were taken into the government prison as thieves!" The man standing below replied, he did not raise his head to report to Xie Yunpeng from the beginning to the end. !

"Is it just regarded as a thief?" Xie Yunpeng frowned. If he was simply regarded as a thief, then it doesn't matter. I tried those fish myself, and it was very good for the growth of strength. Yuan Chen's kid also has a special status, so it's a little troublesome!
"Yeah, according to the news, he was caught as a thief!" The man replied again with certainty!
"Well, then it's fine. When that guy is released, I'll teach him a lesson. He's a bunch of trash. You should step back first!" Xie Yunpeng said after hearing what the subordinate said, after thinking for a while !

The man couldn't help shivering when he heard Xie Yunpeng's words. He knew very clearly the methods of his boss. A little lesson can make life worse than death. Fortunately, he didn't involve himself, otherwise it would be true. Unlucky, now I can only mourn in my heart for that colleague named Kang Jiyuan, and then that man quickly backed out!
"Selling such a good fish, it seems that you really don't know the effect of this fish on people like us, hehehe!" After the man withdrew, Xie Yunpeng stared at the fish in front of him and said with a strange smile !

In his opinion, these fish are undoubtedly the source of his strength growth. When he ate these fish for the first time, his strength that had been stagnant for several years actually improved again, which undoubtedly made Xie Yunpeng I am ecstatic, there is such a good thing in the world, why didn't I discover it before!
If it was someone else, they might pay a big price to buy Yuan Chen's fish, but Xie Yunpeng obviously didn't think so, what he thought was how to directly take the method of cultivating fish from Yuan Chen's hands, that's why he Will send Kang Jiyuan many times to steal Yuan Chen's fish and Yuan Chen's silkworm excrement!
"Hey, an ordinary person shouldn't hold such good things in his hands, just leave these things to me!" Xie Yunpeng crushed the cup in his hand and said with a grinning grin!


"Ha chirp!"

Yuan Chen, who had just withdrawn from the cultivation state, suddenly sneezed and wiped his nose with his fingers!

"Damn, who's cursing me?" Yuan Chen murmured, fortunately, he had already withdrawn from the state of cultivation, if he sneezed during cultivation, it would be over, and he would have his share of insanity!

(End of this chapter)

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