Dimensional Cleaner

Chapter 176 The Careless Girl

Chapter 176 The Careless Girl
"Brother Yuan Chen, Brother Yuan Chen!" This day Yuan Chen was cultivating as usual. Although he knew that this is a city and he couldn't practice regularly, Yuan Chen still couldn't help but want to practice hard, but today is obviously not It's possible, because now the doorbell rang outside the door, and there was a beautiful woman yelling, and Yuan Chen knew who it was after hearing the voice. Huo was the only person he knew who was so careless and disregarded his image. Yumo is alone!
"Brother Yuan Chen, if you don't open the door again, I'll climb over the wall and go in!" Just as Yuan Chen withdrew from the cultivation state, Huo Yumo outside the door couldn't wait!
"Uh, I don't mind if you're sure you want to climb over the wall dressed like this!" Hearing Huo Yumo said that she wanted to climb over the wall, Yuan Chen was afraid that she would be accidentally injured by his dog, so he ran out as fast as he could to open the door, and then Just seeing Huo Moyu standing at the door of his house, wearing a super-short-skirt, does this guy really have to dress like this to climb over the wall?I really don't mind!
"Cut, do you think I dare not? Do you want me to show you directly, Yuan Chen... brother!" Huo Yumo didn't show weakness when he heard Yuan Chen say this, but instead raised his eyebrows and gave Yuan Chen a throw. Asked with a wink and a weird smile!

"Uh!" Hearing Huo Yumo say this, Yuan Chen was really speechless, with embarrassment in capital letters on his face, this girl doesn't play cards according to routine, shouldn't she be very shy at this time?

"Hey, Brother Yuan Chen, let me tell you, it's pink!" Seeing Yuan Chen's face full of embarrassment, Huo Yumo didn't stop, but continued!

"Uh, what are you here for?" Yuan Chen was speechless, he was not a gentleman, if he didn't touch his thighs now, he would have given her to something, how could he keep it until now!
Although the girl in front of me looks exactly like her sister Huo Moyu, but her personality is completely different. The last time I accidentally saw the suitcase falling out, Huo Moyu was embarrassed for a long time, but now it is Huo Yumo. Tell yourself carelessly, are these really sisters?
"Oh, by the way, last time I heard that my sister was abducted by you, I came to look for you!" Huo Yumo walked straight into Yuan Chen's house and sat on the sofa. It's not like Huo Moyu, who just stays in the yard. What's there to stay in the yard, it's better to sit on the sofa!
"What is kidnapping? She's going to Hantan Fishery Company, which happens to be in my hometown, so I just took her there!" Yuan Chen said, looking at Huo Yumo, his legs stretched out onto the sofa and he sat cross-legged. , Yuan Chen was even more speechless!
"That's right, anyway, she didn't call me after I left. Didn't I come out to find her just after I finished the first part of the research project?" Huo Yumo said, she just started researching the goddess of light. The first part of the butterfly is done, and I wanted to continue to study, but the teacher asked me to take a good rest for a few days before continuing to study!

Huo Yumo thought about it, anyway, although he was very excited during the research, he felt a little tired once the research came out, and his sister didn't call him recently, so he could take this opportunity to come out. By the way, go to see my sister's research, and see if I can grab a few cold pool white fish to eat!
"Uh, she's researching the white fish in the cold pond. She doesn't look like you, she runs out every now and then!" Yuan Chen said. He heard Huo Moyu say that this girl was researching the goddess of light butterflies he sold. Could it be that she has come up with the results now, no? You will find that your Bright Goddess Butterfly is just a variation of a common caterpillar!

"How can it be so fast? My research this time is just a rough idea. Do you think the research of insects is that easy?" Hearing Yuan Chen's words, Huo Yumo gave Yuan Chen a big white eye!

"Isn't it that simple?" Yuan Chen was taken aback, wasn't he just studying a butterfly?Do you still have to study for a long time?
"Hmm, I have just finished the first stage of research, which is just the beginning. I will probably be able to study the second stage. I guess I will start writing a thesis by then, and I will have to hand in the next stage. Give it to the teacher!" Huo Yumo said, obviously the study of insects is not as simple as Yuan Chen imagined!
"That's it, I thought you'd figured it out!" Yuan Chen said, feeling relieved after saying this, although he didn't know if it would be discovered to be ordinary caterpillars, but now, those things are the goddess of light butterfly!
"Tch, I was able to research the first stage because of the help of teachers and others, so I completed it so quickly. If I researched it by myself, I guess I should only be able to complete the first stage by the time I hand in the thesis!" Huo Yu Mo said that although she has good grades, if she wants to study alone, she can't do it by herself!
"Then your sister is also researching alone, will it be a bit difficult!" Yuan Chen thought that Huo Moyu seemed to be the only one studying the Hantan white fish in the Hantan Fishery Company. Can you catch up with the first stage!

"Hey, Brother Yuan Chen cares about my sister, and said, do you have a crush on my sister!" Huo Yumo asked with a gossip-like smirk when he heard Yuan Chen say this!

"Sister, your point of entry is wrong, okay?" Yuan Chen was speechless, what's the matter with this girl, isn't that what he said clearly?
"Oh yes, it's okay. My sister is a top student among the top students. Although she doesn't want to admit it, she is indeed much better than me. My father said that he would help him find some teachers, but she looked down on those The teacher's strength, my dad has no choice but to give up!" Huo Yumo said helplessly, although he was not so willing to admit this, but he was indeed far behind in this aspect!

"Uh, okay!" Yuan Chen didn't know what to say, he didn't expect that the quiet and quiet Huo Moyu would have such a tough side, and even looked down on the strength of the school's teachers, which made Yuan Chen look at Huo Moyu with admiration!
"By the way, hurry up and take me to find my sister!" Huo Yumo urged!
"Well, I didn't expect you sisters to have a good relationship, and it's been so long since I missed her!" Yuan Chen laughed!
"That's a must, she is my sister, last time she said that if she can enter the Hantan fishery, she will treat me to a meal of Hantan white fish, hehehe, now I'm going to eat up all her pocket money !" Huo Yumo snorted, almost drooling!

"Uh, so it's for the cold pond white fish!" Yuan Chen was speechless, this guy is a foodie!

"Sure, otherwise who would want to go all the way to the countryside!" Huo Yumo said, then stood up from the sofa, and pulled Yuan Chen out!

Yuan Chen took a glance, lied, it was obviously black, and then was pulled out by Huo Yumo!

 Haha, I didn't expect this book to reach [-] chapters. Thanks to the friends who have been with the little zombie!
  Thank you for a chicken leg, Fengyue Xueshang, Huaxiaofengwuchen, when I am alone, time goes by cg, there is a soul girl Qi under the moon, "Look for it in the crowd", falling, the hustle and bustle of the end of the world, the beating of a lonely cat reward, thank you
(End of this chapter)

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