Dimensional Cleaner

Chapter 188 Another Vortex

Chapter 188 Another Vortex
When I came to Rowling's house, although Rowling's family seemed to be a very rich family, the decoration of the house was not very luxurious. It was just a very ordinary decoration. People who didn't know the details would not think of such a family. It will be a super business family, and it is also a super power family with a super power gene, although this super power gene seems to have brought a lot of disadvantages to Rowling's family!
"Come in!" Luo Jin said, he had already introduced himself on the way, so Yuan Chen also knew that this man of his own age was Luo Lin's brother, whose real name was Luo Jin!
Yuan Chen nodded. He felt strange just now on the road. Since Luo Lin helped Luo Jin back just now, his body was slowly recovering from the injuries he suffered along the way. Later, he was able to walk on his own without using Let Luo Lin support him again, which surprised Yuan Chen, but he didn't say much, because he knew that Luo Jin would tell him what he was wondering about later!
"Rowling, I want to have a good chat with Yuan Chen, you go to rest first!" Came to the living room, Luo Jin said to Rowling, because the things that I want to talk about later have a lot to do with Rowling, but Luo Jin didn't want Rowling to know, so he wanted to dismiss Rowling!

"I don't want it!" Rowling pouted. Although she knew that her brother and Brother Yuan Chen had something important to discuss, she really wanted to stay with him for a while longer, because she would have a feeling of uneasiness when she was with Brother Yuan Chen. same feeling!

"Be obedient!" Seeing Rowling like this, Luo Jin was also helpless. His younger sister is usually very sensible. Although she is very willful in small things, she is very well-behaved in big things. Why is she like this today!

"Slightly slightly slightly, I don't want it, I want to stay with Brother Yuan Chen!" Luo Lin stuck out her tongue at Luo Jin, she looked like an ordinary girl!

"Rowling, just listen to your brother, you are dirty, go take a shower first!" Yuan Chen shook his head helplessly, he didn't expect that Rowling had such a side, he always thought that Luo Rin Lin is a very well-behaved girl!
"Ah..." Hearing what Yuan Chen said, he looked at himself again, it was really dirty, because of the fight just now, his body was covered with a lot of dust and blood!
"Okay then, I'll take a shower first!" Rowling blushed, nodded, and trotted towards her room!

"Do you have anything to tell me?" Seeing Luo Lin go out, Yuan Chen sat on the sofa and asked Luo Jin!

"You also feel that Rowling has an unusual superpower aura!" Luo Jin said, he thinks Yuan Chen is a super powerful superpower, so he should have seen something about Rowling coming!
"No!" Yuan Chen shook his head, and replied honestly, he could see that Rowling was amazing, but Yuan Chen didn't feel that unusual superpower aura!

"Uh, you're joking!" Luo Jin thought about many of Yuan Chen's answers, and even felt that Yuan Chen had already seen a lot, but he didn't expect Yuan Chen to answer like this!
"I'm not joking, to be honest, I only heard about the superpower aura you mentioned today, and it's the first time I've heard that Rowling is a superpower, so I don't know what Rowling has. A special place!" Yuan Chen said, he is actually not familiar with the group of superpowers, even today is the first contact with them, so he is also very curious!
"Uh, you mean you don't know the aura of superpowers!" Luo Jin said, he really couldn't understand why such a powerful Yuan Chen didn't know the aura of superpowers?
"To be honest, it took me about a year to awaken my superpowers, so I'm really not familiar with this group at all!" Yuan Chen told the truth!
"What? You've only been awakened for a year!" Luo Jin said loudly in surprise. It's not fair. If what Yuan Chen said is true, then it would be too scary. It's been less than a year since you awakened your superpowers. Time is able to defeat him so easily, he can be regarded as useless, but he has superpowers since he was born!

"It's less than a year!" Yuan Chen emphasized sincerely!
"Pfft!" Luo Jin almost vomited blood, can he not hit people so deliberately?Really tired, okay?
"What's the matter? I really want to know about superpowers!" Yuan Chen said, he is very interested in this!
"Uh, actually, we don't know much about superpowers, but I can tell you about our family's superpowers!" Luo Jin said, he always believed that Yuan Chen had the ability to control superpowers Yes, so he also intends to explain Luo Lin's matter to Yuan Chen clearly!

"About the origin of the Luo family's superpower genes, we need to start more than 200 years ago. At that time, the Luo family was just an ordinary small family. But one day, a vortex suddenly appeared in the sky, and our ancestors were sucked into it. , Soon after, we spit out our ancestors, and since then, our ancestors have gained the ability to control the blood of the human body!" Luo Jin said, he didn't know where his ancestors went, but their family From then on, he has the superpower gene!

And when Luo Jin talked about the whirlpool, Yuan Chen's eyes froze, and there was another whirlpool. It turned out that the super power of the Rowling family was actually related to the whirlpool. Yuan Chen didn't know if the whirlpool was the same as the whirlpool in his mobile phone. !

Luo Jin paused, looked at Yuan Chen, and then continued!

"And in the year Rowling was born, the vortex reappeared and dragged my mother into it. At that time, my mother was already more than seven months pregnant. Three months later, the vortex reappeared and sent my mother back to the Come here, and at that time, my mother was already bringing Rowling, who was just born a month ago!" Luo Jin said again, at that time the whole family was shocked, and when he asked his mother, she said that she didn't know anything!
The year Rowling was born?In other words, it was 20 years ago, and there was a vortex at that time?Yuan Chen thought to himself, that is to say, Rowling's superpower is related to the whirlpool, so I revolve around the whirlpool!

"Can I see my aunt?" Yuan Chen hesitated and asked, he really wanted to meet Rowling's mother, because she was the only one who had entered the vortex, Yuan Chen wanted to know what was in the vortex look!

Yuan Chen knew that the vortex was connected to different dimensions, so which dimension did the ancestors of the Luo family enter?And which dimension did Rowling's mother enter?

(End of this chapter)

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